86 Chapter 86

Standing in a remote unmanned coffee shop in the corner of the city, watching the blue figure falling from the sky, it is none other than Brunhilde who came after seeing the emblem.This caused a bright smile to rise on Loki's face... In terms of temperament alone, Loki looks more friendly than his brother who has the word "reckless" all over his body.

However, looking at Loki's bright smile, Brunhilde didn't have the slightest intention to appreciate it.There was a dark disgust in her eyes... She didn't have much affection for anyone who betrayed her family.Especially before Loki kicked his brother off the Rainbow Bridge in front of her.This directly lowered her sense of Loki to freezing point - but for now, she doesn't seem to have any qualifications to criticize Loki.After all, what she is doing now is no different from Loki's previous betrayal...

"You should be the legendary high-ranking Valkyrie representing the balance of justice, Brunhilde, right? It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Loki. I'm the current second prince of Asgard."

Hearing this, he nodded calmly, and Brunhilde looked at Loki indifferently.

"Just tell me anything."

Nodding his head, he could guess why Brunhilde hated him, and Loki was not too polite, but answered directly: "My mother asked me to ask, why are you standing in Asgard now?" The opposite of Germany. And... During the past period of time, why haven't you appeared? Why have you been avoiding us? Why didn't you choose to return to Asgard?"

Hearing Loki's words, Brunhilde's eyes narrowed slightly... After a moment of silence, Brunhilde nodded flatly.

"I was resurrected during this time."

After hearing Brunhilde's words, Loki didn't answer right away, for no other reason... The amount of information contained in these words has even made the faint smile on Loki's face froze there...

"Well...if I heard correctly, what you just said was...resurrection?"


Looking at Brunhilde with an understatement, the light smile on Loki's face was slowly replaced by calmness and solemnity.In fact, when he was still in Asgard, some people, including his mother, had already guessed the answer.But after thinking for a while, this answer was quickly denied by Loki and others... There is no other reason, even with Asgard's current technology, it is also impossible to achieve resurrection, which only appears in the story. technology in.

Although Asgard is the origin of Norse mythology, the resurrection in Norse mythology is more of a rumor.In the eyes of the Vikings in ancient times, being able to revive a person who was unconscious or seriously injured and suspended animation could be regarded as resurrection.But the real death is not just as simple as suspended animation, but stagnation of thinking and disappearance of soul... Once there is a problem with the soul, even if the scars on that person's body are completely restored, at most it is soaked in formalin solution When a complete human specimen is nothing more...

The issue of the soul has always been something that all civilizations in this universe have been thinking about, researching, and conquering.But no matter what civilization it is, they dare not say that they have mastered it, or even that they have understood the basic composition of the soul... It is even said that because of some experiments, some alliance organizations in the universe have restricted all soul research topics to Crime, like clones on Earth...

What's more, according to his mother, Brunhilde has been dead for at least 5000 years, and even the body has been completely divided into countless small pieces.Even if it is a resurrection, it must follow the Basic Law.No matter where the myth is, in the resurrection request, there is basically a completed corpse... and like Brunhilde, the time interval is 5000 years... Could it be the legendary artificial soul?Then implant Brunhilde's memory?Loki couldn't help but think so.

"This is not my original body."

Under Loki's puzzled eyes, Brunhilde said slowly: "My body has been completely worn down by time in the past years. What you see now is my body, given My consciousness was created using the technology of the last era..."

"...the last era?" Looking at Brunhilde in front of him, Loki's face was full of doubts. "The Iron Age? Or the Bronze Age?"

"It's the last universe."

Pursing his lips, Brunhilde knew that he had embarked on a path of no return.But compared to the memories of the age of fire instilled in her mind by the bonfire, she is more willing to choose the hometown that carries her past... "As the scholars of Asgard said, the origin of our universe From a big bang with unknown reasons. And the universe before the big bang is what I call the last era...the age of fire. According to Ashes, the age we live in is the age of darkness and deep sea. And ashes , are the people of the Age of Fire... and the last embers of the Age of Fire."

"In the age of fire, there was this curse, and the name of that curse was the Ring of Darkness. Those chosen by the Ring of Darkness would become utterly undead..."

"Isn't that bad?"

Hearing Brunhilde's words, Loki's face was full of doubts.Because immortality sounds more like a blessing...

"What if the price of not dying is to lose your sense of taste, pain, and even most of your sense of touch?"

Looking at Loki in front of him, Brunhilde said so.After hearing Brunhilde's words, Loki nodded in a sudden realization... No wonder this is called a curse... Thinking about it, Loki looked at Brunhilde in front of him with some hesitation and continued to ask : "So, are you undead now?"

Hearing this, he nodded.Brunhilde continued: "That's right. Ashes collected my soul through the technology of the previous generation, and then threw it into the bonfire. Chosen by the will of the old age, the Ring of Darkness was engraved on my soul. And with The dust of the old age has shaped a new body for me. But the so-called immortality of the undead is only the immortality of the body. Every death, as a price, is like buying a second life. The darkness engraved on my soul A part of humanity will flow out of the ring. Once it flows out too many times, I will become unconscious, unable to think, and only rely on instinct to act..."

"Run away..." Brunhilde closed his eyes and said with a desolate expression: "The fireproof woman beside Ashes is a citizen of the dark age who was chosen in the age of fire. As the first citizen of darkness , the emblems of these two generations coexist on her body, and she has the ability to peek into the fragments of the future. The undead army commanded by Ashes is the undead army in the true sense. Humans, living corpses... They have already set their sights on Asgard. With the help of Hela, it is impossible for Asgard to win..."

After a pause, Brunhilde opened his eyes, looked at Loki in front of him, and continued with a gloomy gaze: "Before they haven't figured out the coordinates of the dimension where Asgard is located, hurry up and escape from there... ..."

After hearing Brunhilde's words, Loki frowned and fell silent.Undoubtedly, the amount of information contained in this news is too unbelievable... After a pause, Loki shook his head, looked seriously at Brunhilde in front of him and said: "I can't make a decision on this matter, and even if I say it, my mother will definitely not believe it. If possible, can you go to Asgard and explain all this to my mother in person?"

Looking at the silent Brunhilde, Loki continued: "It's like returning to my hometown."

Hearing this, Brunhild nodded silently.

However, while they were still talking.On the other side, there was another scene in the Undead Monastery.

(End of this chapter)

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