dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 4 Newcomer Package

Chapter 4 Newcomer Package
Gift pack for newcomers?

Han Zheng recalled a passage in his cousin's diary, which mentioned that after opening his bloodline on the first day of the first dungeon, he could complete hidden newcomer tasks and get rewards.

It's just that I didn't expect the so-called "bloodline" to be opened in this way.

Killing the characters in the Dragon Ball Battlefield dungeon will drop blood, and the blood of a certain bloodline can be collected to open the bloodline.

The bloodline determines the upper limit of combat power and the speed of cultivation.

Han Zheng began to gradually understand some core content of Dragon Ball Battlefield.

But the most urgent thing now is-

get it right now!

A blue light flashed in front of his eyes, and then Han Zheng felt a slight refreshing feeling all over his body.

[N2199 combatants receive newcomer gift packs, reward points: 200]
[Reward equipment item: a submachine gun capsule]
[Reward one chance to draw a lottery, do you want to draw it immediately? ]
200 points?Han Zheng still doesn't quite understand what the points are for now, and there is no reminder in the dungeon for the time being; he rewarded a weapon-type capsule. Although guns are not very useful in the Dragon Ball world, they are indeed very suitable for the current five scumbags. This is still a real "equipment prop", which can be carried out of this instance and reused.

As for the chance to draw - draw now...

"Tuk Tuk Tuk-"

Just when Han Zheng was about to draw a lottery immediately, there was a knock on the door, and at the same time, the knocker rushed into the room through the door and said:

"Hello, the two maps you asked for have been delivered, and I have kept you waiting for a long time."


First, the bloodline was activated, and then there was the novice reward. This chain after another dazzled Han Zheng, and he almost forgot that there was such a thing.

Han Zheng hurriedly stuffed the blood-stained coat aside, kicked the knife to the corner, checked the position of the corpse and the bed, and made sure that he couldn't see it from the door, before he grabbed the deceased's briefcase and went to open the door.

Taking out a few papers that looked like documents from the briefcase, Han Zheng lowered his head and pretended to be extremely focused on looking at the documents, while gently opening the door a small crack.

"Hello, here are the two maps I want." The waiter handed over the maps with a smile on his face.

Holding the document, Han Zheng lowered his head, looking extremely devoted; he took the waiter's map, thanked him and closed the door without raising his head.

You have to hurry up and get out of here as soon as possible!
Han Zheng grabbed the dead body on the bed, stripped off the blood-stained bed sheet and quilt, and threw them into the empty capsule.

Fortunately, the wound was held down in time after the attack. Except for the bedding, other places in the house were not stained with blood.

The deceased's personal belongings included a briefcase and a suitcase. There were only some clothes in the suitcase, which were also stuffed into the capsule by Han Zheng.

In the briefcase, as people said, there were a lot of cash, which was searched by Han Zheng, and a motorcycle capsule was also found.

"Now, draw the lottery immediately!"

With a thought in Han Zheng's mind, he saw a blue screen reappear in front of him.

There is a turntable hanging in the center of the blue screen. The turntable is divided into six parts, namely: [points] [movement skills] [equipment props] [blood] [practice coupons] and [one-sixth of unsatisfactory life].

The center of the turntable is a golden pointer.

Turntable lottery?So low... and what the hell is [One-sixth of those who are unhappy in life]...

Han Zheng began to spin the roulette after slandering in his heart.

The roulette turned rapidly, and the six plates circled the pointer round and round, and finally slowed down gradually.

In the end, the [Motion Skills] section stopped on the pointer.

Han Zheng was quite satisfied with this result. First of all, he didn't meet the one-sixth bye. Secondly, the skills of moves were exactly what he was lacking now, but he didn't know what he would be given.

On the roulette, the other five panels gradually faded away, and then the [Motion Skills] section was slowly turned over, and on the back of the turn was written impressively——

【Incomplete Transfiguration】!
Afterwards, the roulette and the blue screen disappeared together.

Han Zheng found that his equipment column had changed, and his current status became:
[Equipment props: 2/5]
In addition to the [Submachine Gun Capsule] rewarded earlier, the other one is [Incomplete Transformation].

[Incomplete Transfiguration] does not appear in the move skill column, indicating that it has not been learned yet, and it can still be placed in the equipment column to bring out a copy.

Han Zheng chose to check, and the attributes of the two things were displayed separately.

[Equipment props: submachine gun capsule]
[Attribute: Conventional Thermal Weapon]
[Lethality: Normal]
[Amount of bullets: 9999999999999999999]
[Explanation: The submachine gun hidden in the tiny capsule is easy to carry at ordinary times, and it comes out of the blue when used, making it impossible to guard against]
I thought it was just an ordinary gun, but it turned out to be an "unlimited bullet", Han Zheng was amazed.

