Chapter 88.
S.H.I.E.L.D., the Helicarrier.

Looking at the picture captured by satellite in front of him, Nick Fury's face was full of dignity...

The video being played on the screen is nothing but the battle between Hela and Thor.S.H.I.E.L.D. has the most complete energy detection system in the world (Earth).The moment the rainbow bridge opened the quantum channel to connect with the earth, S.H.I.E.L.D. quickly captured the huge energy fluctuation.And after capturing all this, S.H.I.E.L.D. did not choose to act rashly...and didn't even choose to report to Congress or the like.

Because of the particularity of S.H.I.E.L.D., S.H.I.E.L.D. has extremely high authority freedom.

Thunder is shining all over his body, and he is waving a war hammer. The cloak and dazzling blond hair that accompanies the storm make Thor look like the god of war in mythology.Just when Nick Fury and others thought it was going to be a bloody battle, Hela made a move... Almost instantly, even through the replay of a high-powered lens, only a little bit of that swift attack could be vaguely seen. Afterimage.It didn't even count as one round, and that majestic guy was kicked to the ground... He didn't even have the strength to fight back.

Is this because Thor is a pewter tip?not.You know, according to the energy estimated by S.H.I.E.L.D., the guy with lightning flashes all over his body has the power to easily destroy a city.The quality of the whole person's body is strengthened several times the moment he gets the hammer, and he is almost immune to most of the known individual combat weapons.Coupled with that eerie power, if not for his bizarre dress style and the alien language (Asgardish) he blurts out when the fight opens, Nick Fury would almost have mistook him for Storm's brother from Academy X some type of……

What's more important than this is... that guy named Hela is a bit too strong now compared to the time of the Battle of New York...

If it is said that in the previous observations by SHIELD, Hela's combat power is still a 500ml bottle of mineral water, and at most it can rely on those unknown solutions (cooling solutions) to continuously replenish it.So now Hella's combat power is a twenty-liter bucket.More importantly, according to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s observations, the current Hela can recover easily and quickly even without those mysterious solutions.

The meaning of this can not only be clearly expressed through the bucket.This means that Hela has been able to get rid of the restriction of external objects on combat power, and can rely on her own resilience to avoid the negative effects of energy consumption... A.H.I.E.L.D. will choose to contact, absorb, or eradicate weak threats .But if they are facing a huge threat like Hela, or a guy with a huge organization behind him, S.H.I.E.L.D. is more about taking precautions and preparing for possible crises.

According to previous observations, Hela's greatest weakness is that she needs a mysterious solution to assist her recovery when she consumes too much energy.Therefore, most of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s plans against Hela are derived from this point... and now, Hela has overcome this weakness...

"Boss, the Congress has begun to urge us to conduct an investigation report on the Undead Monastery."

"Shut them up."

Hearing Hill's words, Nick Fury frowned impatiently... Sometimes, he could deeply feel how mentally retarded the existence of the Congress Lord is.They only know how to obey the public opinion, how to get more votes, they will make a choice, even if this choice seems anti-intellectual.It is precisely because of this that they often point fingers there as laymen.

Just like a cloud player: Although I haven’t played it, but I’ve seen the video, I think it’s pretty simple.
Faced with this kind of boss who came to discuss whether there is any problem with the theory of relativity without even understanding Newton's three laws, Nick Fury would feel deeply helpless for a long time...

Putting useless distractions behind him, Nick Fury quickly returned to work.

"The Monastery of Immortality..." Frowning, he looked at a photo beside him, which was the only photo about the Monastery of Immortality.It is also a photo of the undead monastery that people are familiar with... The reason why it was able to be photographed was because Ashes walked in there, and the follower Ashes took the photo.It can be said that if it weren't for the appearance of Ashes, S.H.I.E.L.D. might not have known that there is such a mysterious existence on Fifth Avenue in New York...

Huge, grand, simple, mysterious, sublime...a monastery that clearly exists, but cannot be discovered by anyone.Being dubbed immortal, hiding in the most secret corner of the world, hiding in the gap between reality and fantasy... This is what the world understands about the Immortal Monastery, and the reason why people think so is because of a man named Peter Parker Reporter... even said that most of SHIELD's information about the Monastery of the Undead was obtained from this reporter's list...

In fact, both S.H.I.E.L.D. and the military have had some crooked ideas on him.But it is a pity that now Parker is already the most dazzling new star in the news world, and Tony Stark has clearly expressed his relationship with him, even the US government dare not do anything to him... even It is necessary to send someone to secretly protect his family and his personal safety.

After all, if this is exploited by someone with a heart, God knows what kind of public opinion storm will be caused in the United States where speech is free...

"Peter Parker...Spiderman..." Squinting his eyes, Nick Fury showed no surprise on his face, obviously he already knew it.After all, many secrets are not secrets to S.H.I.E.L.D.Especially Peter Parker's physique far beyond ordinary people, as long as SHIELD notices, his true identity can be easily discovered.But because of the umbrella provided by Tony... Parker still doesn't know that he has been missed by so many people or organizations... he can't even smear him.Because the reputation that Spider-Man has accumulated among the New Yorkers is too good - plus Tony's protection...

The computer systems of those who have used their brains have basically been paralyzed.Although Tony didn't say it, everyone knew he did it.But unfortunately, without evidence, no one can stand up and make accusations... If you dare to complain online, he will dare to revoke your account before the news you posted is seen by others.

Sighing, Nick Fury asked without looking back:

"Where is Peter Parker now?"

Hearing this, Hill on the side recalled it for a while and then said with a strange expression: "It seems to be... Ohio..."

Slightly taken aback, Nick Fury turned his head and looked at Hill beside him.

"Why did he go to that kind of place? Aren't all the schools started now?"

"Their school holds out-of-school practice every year..."

Hearing this, he took a look at Peter Parker's information file, which said that he might have the ability to predict crises.Nick Fury hammered down the table heavily, looked at Hill in front of him seriously and asked:
"Why didn't you stop him!"

"When the order was issued, the communicator suddenly failed...I suspect it was Tony Stark."

"Is there any evidence?"


Hearing this, he took a deep breath and calmed down.Nick Fury continued to ask with a calm face:

"Is there any other news?"

"Oh, I was just about to talk about it." Nodding, Hill opened a file next to him and said, "Recently there seems to be news about Hydra again..."

Hearing this, there was a moment of silence.Looking at the information in Hill's hand, Nick Fury took a heavy breath and calmed down:


(End of this chapter)

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