dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 6 First kill! ! ! 【Favorites】

Chapter 6 First kill! ! ! 【Favorites】

They looked at each other with bewildered faces.

The two women who performed the same scene one after another looked at each other for three to four seconds.

The woman who had grabbed the food earlier took the lead, leaving the food she was holding just now, and walked towards the woman who was kneeling on the ground.

Seeing the unexpected situation, the "kneeling woman" quickly got up from the ground, pushed open the door, and shouted across the street:

"The situation is different from before. There is someone here...how about you come over and have a look..."

Han Zheng looked in the direction, and there were buildings across the street. The person "Kneeling Girl" yelled at should be in one of the buildings.

It really is a fishing tactic!
Han Zheng held the [Submachine Gun Capsule] in his palm, stared across the street, and was always ready.

This "kneeling woman" should be just a bait for fishing. The real fisherman, that is, the combatant, must be hiding across the street at this moment.

If you don't have the strength to "find a needle in a haystack", and you don't have the courage and luck to attack indiscriminately, then "fishing tactics" is also a way.

The combatant hiding across the street must have hired this woman to go in and out of various crowded public places one after the other, acting out this behavior to pretend to be a down-and-out [combatant] in the hope that there would be other fights The staff were taken in by the hook.

"But the "bait" hired by this combatant is too unprofessional! Not to mention the exaggerated acting skills, if you encounter some unexpected incidents, you won't deal with it. If you expose the position of the "fisherman" so quickly, then I'm afraid that every combatant has the heart to kill him at this moment...

Moreover, at the same time, there were actually two combatants, who sent two "baits" respectively, and both came in to engage in fishing tactics. This kind of encounter is really rare..."

Han Zheng complained a few words in his heart, stood up along with other guests watching the fun, and walked towards the door.

"Kneeling Girl" yelled at the other side of the street a few more times, but nothing happened except for a few passersby looking sideways, and the fighters hiding on the other side of the street still didn't show up.

On the other side, the "Food Grab Girl" looked at the scene in front of her, and after being stunned for a while, she finally realized that she immediately took out a walkie-talkie from the dirty clothes:

"There is a problem here. There is a woman like me...Okay, I'll go right away..."

After finishing speaking, the "Food Robber Girl" rushed out of the door and ran towards the end of the street.

"This group seems to be much more professional. Not only are their acting skills superb, but they are also equipped with dialogue devices. However, the positions of the fighters in this group seem to be exposed..." Han Zheng continued to complain in his heart.

And at this moment, as the "girl grabbing food" ran out, there was finally movement across the street. A bearded man rushed out of a building quickly, holding a sniper gun in his hand and chasing after the "robbing food girl". "Female" rushed away.

This man uses a gun!It seems that the combat effectiveness should not be high, I have a chance!
Han Zheng saw the opportunity, and while everyone in the restaurant was crowded at the door, looking at the bearded man with a gun in astonishment, he hid behind the crowd and performed the transformation technique, instantly turning into a black cat, and slipping from the feet of the crowd. He sprang out of the restaurant and followed the bearded combatant far behind.

In the past two days, there have been frequent vicious incidents in the western capital city, and now people are seen chasing people with guns in the street. The whole street was in an uproar, and passers-by fled.

"Girl grabbing food" ran to the end of the street holding the walkie-talkie, and then turned directly into an empty alley.

The bearded combatant followed closely and turned into the alley with a big gun in his hand. Behind him was Han Zheng who had been quietly following him.

In the alley, a young man with a walkie-talkie was squatting on the side of the road. He saw the "girl grabbing food" running towards him, and was about to wave his hand, but suddenly saw the "girl grabbing rice" chasing after him with a gun raised. bearded combatant.

Xiaoping's face was full of astonishment, and his raised hand froze in mid-air:

"Oh, this is..."

Before Xiaopingtou finished speaking, the bearded combatant stepped up to catch up, pushed the "food grabbing girl" in front of him away, and aimed his gun at Xiaopingtou.


With a gunshot, Xiaopingtou's head exploded, blood and flesh splashed everywhere, and even his body was thrown backwards by inertia.

"Haha, I have finally completed the survival mission!" The bearded combatant roared in a low voice as if the huge pressure had been vented.

