dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 41 The Seventh Kill!

Chapter 41 First Kill!

Han Zheng has been waiting for this moment!
At the very beginning, what he was thinking about was how to bring Zhao Xing back to the team as soon as possible, but after Zhao Xing unscrupulously fired a gun and made trouble, his idea had to be dismissed.

At that moment, a bold idea popped up in his mind.

Amidst Zhao Xing's deafening gunshots, if Team A wasn't a fool or deaf, they would definitely have noticed the commotion here!
Moreover, they will definitely come here quickly to check!
The incident caused by Zhao Xing can no longer be recovered. Instead of being found passive by the other party, it is better to take a risk and use Zhao Xing and himself as bait to launch a wave of ambush!
So Han Zheng immediately asked Wang Song, Chen Chen and others outside not to rush in immediately, but to keep a distance outside to ambush.

Wang Song and the others were a little puzzled at first, but soon understood Han Zheng's intentions.

Fortunately, after some reconnaissance during the day, Han Zheng and the others already knew the details of the terrain in this area. Wang Song, Chen Chen, and Li Chunsheng immediately chose the best distance and quickly took cover.

At the same time, Han Zheng also thought that after sneaking here, the members of Team A might not attack immediately.

Out of caution, they may also observe first to judge the reality of the situation.

For this reason, Han Zheng decided to continue negotiating with Zhao Xing verbally, stimulating Zhao Xing to vent his grievances, and using the dialogue between the two to try to convince Team A, who was hiding in the dark, that there was an internal problem on his own side. They have an opportunity!

Han Zheng even did not hesitate to include himself as part of this "bait", in order to do his tricks and lure the fighters of Team A to show up as much as possible!

For this moment!
【Capsule · Robot Lieutenant Arno】Open!
Lieutenant Arnold appeared on Han Zheng's right in an instant, and at the same time, behind the big hole in the wall on the right, a small rocket shot in quickly.

Lieutenant Arnold grabbed the rocket that was flying rapidly, and quickly threw it out of the big hole!
On the left, the blond white man under the floor jumped out at this time, and Han Zheng stretched out his hand and quickly grabbed him, preparing to perform [Turn into a Carrot at Touch].

But the blond white man didn't fight hand to hand, he dodged back quickly, and at the same time raised his hands, fingers spread, on either side of his temples.

This starting gesture is... Sun Fist!

Han Zheng came to his senses in an instant, he immediately jumped up high, and at the same time quickly gave instructions to Lieutenant Arno in his mind.

Lieutenant Arnold turned around immediately, and quickly lowered his head to come over.

Han Zheng also jumped in front of A Nuo at this time, he quickly reached out and took off the sunglasses on A Nuo's face, and put them on the bridge of his nose.

at the same time--

"Sun Fist!"

White light rises!Fill the whole house.

And Han Zheng, in time, brought the Sun Fist's perfect nemesis in the world of Dragon Ball—sunglasses!
At this moment, the sound of fighting came from outside the villa. It seemed that Wang Song, Chen Chen and others also attacked one after another, attacking the fighters of Team A who had already appeared.

In the room, Zhao Xing, who was pierced by the spear, fell to the ground at this moment, motionless.

[The number N8996 combatant was killed, the current record comparison - A team 5:4 B team]
The prompt came soon.

Wearing sunglasses, Han Zheng quickly rushed towards the blond white man without saying a word.

The blond white man continued to back away while quickly throwing a grenade.

While walking, Han Zheng watched carefully. He held up the [Yajiro Bingwei's Blade], raised the knife in his hand, and split the grenade in half.

At the same time, he directed Lieutenant Arno to rush in another direction, blocking the blond white man's retreat.

And at this moment, another long-haired female combatant suddenly rushed in from outside the big hole in the wall.

As soon as the long-haired girl rushed into the villa, a monstrous stench immediately filled the air in the room.

It was as if the entire air here was instantly polluted by poisonous gas.

Han Zheng breathed in the stench a few times, and suddenly stared at him, dizzy, and his body swayed a little.

The blond white man took the opportunity to step forward and punched Han Zheng hard in the chest.

Han Zheng took a few steps back and felt some pain in his chest, but it was nothing serious. Judging from this punch, the fighting power of the blond white man was still not as good as his own.

At the same time, the long-haired girl who charged in with a foul smell also rushed over and kicked Han Zheng in the head.

Fortunately, the robot lieutenant Arnuo was not affected by the stench at the moment, it dodged to the side of Han Zheng in time, and blocked the sharp kick with its body.

With this kick, Lieutenant Arnold couldn't help but take a step back.

This long-haired girl not only has a bad smell, but can affect a large area, and her own combat effectiveness is also very good!
This woman is—of barbarian blood?
Han Zheng reacted immediately!

Barbarian, also known as Bacteria Smelly Man, was one of the top 21 contestants in the 8st Budokai and lost to Kling in the first round.

The barbarian exudes a strong stench, and uses it as a weapon to attack and influence opponents, and it is very effective.

At the same time, the barbarian will also have a move [Thick Phlegm Attack], the sputum spit out is extremely corrosive, and it is also a killer move.

This long-haired girl looks good, but she didn't expect to have such a disgusting bloodline.

When the long-haired girl missed a hit, she immediately jumped back a step, stretched her neck, and spit out two mouthfuls of thick phlegm at Han Zheng!

Han Zheng took a deep breath and stopped breathing, quickly dodged forward, dodging these two [Thick Phlegm Attacks].

At this time, the blond white man also took the opportunity to bully him. He instantly pulled out a sword from the equipment bar, and slashed at Han Zheng!

Holding his breath, Han Zheng subconsciously ordered Lieutenant Anuo to block the long-haired girl on the side, and at the same time waved the knife in his hand to meet the opponent's sword.

When the swords collided, there was a crisp sound. Han Zheng's [Yajiro Bingwei's Blade] did not move at all, and although the sword in the blond white man's hand trembled slightly, it was not damaged.

It doesn't look like an ordinary weapon either!
Han Zheng, who had been holding his breath all this time, gradually regained clarity in his mind. He quickly raised his leg and kicked the blond white man in the chest.

The blond white man let out a miserable cry, spat out blood, and stepped back heavily.

Han Zheng took the opportunity to slash his wrist with a knife, blood spattered, and the sword in the blond white man's hand fell to the ground with a clang.

The blond white man screamed again, but at this moment he had no way out, so he could only bear the pain and punched Han Zheng again.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Han Zheng stretched out his hand and grabbed the opponent's fist!

Turn into radish with one touch!

Before the blond white man could make a sound, he instantly turned into a carrot, which was held by Han Zheng.

At the same time, Han Zheng quickly picked up the sword on the ground, and immediately threw it into the equipment bar. Time was running out, and he didn't have time to check the attribute status, so he only glanced at the name——

[Equipment Items: Baby Son Gohan's Sword]

On the other side, the long-haired girl who had been fighting with Lieutenant Arnold saw one of her teammates quickly taken down, and her eyes suddenly became frightened.

With a flying kick, she forced Lieutenant Arno back, then turned around and ran, and quickly rushed out of the villa.

Han Zheng also led Lieutenant Arnold to quickly chase after him. At the same time, he held the carrot in his hand and squeezed it hard!
[N2199 combatant kills L7098 combatant without dropping any items]
[Combat number L1098 was killed, the current record comparison - Team A 4:4 Team B]
(End of this chapter)

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