dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 42 Second kill! !

Chapter 42 The Second Kill! !
Outside the villa, it was already a mess.

Several surrounding houses were bombed to dilapidated condition, and many residents were affected by the battle, resulting in countless casualties and dead bodies lying on the street.

On the roof of a dilapidated house, a brown-haired white man is pointing to the sky, and beams of light are constantly shooting from his fingers, shooting into the sky like a laser gun.

Looking at this posture, it is the unique skill of He Xianliu - [Dong Dong Bo]!
And not far above his head, Chen Chen was flying in mid-air, while dodging the [Dong Dong Bo] attacking, while shooting balls of sticky substance towards the brown-haired white man below.

This mass of sticky substance is the special ability of the monster Kieran [Magic Chewing Gum].

[Magic Chewing Gum] can quickly rush to the opponent and wrap it in groups. Once it is wrapped, it will lose its mobility and it is difficult to break free.

However, the brown-haired white man had quick eyes and quick hands, he kept waving his arms, and shot out several beams of light quickly, and the clusters of [magic chewing gum] were smashed one by one by the [hole waves] shot by his fingers!

At the same time, on the other side, next to a pile of ruins, a mecha that had been blown out of most of its body was spread out on the ground. In the dilapidated cockpit, one could see Li Chunsheng lying in it, bleeding all over his body. Already unconscious.

In front of this broken mech, Wang Song was facing two combatants of Team A with one against two.

At this time, Wang Song had already used the [Four Demon Fist], and two arms grew out of his back, and the four arms fought fiercely with the two fighters on the opposite side!

Wang Song deserves to have a fighting power of 82, with one enemy and two, he still has the upper hand.

At this moment, the long-haired female combatant and Han Zheng also rushed out of the villa one after the other and came to the street.

At this moment, the remaining 8 combatants in this dungeon are at the same place at this moment!
With a soaring stench, the long-haired girl rushed into the crowd fighting on the street.

In an instant, Wang Song and Chen Chen were affected by the stench at the same time, and their originally fierce offensive was instantly deformed, revealing large flaws.

Wang Song originally had the upper hand, he punched like lightning, as if he wanted to quickly kill a weaker combatant first;
However, affected by the stench, his offensive was suddenly frustrated. He was originally suppressing two opponents, but he broke free in an instant!
Chen Chen covered his nose, narrowly dodging a few [Dong Dong Bo] that took the opportunity to attack, and flew as high as possible to avoid the attack range.

Han Zheng took a breath, continued to hold back, and quickly drew out the [General White Pistol], and fired two shots at the long-haired girl in front of him!

The long-haired girl running ahead seemed to have sensed it too, and she twisted her body quickly, trying to dodge.

She successfully dodged the first bullet, but the second bullet shot straight into her flank, blasting a big blood hole, and even her whole body was thrown into the air!

but!The long-haired girl seemed to have been prepared for a long time, her body was horizontal in the air, but she quickly raised her hand and slapped her mouth, as if she was sending something into her mouth.

In the next moment, her abdomen, which had been blasted to pieces by the gunshot, healed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was back to its original state.

It turned out to be fairy beans!This long-haired girl must be on guard all the time, she squeezed a fairy bean in her hand, and if she suffered a serious injury, she would drink it immediately and heal herself instantly.

The long-haired girl who had recovered also quickly took out a pistol, and taking advantage of the falling momentum, twisted her body suddenly, turned around and pointed at Han Zheng, and kept shooting!
Lieutenant Arnuo caught up with him one step at a time, and stopped in front of Han Zheng. Several bullets hit its metal body one after another. Apart from making a few dents, it did not cause much damage.

"It is not appropriate to fight any more! Withdraw!"

Among the two who fought with Wang Song, the bald man who seemed to have the strongest fighting power yelled at this moment.

Immediately, he made several quick moves to force Wang Song back a few steps, and then quickly threw a grenade into the cockpit of Li Chunsheng's mecha.

Wang Song was shocked. He hastened to speed up, rushed to Li Chunsheng in a flash, and kicked the grenade away with his kick. At the same time, the kick was so powerful that it also kicked part of the mecha shell to pieces. .

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the bald combatant and the small combatant beside him quickly took out a capsule and turned it into a small flying car.

The two quickly jumped on the speeding car, and at the same time they yelled at their teammates again with their bald heads: "Don't love to fight, go!"

Before the words were finished, a cloud of gas flames spewed out from the rear of the speeding car, pushing the speeding car to take off quickly.

At the same time, the long-haired girl also jumped high, grabbed the edge of the speeding car, hung on the outside of the speeding car, and was led by the speeding car to flee to the south of the city.

Han Zheng looked at the speeding car and quickly issued instructions.

Lieutenant Arno raised his hands, two huge fists shot out with flames, and rushed straight to the fleeing speed car.

However, just halfway through the flight, two [Dongdong Bo] suddenly shot to intercept, and the two steel fists were shot down by the [Dongdong Bo].

The brown-haired white man shot out several [Dongdong Bo] one after another, forcing Chen Chen in the sky and Han Zheng on the ground back a few steps.

Then he quickly ran up, and then jumped high, reaching out to grab the outside of the speeding car, trying to escape with him.

"Ruyi stick! Stretch!"

A red stick grew and extended rapidly, and poked it fiercely!
The brown-haired white man jumped in the air, his outstretched hand was about to grab the outer edge of the flying car.

However, at this time, the wish stick had reached his body and hit his arm heavily.

The brown-haired white man screamed, his arm was severely injured by the blow, and at the same time he lost his center of gravity and fell down.

The bald combatant on the flying car hurriedly steered the flying car to dodge to the side, avoiding the wishful stick that continued to attack.

And the long-haired girl hanging outside also took the opportunity to step on the Ruyi stick, jumped into the air and landed on the speeding car.

The brown-haired white man fell heavily to the ground. Han Zheng and Lieutenant Arnold surrounded him from the left and the right. At the same time, Wang Song also flew towards him, blocking his escape route.

Seeing that the brown-haired white man was hard to save, the bald combatant on the flying car roared angrily, and then he pushed the steering column hard, and the flying car immediately spewed out long gas flames and flew towards the south at high speed.

Just like that, they left their brown-haired white teammates in place!
The brown-haired white man struggled to stand up, but Lieutenant Arno quickly jumped up, raised his big foot, and stepped down heavily.

The brown-haired white man raised his hand to resist, while Han Zheng attacked from the other side.

Lieutenant Arnuo and Han Zheng, one with a combat power of 55 and the other with a combat power of 72, attacked from both sides, and instantly pushed the injured brown-haired white man into danger!

Looking at Wang Song who was rushing over, and his teammates who had fled away, the brown-haired white man was in a panic, and shot a few [Dongdongbo] indiscriminately, rolling and crawling to get up and try to escape.

However, he had no chance. In the sky, the wish stick in Chen Chen's hand was extended again, and it stabbed hard on his back again.

The brown-haired white man fell heavily to the ground. Before he could stand up, he was trampled down by Lieutenant Arno.

He immediately vomited blood, struggled to stretch out his fingers, and wanted to continue to fight back, but Han Zheng came straight from the other side and stabbed him in the throat!
[Number N2199 combatant kills serial number L2369, and drops [Dongdongbo Martial Skill Fragment], do you want to pick it up? ]
pick up! !
[Combat number L2369 was killed, the current record comparison - Team A 3:4 Team B]
(End of this chapter)

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