But soon, his face changed suddenly: "No! Why didn't you get a reminder that the task was completed?"

The bearded combatant looked up at Xiaopingtou's body, as if suddenly thinking of something, and wanted to turn around to avoid it, but it was too late.

Another shot!
The bearded man fell down in response, and fell heavily to the ground, and the gun in his hand was also thrown out.

Fortunately, he came to his senses at the last moment and made a dodge, but the shot did not kill him; his back was bloody and he struggled to get up.

Behind him, the "food snatcher girl" who was pushed by him before, walked up to him with a small pistol in his hand.

Han Zheng, who had transformed into a black cat, was hiding in a corner of the alley at this time, and neither of the two who were fighting noticed the existence of the cat.

Han Zheng was shocked at this moment. He didn't expect that this "female girl" was actually a [combatant]. Although she was also using fishing tactics, she did the opposite. The crew cut was just hired by him to create a false appearance. "Pseudo-combatant", and she herself is the real "fisherman" behind the scenes!
"Hehe, I've long since discovered that the woman you hired has been fishing in this area, so my risky layout is to lure you out behind the scenes..."

Saying that, the "Food Robber" raised her hand and fired two more shots, not giving the bearded man a chance to fight back.

The bearded man died on the spot, while the "Food Robber" suddenly stopped moving and stopped next to the corpse, as if he had received some dungeon prompt.

And this moment is exactly the best time that Han Zheng expected!
Han Zheng, who had been hiding in the corner, sprang out quickly, and the black cat's figure suddenly swelled and turned into his original image!

He picked up the capsule and opened it, and the submachine gun appeared in his hands instantly.

"Girl grabbing food" seemed to have sensed the wind behind her. She reacted extremely sharply. Before she could turn around in the future, she stretched out the pistol from her armpit, intending to shoot.

But Han Zheng would not give her this chance. When the submachine gun appeared in his hands, he pulled the trigger immediately.

Accompanied by the "chug chug" gunshots, the "food snatcher girl" drank a few bullets before she could fight back. Her whole body was blasted to pieces, and she fell crookedly like a piece of rag in the wind.

[Number N2199 combatant kills serial number L7487 combatant, drops 1 drop of Earthman's blood, whether to pick it up]
[Number N2199 combatant completes the dungeon survival mission, rewards 500 points]
[There are still 8 days, 22 hours and 50 minutes until the end of this copy. When the copy ends, combatants numbered N2199 can safely exit the copy. Please wait patiently]
A series of blue subtitles and electronic sound prompts reappeared, but Han Zheng didn't have time to care too much about these. After confirming that he had completed the survival mission, he needed to find a place to hide immediately.

After such a series of gun battles, if there are other fighters nearby, they will definitely be attracted to them. I can't be like the "Food Robber", who was killed just after winning, and must evacuate immediately!
There were about 3 minutes left in the time limit for the transformation technique. Han Zheng put away his submachine gun, turned into a black cat again, and ran out of the alley.


After a few minutes.

Inside a coffee shop a block away.

Han Zheng sat at the table and asked for a cup of coffee. He panted and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked around, convinced that this place should be safe.

At this moment, he just relaxed and reviewed the few reminders he received before.

After killing the L1487 combatant, a drop of earthling blood dropped. It seems that this combatant also started the earthling blood. Killing a combatant with blood can also drop blood.

Completing the survival mission rewarded 500 points, plus the previous newcomer rewards, and currently has a total of 700 points.

It's just that Han Zheng still doesn't know how to use the points.

What really made Han Zheng unable to bear his emotions was the last reminder. Although he had completed the survival mission, he still had to stay in the dungeon and wait until the dungeon time was up before he could exit safely!
Originally, Han Zheng still had a glimmer of fantasy, hoping that he could choose to leave the dungeon early after completing the survival mission ahead of schedule, but unfortunately things backfired.

When I thought that I would continue to stay in this dangerous and dangerous dungeon for so long, I couldn't restrain my anxiety and anger.

He cursed [Dragon Ball Battlefield] in his mind countless times, but in the end he had no choice but to accept it silently.

In the next period of time, I must be careful and be on guard at all times. I must spend these few days safely and walk out of the dungeon alive!

"We must live!"

(End of this chapter)

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