dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 5 Dragon Ball Battleground Lineage Theory

Chapter 5 Dragon Ball Battleground Lineage Theory
Late at night, somewhere in the central area of ​​the western metropolis.

Due to the gun battles and explosions that took place here during the day, the originally quite bustling area became extremely deserted at this time.

The hemispherical single-family buildings that are very common in the Dragon Ball world are scattered on both sides of the street, and several of them were obviously bombed during the day, and they were blown to ruins and dilapidated.

Under one of the houses that had been bombed to the point where only half of the wall remained, a few ragged homeless men were curled up inside, lying crookedly asleep.

These dilapidated houses have instead become temporary shelters for these homeless people.

In the dark night, a police hover motorcycle came quietly and stopped a few meters away from the dilapidated house.

In the car was a young man in a police uniform with a mustache. He looked at the sleeping homeless people in the dilapidated house with an evil smile on his lips.

He took out a grenade from his trouser pocket, pulled out the pull ring, and threw it directly towards the dilapidated house. Then he didn't look at the result, and the motorbike drove away from this area quickly.

A few seconds later, there was an explosion! !


Not far away, there is another single-family house that has not suffered damage and is still intact.

Han Zheng on the bed suddenly woke up from his deep sleep. The sound of explosions in the middle of the night made him shudder.

He quickly pulled out the pistol from under the pillow, and at the same time released the [submachine gun capsule], held two guns, and came to the window against the wall.

Not far from the window, the already extremely dilapidated house was almost razed to the ground at this moment, emitting scorched smoke. None of the homeless people who had slept there had escaped.

Another indiscriminate attack has been launched!

Holding the gun, Han Zheng continued to wait and see for a while, confirming that this was just a random blow and there would be no follow-up, he was slightly relieved.

"I only slept for less than three hours, I X..."

Looking down at the time, Han Zheng couldn't help but curse in a low voice.He shook his head and walked straight into the bathroom.

In the bathroom, the body of a fat man was wrapped and placed horizontally in the corner. Looking at the body, Han Zheng couldn't help but sighed softly.

It has been less than 24 hours since he entered this [Dragon Ball Battleground]. This is already another person he has killed by mistake after killing people in the hotel.

In the evening before, Han Zheng accidentally discovered that this fat man had killed another person while hiding in an uninhabited street corner, and his behavior afterwards was also very strange, which made Han Zheng very suspicious.

After that, Han Zheng followed him and followed him all the way to this house; after finding an excellent opportunity, he killed him with one blow.

Unfortunately, after killing him, Han Zheng didn't get a reminder to complete the survival mission; this person is just [an ordinary dungeon character - a perverted killer who doesn't lack money to find excitement]. Han Zheng was not given anything else.

The only advantage is that Han Zheng can use this house as a temporary shelter.

Han Zheng checked it. This house is owned by this [perverted killer], and he is the only one living in it. It is really suitable as a resting place.

After all, with the passage of time, hotels and other places are no longer safe, and I am afraid that there will soon be large-scale attacks by combatants who have not yet completed their tasks.

Soon, the police who received the report also arrived, and some residents who still lived in this area went out of the house one after another, or reported the case to the police, or talked about it, and there was a lot of noise for a while.

"I can't even sleep soundly, I don't have enough rest..." Han Zheng felt resentful in his heart, after this experience, he lost all sleepiness.

Han Zheng poured himself a drink, turned on the TV, found a night channel, and continued to read current news.

Checking the news and keeping an eye on the city's trends has almost become a fixed task that needs to be done every few hours throughout the day.

Sure enough, just two hours ago, in the southern part of the western capital, someone had already launched a large-scale attack on hotel guests.

While scrolling through the news, Han Zheng took out a map of the western capital, and marked the places reported in the news one by one. The places where the emergencies happened were still relatively scattered, and there was no emphasis on a certain area.

It seems that on this day, the distribution of combatants is still relatively even, and there is no excessive concentration in one place.

The outside of the house gradually became quiet. Looking at the deep night outside the window, Han Zheng fell into deep thought.

10 deadlines!

This first day is about to pass, and there are still nine days left; during this day, I killed two people by mistake, opened the bloodline of the earthlings, and got the gift package for newcomers.

But the survival mission still hasn't made any progress.

I am afraid that many combatants have been killed on this first day, 157 people do not know how many people are left, and the probability of completing the mission will be greatly reduced with each passing day.

Try your luck with an indiscriminate attack yourself?

Han Zheng quickly dispelled this idea. He is still very weak, a rookie with a combat power of 5, and his weapons are only two guns, which have limited lethality; Other fighters hiding in the shadows were assassinated.

I only hate myself for being too weak and my fighting power is too low!
Han Zheng shook his head, and somehow his thoughts drifted to bloodlines.

