Infinite skill system

Chapter 77 The Na'vi People

Chapter 77 The Na'vi People

Maybe for some people, the beast of death looks very mighty, but for Lin Yu, it's not like that.

He just simply felt that this beast of death was a bit nondescript.

When Jack saw the huge size of the Reaper Beast, of course he ran away, but how could the Reaper Beast just watch the delicious food escape?

The Death Beast chased after it fiercely, unrivaled along the way.

The sharp fangs, strong and powerful claws, and the plants blocked along the way were almost all destroyed by the death beast, just like a fast-moving tank.

Grace and the others were anxious. Seeing that Jack was being chased by the death beast, Weber raised his machine gun and was ready to help.

But Grace stopped him, shook her head and said: "It's useless, the Death God's skin is rough and thick, and the machine gun just makes it feel painful. It has no other use except to irritate it."

Lin Yu ignored everyone, jumped up and chased after them without saying a word.

"Lin! Don't go, it's too dangerous!"

Seeing that Lin Yu had the courage to chase the death beast, everyone was shocked while admiring his courage.

Compared to the size of the Death God Beast, a human being is nothing more than a piece of meat.

"Hmph! Avatar can't just be destroyed like this."

Lin Yu's meaning is obvious, that is, the cost of Avatar is astonishing, so he can't let this Avatar be destroyed by the death beast.

Jack's speed is very fast, and his body size and vigorous movements are much faster than humans.

The death beast is also a beast with both strength and speed, and its speed is also ridiculously fast.

If it wasn't for the obstruction of the plants in the dense forest, the Death Beast would have caught up to Jack in front of him.

However, even if the speed of the man and the beast is so fast, it can't compare with Lin Yu's speed. With his toes tapped between the branches, Lin Yu just hangs behind the man and the beast, watching Jack in the death beast's After chasing him, he ran for his life in a hurry.

What Lin Yu needs is a Jack who is accepted and trusted by the Na'vi people, so he won't help Jack, just let Jack run for his life like in the original book.

As far as Lin Yu's strength is concerned, these natives on Pandora planet have no threat at all, and he can push them flat by himself.

However, he is not an existence like the "Holy Mother", and he can't make those Na'vi people succumb at all, so if you want to see the soul tree, you still have to use a soft policy.

In this case, then Jack is a good breakthrough.

In the end, Jack, as in the original book, was chased by the death beast and jumped off the cliff, fell into the river, and escaped with his life.

It turned out to be like this, so Lin Yu didn't follow him anymore, but jumped up and landed in front of the death beast.


Seeing Lin Yu jumping out, the death beast froze in a very humane way.

In front of it, no matter it is the Na'vi people or human beings, they are just prey, and only you will always be the one to catch up with them. Today, someone dares to jump in front of you?

Although it was said to be stunned, the movement of the death beast was not slow. It immediately roared and rushed towards Lin Yu.

Lin Yu stared at the death beast, let go of his aura completely, and there was a faint dragon power appearing on his body.

The ferocious death animal brakes in a hurry and looks at Lin Yu with obvious fear in his eyes.

The paws were scratching restlessly on the ground, and the instinctive feeling made the Death Beast want to turn around and run away. The seemingly small human being in front of him seemed extremely dangerous.

This feeling is like a human being facing a poisonous snake. The size of a snake is small compared to a human being, but when ordinary people see a poisonous snake, they still reflexively want to escape.

It's just that the hunger in the belly made the Death Beast refuse to leave, and its claws were moving restlessly.

The death beast stares at Lin Yu, looking for a suitable opportunity to attack.

Seeing that the death beast still doesn't run away and wants to eat himself, Lin Yu feels something interesting.

Lightly pointing the toes, he took a half step, and approached the Death God Beast as fast as lightning.

The death beast wanted to run away, but Lin Yu didn't give him this chance at all. Lin Yu directly hugged the death beast's neck hard, and then pressed hard!
The death beast was pressed to the ground by Lin Yu, unable to move.

Lin Yu is not a Na'vi, nor an Avatar. There is no one behind his head, um, the nerve chain contact whisker similar to a usb interface. The only way to subdue this death beast is to rely on violence.

The death beast really has enough physical strength. Lin Yu just held it still. It struggled crazily for nearly half an hour, and then its physical strength weakened, and the extent of its struggle became smaller and smaller.

In the end, when the sky was already dark, the Death God Beast gave up struggling and gave up completely.

Lin Yu smiled, let go of the death beast, and then trained the death beast again, and finally confirmed that the death beast had indeed surrendered.

With the death beast, Lin Yu got a prey, got angry, and roasted the meat.

The remaining corpses were naturally feasted on by the Death Beast. Soon, the aroma of meat overflowed under the tongue of fire.

The planet Pandora is very dangerous. Colonel Miles emphasized this point to the mercenaries on the first day. In the original book, Jack was chased by the death beast and disappeared. In the end, Grace and the others could not find Jack to go back, and asserted that Jack No way to spend the night outside.

If Lin Yu walks alone, he will naturally encounter many dangers. All kinds of animals that can kill people emerge in endlessly, but unlike the original book, there are only vipers, wolves, and death beasts.

Although Lin Yu is very strong, he doesn't want to simply deal with these animals overnight, so he subdues the death beast.

The Reaper Beast followed, but nothing dared to approach it without opening its eyes. After all, the Reaper Beast was also on Pandora, and it also belonged to the top ranks of predators.


On the other side, a group of Na'vi people with weapons and bows and arrows in the jungle rode on the three-meter-high Pandora heavy armored horses, forming a cavalry team, and marched through the woods.

The leader was a Na'vi male with a haughty expression, with a ruthless look on his face.

Someone just reported that there was a flame not far from the territory, and it seemed that a human was approaching the territory.

For human beings, Su Tai is hostile. Back then, when humans built schools for the clansmen, they just wanted the clansmen to move away from the home tree.

But when the clansmen refused to agree, they pointed machine guns at their clansmen, and they no longer knew how many clansmen were shot and killed by humans.

Therefore, for human beings, Su Tai has an instinctive hatred in his heart.

Although the human was not close to the territory, but only on the periphery, Su Tai still felt that he should deal with this annoying human.

(End of this chapter)

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