dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 44 Team A's Life and Death Choice

Chapter 44 Team A's Life and Death Choice
The top combatants are not as strong as us?
Isn't Wang Song just euphemistically praising himself?
Han Zheng complained a few words in his heart, but he agreed with Wang Song's opinion.

However, when Chen Chen on the other side heard what she said, his face changed, and he hurriedly stopped him: "Don't, don't, don't dare to say the last sentence. Don't set a flag casually and challenge your character."

Wang Song, Han Zheng, and Li Chunsheng were startled when they heard the words...

"I can't tell, it's quite superstitious..." Han Zheng couldn't help complaining.

"What do you know?" Chen Chen flicked his hair vigorously, splashing water droplets on Han Zheng's face.

"What is this all about? It's a mess, let's get down to business!" Wang Song knocked on the table twice with a displeased expression on his face.

"Now, among the remaining three people in Team A, there is a bald man, a small man, and a long-haired woman..." Han Zheng stopped talking nonsense and took over the conversation:

"That long-haired woman, my lieutenant Arnold once fought her directly. Arnold's combat power is 55. In the battle, that woman had a slight advantage. It can be basically judged that her combat power is about 55- Between 60."

Wang Song nodded, and followed suit: "I once fought two against the bald head and the little man at the same time. According to my estimation, the bald head is basically 70. The little man, his attack can't hurt at all. Less than me, it’s a little hard to judge, about 30-40.”

After finishing speaking, Wang Song seemed to think of something again, and snorted coldly: "If it weren't for Li Chunsheng's hind legs, I could have killed that little man first, and then killed that bald man, but even if they besiege me one after the other, as long as I give it I have enough time, and I am sure of winning, I only hate that woman who suddenly appeared later, and released that large-scale stench that disturbed my state!"

Li Chunsheng on the side shrank his neck, not daring to answer.

Han Zheng thought for a while, and then continued to add: "The white man who knows how to make holes, Chen Chen and I have fought against him. I guess his combat power should be similar to Chen Chen's. He looks around 65, and he was killed by me in the villa." The blond white guy who fell out was not very strong, about 40 or so."

"Let's assume that the woman's combat power is 55, and the little one's is 40. Let's do a rough calculation..." Han Zheng quickly wrote down several numbers side by side on the paper: "70+65+55+40+40, the total is 270, Team A The total value of combat power is 271, which is basically the same."

"That's right, it should be like this. In today's battle, two people from team A died. They can't hide their strength." Wang Song seemed to be excited again, and couldn't help but gear up: "Now there is only one 70-year-old bald head, A woman of 55, and a small man of 40, we really have a big advantage..."

Chen Chen hurriedly interrupted him again.

Han Zheng chuckled and stopped mocking Chen Chen's "superstition", but he did agree with what Wang Song said.

Now their B team, although they also lost one person, but because he has the powerful item [Arnold Lieutenant], it is equivalent to having another teammate with a combat power of 55 and a zero-error tacit understanding with Han Zheng.

Now in the team, Wang Song is 82, Han Zheng is 72, Chen Chen is 64, Li Chunsheng is 25, and [Lieutenant Arnuo] is 55, the advantage in combat power is quite obvious.

Moreover, in Team A, the one with the highest fighting power—the bald head only has a fighting power in his early 70s, at most comparable to Han Zheng, and there is a clear gap with Wang Song. In the world of Dragon Ball, Wang Song can absolutely suppress him with this level of gap. And then kill.

There is a clear gap between the top fighters, and the rest of the fighters, in order, are also dominated by their own side, and the opponent is still one person behind in numbers at the moment, and the situation is very good.

"By the way, will the other party just hide it and let us find it?" Li Chunsheng rarely interjected.

Han Zheng smiled: "Probably not. Everyone has a strong desire to survive. If you can't hide it, everyone will die if you can't complete the dungeon task. If you find a way to come out and gamble, there is still a chance of survival. It won't be like what you said before the end of the mountain."

"The fighting power is not good, and the questioning is not good!" Wang Song took a look at Li Chunsheng, and then said: "I think Team A will definitely have the idea of ​​fighting the Budokai. On the other hand, they should think that we are the same. If these few days There is no trace of them in the sky, and the martial arts meeting in a few days later should be the time for the next encounter."