Continue to view——

[Movement Skill Untrained: Incomplete Transfiguration]
[Attribute: Auxiliary Skill]
[Efficacy: Can be transformed into any creature or object form, not limited by species, category, size, etc., but the transformation time is limited to 5 minutes, and after 5 minutes, it needs to rest for 1 minute to transform again, and no matter the user transforms into anyone or objects, there will be no increase or decrease in combat power and lethality]
[Explanation: Oolong's signature skill was learned from Southern Transformation Kindergarten. Oolong was expelled for stealing the female teacher's panties, so he is not good at learning skills and has limited functions]
[Learn immediately: yes/no]
Of course, you must learn it immediately. This skill is so practical that it can transform into any person, animal or object. Although there is a 5-minute limit, it can definitely play a huge role in actual combat, especially in sneak attacks!

The [Incomplete Transformation Technique] in the equipment bar disappeared instantly, and then Han Zheng got a reminder:

[The incomplete transformation technique begins to practice]
[Practice duration: 3 hours]
There is still a 3-hour training time limit!

Han Zheng couldn't help smiling wryly. Originally, he planned to use it immediately after learning it, but now it seems that he can only postpone it.

Regardless of cultivation, the most urgent task now is to leave here as soon as possible. This hotel is no longer suitable for staying for a long time.

Han Zheng tidied up the room a bit, and then changed his clothes.

The murdered young man with glasses and his personal belongings were all put into the capsule, and the only blood-stained knife and bedding in the room were also put in; before Han Zheng left, he inspected it one last time to confirm that there was nothing missing. .

In the next few days, more than 100 combatants will definitely cause earth-shaking in the city of Xidu, and various crimes will definitely emerge one after another; then, in such a hotel, a certain tenant suddenly left without saying goodbye with a set of bedding , should not have received much attention.

Thinking of this, Han Zheng walked out of the room, put on his baseball cap, and completely left the hotel where he had just stayed for less than half a day.



three hours later.

A small-scale restaurant in the center of the western metropolis, in the bathroom.

"It actually turned into Fan Bingbing..."

Han Zheng stood alone in front of the mirror, looking at himself in the mirror who had changed into "Fan Bingbing". Although he was prepared, his inner activities were still extremely exciting.

Even... Han Zheng couldn't help but want to raise his hand to touch his "chest".

[Incomplete Transfiguration] The training time is over, and just after the training, Han Zheng can't wait to lock himself in the bathroom to "do an experiment". Now the experimental results are really satisfying.

"Let's change into Sammo Hung again..."

With a thought in his mind, Han Zheng thought of the image of Sammo Hung in his mind. Using his transformation skills, the slender "Fan Bingbing" in the mirror instantly turned into a chubby "Sammo Hung".

Although the effect of this transformation technique is only 5 minutes, as long as the time is still within 5 minutes, it can be activated at will and transform multiple times.

Later, Han Zheng tried to transform into: Scarlett Johansson, a tiger head, a cat and a baseball bat.

It's like learning 72 transformations!
Han Zheng sighed endlessly in his heart, and at the same time stopped the deformation and returned to his original appearance.

After mastering this skill, his chances of surviving in this dungeon have been greatly improved.

After leaving the bathroom, he returned to his original seat in the restaurant. Some of the meals he had ordered before going to the bathroom had already been served. After half a day of tossing, Han Zheng was also hungry, so he happened to have a big meal.

The TV in the restaurant is currently broadcasting current affairs news. As expected by Han Zheng, in the past few hours, the number of emergencies in the Western Capital City has continued to increase rapidly. Various incidents such as robberies, gun battles, and explosions have occurred in the Western Capital various regions.

"Today is only the first day, and I'm afraid it will get worse day by day..." Han Zheng muttered to himself while eating.

If the 157 combatants want to survive, they must kill at least one of them within 10 days. In other words, after 10 days, in the most ideal state, only 78 people can survive.

But I believe that the number of people who can survive in the end will definitely be far less than this number!

There are more than 100 people, and they don't know each other's appearance, gender, and characteristics; they don't know how strong each person is in combat, what skills they have, and what weapons they have in their hands; How many people have not completed the task.

These fighters may exist in any corner of the Western Capital now, they may be walking on the street outside the window, or they may be eating together in this restaurant.

Identity is one's own talisman, and once one reveals one's identity as a combatant, one may be attacked at any time.

Just like the man on the street corner who didn't know the situation when he first entered the copy, he was headshot by the gunman hiding in the dark immediately after his identity was exposed by shouting.

Thinking of this, Han Zheng really couldn't help but take a breath, and the classic line from the classic science fiction novel "Three-Body Problem" immediately came to mind:
"Black, so fucking black!"

(End of this chapter)

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