Chapter 87 Chapter 87

Through the reflection of the dome, I watched it almost completely from beginning to end. I saw the emblem of the Valkyrie Legion appearing in the sky and saw that Brunhilde promised Loki to return to Asgard...

"I thought I could have one more fellow..."

Seeing this scene, Ashes shook her head in frustration.Although the wandering souls who have recovered their original bodies through sharing souls can be regarded as Ashes' relatives, fundamentally speaking, they are just living corpses without thinking.But Brunhilde is different, she is a person chosen by the Dark Ring, a fellow with complete humanity, able to talk and communicate with herself, and able to have the same feelings as herself.

It was also for this reason that Ashes gave it to Brunhilde without hesitation when she saw that she seemed to care about Gungnir very much.And now...

A little frustrated, but in fact, this kind of betrayal Ashes has endured countless times.There is no other reason, because death will flow out of human nature, so every undead person who spreads fire is trying his best not to die.It is also for this reason that when facing danger and feeling that death is approaching, they often choose to abandon their comrades and leave... Not all fighters are noble.

Although this was not the first time, every time Ashes was betrayed, Ashes would feel extremely frustrated... This time was no exception.He couldn't understand why Brunhilde wanted to betray.This feeling was like being unable to understand why the group of companions who had not been together for a long time chose to betray.Why can't they talk to each other and drink wolf blood together like the soldiers of the Falan Undead Squad... This is obviously a better thing.

But looking at the scene in front of her, there was no trace of impatience on the fire prevention woman's face, on the contrary, it was full of indifference.

Seeing the frustration that Ashes could easily feel through the visor, a faint smile appeared on the face of the fire prevention woman beside her.I don't know why, but in the smile on the fireproof woman's face, I can clearly feel the emotions like relief or satisfaction... She doesn't seem to feel the slightest bit of emotion because of Brunhilde's betrayal. Sadness, on the contrary, seems to be mixed with a little joy.

"There is no need to be sad, Mr. Huihui." Standing on the stone steps behind Huihui, the fire-fighting woman put her arm on Huihui's shoulder affectionately.The delicate side face was also tightly attached to Ashes' slightly dark and cold visor.Some rough visors are slightly painful.But the Fireproof Girl doesn't seem to care about all of this. It may be because she has no feeling as an undead person, or it may be because of some strange emotions... The expression on her face is strangely at ease.

"It's enough to have me by your side."

The fire-proof girl was talking, but before she finished her words, there was a sound of footsteps at the gate of the sacrificial field, and she felt the figure in the dark green dress slowly approaching.The movement of the fire prevention girl also paused slightly.Then the original soft voice became a little flatter.

"Of course, it could be one and a half..."

Hearing this, Ashes scratched his head in doubt.Hearing the words of the fire prevention woman, a mocking sneer rose on the face of Hela who walked in.Looking at the location through the ring of darkness, and then refracted through the dome of the fireless sacrificial field, the place where Brunhilde is located.Hela said with a bit of disdain in her voice: "You guy, was that the plan from the beginning?"

"How come~"

Hearing Hela's words, the Fireproof Girl shook her head lightly, then said with a light smile, "I just never believed her from the beginning."

Hearing this, she frowned in surprise.Hela guessed that the Fireproof Girl would deny it—or admit it.But some didn't expect the fire prevention girl to answer her like that.

She didn't care about the expression on Huanla's face, and the fireproof woman still had a peaceful smile on her face:
"Not only her, but even you, and all the people in this world. Why should I believe them, or you? Just because Brunhilde was chosen by the Dark Ring? Even if he was indoctrinated The memory of the age of fire, but her mind still retains the past of this world... She has been different from us since she was born. She is a person of this era, no matter how she transforms, her thinking remains unchanged Yes, her memory will not disappear either..."

"Even in the age of fire, there is also betrayal, selfish desire, or greed. Her choice is only her own fault, no one else is to blame. And I am not sad about her betrayal, because to me, as long as there are ashes Adults are enough."

While speaking, the fireproof woman also looked up at Brunhilde's profile reflected on the dome of the fireless sacrificial ground.

"Just like the abominable thing in the past, or the noble dedication, or the abominable saint, or the nobility of the unity of the people, or the inseparable family relationship... are the source of all suffering, and she is not the first.  … ...or simply, use her as the final springboard to find Asgard."

Hearing this, he nodded silently.Hella didn't say anything.Looking at Brunhilde, who had a little confusion and hesitation in the eyes of the dome, Hela didn't show the slightest mercy... In other words, the betrayer didn't need mercy either.Throughout history, no matter how difficult or forced a traitor is, it is ugly.Abandoning the dark and turning to the light and treachery itself have the same meaning, at most it is the difference of the writer...

The corner of her mouth raised a curve, Hela smiled coldly, looked at the fireproof woman with a little sarcasm and said, "You really are the fireproof woman I know."

But the Fireproof Girl didn't seem to care about Hela's sarcasm, but she calmly responded while gently rubbing Ashes' mask like a cat, "I don't care about your opinion, it doesn't matter if you don't care about it, or if you don't care about it." Well, whether it’s praise or worship... I am Lord Ashes’ vassal, and the time, space, law, interests, good, evil, love, hatred, or other things attached to me by these outsiders are all irrelevant. Just tiny concepts."

"As long as Lord Ashes is still around, without these things, my world can still function..."

As she said that, the fireproof woman glanced at the confused Brunhilde from the corner of her eyes, and said nonchalantly:
"It's supposed to be the reward for letting her take a look at her hometown... Anyway, that world will be destroyed sooner or later."

(End of this chapter)

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