Wang Song thought for a while, and continued: "We have to make some preparations for the next encounter at present, and strive to be safe. The woman who can emit bad smell in a large area and affect our state must find a way to target her."

"It's not difficult..." Han Zheng thought about his previous combat experience: "I tried it, as long as I hold my breath and don't breathe, her stench won't affect us, and that woman's combat effectiveness is not very high. Let's hold our breath, it's not difficult to defeat her in a short time."

Wang Song couldn't stop nodding when he heard the words: "Not bad, not bad, this way it won't be affected by the smell, holding my breath is not a problem for me, I have learned to swim before..."

However, before the two of them finished speaking, Chen Chen on the side finally couldn't help laughing loudly:
"——You guys, can you two big men stop being so funny and hold your breath? If you go out later and buy a gas mask for each of you, then everything will be settled, so there is no need to discuss it? Actually, this kind of ability, to put it bluntly, can Hit others by surprise and take the lead. Once people understand and target them, it will be of no use at all!"

Han Zheng and Wang Song were dumbfounded...


Somewhere south of the city.

Inside a small detached villa.

The bald man lifted the curtains slightly, looked outside cautiously for a few times, then turned to face the room, sighing involuntarily.

Inside the room, the long-haired girl leaning against the wall couldn't help but hum:

"Why are you sighing again? It was you before. After hearing the gunshots, you insisted that it was an opportunity for the whole team to attack. As a result, you lost two teammates in a row. Now that you are behind by one point, you start to sigh again."

"Stop arguing at this time..." The bald man waved his hands, lowering his head as if in a bad mood: "Didn't you raise any objections when the decision was made? What's the point of settling accounts now?"

The long-haired girl snorted again, turned her head aside, and stopped answering.

The bald man let out another long sigh. He looked at the little man squatting in the shadow of the corner, walked over slowly, squatted down, and asked softly:
"How about it? Have you considered my proposal?"

The little man suddenly raised his head, his eyes were full of strong dissatisfaction, and he asked in a rough voice:
"There is no other way, do I have to make such a big sacrifice?"

"Sacrifice? To win the dungeon and get out alive, isn't it worth sacrificing something? In other words..." The bald man's voice suddenly rose, revealing a strong emotion:
"If you can't win the dungeon, you will die! Then you will all be dead, so what's the use of keeping your two drops of [Saiyan blood]?"

[Saiyan Blood]!

This word obviously irritated the little combatant, he widened his eyes, and said heartbreakingly: "Do you know how hard it is for me to get these two drops of [Saiyan blood]? Here you go, I can't take it!"

"I... I can give you some compensation as much as possible, give you more equipment and so on..." The bald man kept persuading:

"You have two drops of [Saiyan's blood], and I also have two drops of [Saiyan's blood]. In this situation, we are obviously at a big disadvantage. Using conventional means, it is already difficult to turn the tables. The only way is to You give me your two drops of [Saiyan blood], let me start [Saiyan blood]."

The bald man paused, his eyes glowed strangely, and he continued:
"After turning on the [Saiyan blood], according to the setting, my combat power will increase significantly first, and the martial arts meeting in a few days will be the night of the full moon. At that time, I will transform into a big ape, and my combat power will increase. It can reach 10 times in an instant! Only in this way can we be sure to defeat Team B and leave this instance alive!"

Hearing the words, the little man bowed his head deeply, as if he also recognized the truth in the bald man's words, but asking him to hand over the two drops of [Saiyan's blood] that he had so hard to get, really made him no matter what. I can't make up my mind either.

"You just agree..." The long-haired girl on the side also said at this moment: "We are now behind in all directions, and the opponent now has four combatants, three of whom are stronger than us, and they have one [Lieutenant Arnold], we really have no other way to come back!"

The little man buried his head deeper and deeper. Facing the repeated persuasion of his two teammates, he seemed to have finally decided to compromise.

However, at the last moment, the little man stood up suddenly, and he looked at the bald man with sharper eyes, and said harshly:

"Then why don't you give me your [Saiyan blood]? Just because my fighting power is low? Hehe, I'll put my words here, I will definitely not hand in [Saiyan blood]! Either everyone Just die in this dungeon, or give me your [Saiyan blood], let me become a Saiyan, and lead the team to comeback! Live or die, you decide!"

(End of this chapter)

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