dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 43 Great advantage~~

Chapter 43 Great advantage~~
"It's 3 to 4, take advantage of the victory to pursue, and take another head, the situation will be stable!"

Wang Song roared excitedly.

"Chen Chen and I chased from the sky, you follow on the ground, and look at Li Chunsheng, don't let him die!"

Han Zheng put [Yajiro Bingbei's Blade] into the equipment column, and at the same time took the capsule of Lieutenant Arno, who had little battery left, and since the equipment column was full at the moment, he put the capsule of Lieutenant Arno directly into his pocket.

Immediately, he transformed into a flying bird, fluttered his wings and took off, and together with Chen Chen in the sky, they chased towards the south of the city following the long flame tail drawn by the flying car in the distance.

Wang Song quickly ran to the broken mecha, and grabbed the unconscious Li Chunsheng from the cockpit.

"Fuck! Wake up! Don't just die like this!"

Wang Song swung his bow left and right, and slapped Li Chunsheng several times.

Li Chunsheng, who was in a coma, finally groaned, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Then, he raised his hand vigorously, took out a fairy bean from the equipment bar, and put it into his mouth tremblingly.

"Just... just now... now... what's going on now?"

As soon as Xiandou swallowed, Li Chunsheng's dim eyes immediately recovered their brilliance, the wounds all over his body healed, and he jumped up, looking at the surrounding scene with a look of surprise.

"Stop talking nonsense, follow me closely from now on, don't leave alone!"

Wang Song yelled at him again, and at the same time pulled Li Chunsheng up and jumped into a nearby resident's car.

The sound of the engine sounded immediately, and the car followed Han Zheng and Chen Chen who flew away, and started chasing from the ground.


In the sky, Han Zheng and Chen Chen followed the trail of gas flames emitted by the speeding car.

The flying car in front seemed to be getting slower and slower, and soon, the two saw the body of the flying car.

"The opponent's speed has slowed down, be careful not to be shot back by them." Han Zheng was suspicious and reminded him.

Before he finished speaking, he saw the speeding car in front of him suddenly stop, motionless, suspended in the air.

"Wait, don't get close yet!" Han Zheng hurriedly stopped, and stopped Chen Chen beside him at the same time.

"Ruyi stick! Stretch!"

Chen Chen also stopped flying forward, holding the Ruyi stick, stretched it quickly, and directly hit the hovering speeding car.


As soon as the Ruyi stick touched the car body, the speeding car exploded.

A flame exploded out of thin air in the dark night sky, and waves of air spread rapidly.

Chen Chen hurriedly pulled up and flew up to avoid the impact of the air waves. Han Zheng returned to his original shape and quickly fell to the ground.

[Yajiro Bingwei's Blade] and [General White's Pistol] appeared in his hands at the same time. He held a gun in one hand and a knife in the other, and stared at the surrounding streets warily.

At this time, Wang Song and Li Chunsheng had also arrived by car. Looking at the situation, Wang Song hurriedly asked:

"What's the situation? Where's Team A?"

"I don't know, they set up a simple trap, and then they disappeared." Han Zheng replied, while still checking the surroundings.

Chen Chen also kept searching in the air. Li Chunsheng transformed into a bat. Under the cover of his teammates, he searched around in the dark night, but he never found any trace of Team A's escape.

"MD, you run really fast!" Wang Song punched down angrily, and the hood of the car was flattened a bit.

At this time, most of the surrounding residents were shocked by the explosion and took to the streets one after another, and sirens sounded from afar.

"If you can't find it, retreat first. Think about it in the long run. It's not a way to ram around like a headless chicken."

Han Zheng proposed to evacuate. Faced with the current situation, the other teammates had no choice but to agree.

Several people drove the vehicle and left the area quickly before the police arrived.

On the way back, Wang Song deliberately took a detour and took a few more detours.

At the same time, Han Zheng and Chen Chen respectively used the transformation technique and the shrinking watch to check back from time to time to make sure that the team was not being followed by anyone or "things" along the way.

The four of them returned to their residence without any accidents.


in residence.

Chen Chen stayed in the bathroom, washing the blood off his body.

Wang Song took Li Chunsheng aside and kept scolding him for his various mistakes in the previous battles, scolding him for almost killing the team.

Han Zheng was sitting on the sofa holding a towel, wiping his head and face while checking what he had gained in the previous battle.

[Equipment Items: Baby Son Gohan's Sword]
[Attribute: super cold weapon]
[Lethality: Super]
[Explanation: When Sun Wuhan was young, Piccolo gave him a weapon. During the half a year that Sun Wuhan lived alone in the mountains, he used this sword to cut dragons and cut meat, and he was happy and happy]
It turned out to be this sword.

Han Zheng quickly realized that this was the weapon given to Sun Wuhan when he was practicing with Piccolo before Vegeta invaded the earth.

The attribute setting of this sword in the dungeon is also very good, but Han Zheng already has a [Yajiro Bingwei Blade] at the moment. As a weapon of the same type, this sword is not as powerful as [Yajiro Bingwei Blade] Blade of Guardian], it's useless to keep it in your hands, it's better to sell it after the dungeon is over.

[Movement skill: Dongdongbo Martial Art Fragment]
[Attribute: Qigong type long-range attack skill Fragment]
[Collection Status: 1/2]
[Explanation: One piece of Dongdongbo Martial Arts Fragment, if you collect all 2 fragments, you can synthesize Dongdongbo Martial Technique for learning, please keep working hard]
Like the previous 【Somersault Cloud Fragment】, this is another fragment.

However, this is a skill shard, and [Dongdong Bo] can be synthesized by collecting all 2 shards.

Han Zheng is very satisfied with this harvest. After all, he currently has no other skills except [Incomplete Transformation]. [Dongdong Bo] is not only an offensive skill, but also can be used for long-range strikes, which is what he urgently needs right now. .

However, the equipment bar was already overloaded at the moment, and Han Zheng looked at the [General White Pistol], which had only one bullet left, and felt that this pistol was likely to be officially retired in this round of dungeons.

The bathroom door was suddenly pushed open, and Chen Chen came out wiping his wet hair.

Looking at Chen Chen who had just finished cleaning, Han Zheng suddenly felt that there was something special about her, which made him feel an indescribable feeling in his heart.

But at this moment, Wang Song finally finished scolding Li Chunsheng, he walked over with a humming sound, and sat down next to Han Zheng on the sofa.

The indescribable feeling dissipated instantly at this moment...

"Let's all discuss and discuss. This night, there were many twists and turns. First, Zhao Xing made a big death, and then we just took the opportunity to fight a wave of ambushes. Now we have a one-head lead. The ups and downs are really exciting." Wang Song said loudly.

Chen Chen moved a small chair, sat on the edge of the sofa, continued to tilt his head, and brushed his hair: "Not only that, after the previous battles, we also have a general understanding of Team A's respective combat effectiveness, Of course, they must also know a lot about us."

"Yes, in terms of looks, we've met each other before. From now on, we've got points in each other's hearts. It's a bit like we've started to play the cards," Han Zheng said.

"Haha, both of you are right. After today's battle, I can see that although the strength gap between the combatants of Team A is not as huge as ours, but--the strength of their top combatants is obviously not as good as ours. Now We are still one person ahead, I think that—" Wang Song looked very excited, he couldn't help but said:

"We have a great advantage—"

(End of this chapter)

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