I killed two [common dungeon characters] today, dropped two drops of [Earthman's blood] respectively, and opened the Earthman's bloodline. The upper limit of combat power and cultivation speed of the Earthman's bloodline are not high. What about changing your bloodline?

Han Zheng recalled his cousin's diary. He flipped through it too quickly at the beginning, and saw too little. He only vaguely remembered a small part of the content. Combined with the current situation he experienced, he thought...

Those two [Normal Dungeon Characters] are Earthlings, and killing the Earthlings will drop [Earthling Blood], which can be used to activate the [Earthling Bloodline].

Then, in the Dragon Ball comics, the bloodlines of the Nameks, Saiyans, Frozen Demons, etc., who are more powerful than the earthlings, should also be opened in this way.

Therefore, if you kill a Saiyan, you can drop [Saiyan Blood], and if you collect enough [Saiyan Blood], you can activate the Saiyan blood.

Who are Saiyans?The main characters are Son Goku, Son Gohan, Vegeta and more!
The more Han Zheng thought about it, the more startled he became. He began to fully understand what was going on with the bloodline setting in [Dragon Ball Battlefield].

Bloodlines have their own strengths and weaknesses, and weak bloodlines have their [combat power upper limit] and [practice speed] set very low. If they want to become stronger step by step, they have to constantly improve their own bloodlines.

And if you want to have more powerful bloodlines, you have to attack and kill people with these bloodlines in this way!
Han Zheng couldn't help but sneer in his heart, this is simply more difficult than the survival mission!

The night was getting deeper, and Han Zheng, who was constantly thinking, finally felt sleepy and exhausted again, and fell asleep on the sofa...


The next day.

Han Zheng was eating breakfast in a larger restaurant. He chose a corner seat next to the window, so he could observe the movement inside and outside the restaurant at the same time.

On the TV in the restaurant, there is no news at this moment, but the live broadcast of the World's No. [-] Martial Arts Tournament!

That's right, this day is May 750, Aiji 5, the opening of the 7st Tianxiayi Budokai.

Han Zheng watched the content on TV, feeling bitter in his heart.

Once, when I was reading "Dragon Ball" comics, whenever I saw the content of the Budokai, I was always so excited that I couldn't restrain it. I wish I could jump into the comics and be with the characters in the comics. What a passion and passion .

But now, he is sitting here, watching the preliminaries of the World's No. [-] Martial Arts Tournament live on TV, but in this environment and under such circumstances, there is no passion at all.

In the picture, the camera flashed, showing a competition ring, a small player easily knocked down a tall and burly "bearman" player with a fierce face.

The little contestant, with his bald head and no nose, looked a bit like a "cute miniature Voldemort."

"This... is Krillin..."

Han Zheng couldn't help muttering. Although the span from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, he still recognized at a glance that this contestant was an important character in the original comics - Kelin!
Han Zheng scratched his head, he didn't expect to meet the main characters in "Dragon Ball" for the first time in this way.

In the picture, the camera was cut to another arena again. Han Zheng came a little interested and was looking to see if he could see Monkey King who was also competing, but at this moment, the door of the restaurant was suddenly pushed open.

A young woman with dirty clothes and even some shabby clothes rushed in. As soon as she entered the door, she couldn't help but snatch the food from a guest's table, ignoring the tableware, and stuffed it into her mouth with her hands.

The guests were greatly surprised, and the restaurant waiter hurried forward to question him.

The young woman retreated to the corner while continuing to stuff her mouth with food, while eating and shouting intermittently:

"I'm starving to death...don't come here...I...I've been brought here for a day...haven't eaten anything...where the hell is this place...uh...I want to go home...don't come here... ... woo..."

A [combatant] like yourself?

Han Zheng's heart trembled. This woman behaved like a [combatant] who hadn't figured out the situation. Could it be that this was a god-sent opportunity?

A day has passed, will there still be such "ignorant little whites" alive?

This woman is so lucky?I don't know the situation at all, how can I still live until now by acting so ostentatiously?
Han Zheng frowned, feeling that the matter was not simple.

At this moment, the door of the restaurant was slammed open again, and another woman ran in.

The condition of this woman is almost the same as that of the previous one. She is also unkempt and dirty. As soon as she entered the door, she fell to her knees and yelled sadly:

"I... I haven't eaten all day... Please... eh?..."

It's just that before she finished speaking, she saw that there was a woman similar to her in this restaurant, and she swallowed the remaining half of the words.

The two dirty women looked at each other with bewildered faces; everyone in the restaurant also looked surprised, and the whole restaurant suddenly fell silent.

Han Zheng suddenly felt like laughing. Looking at this situation, he suddenly understood a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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