Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 51 Escape (please recommend!)

Chapter 51 Escape (please recommend!)
"What's going on! Is there an earthquake?"

Opadry, who was thinking in the high-rise office, was suddenly awakened by a sudden shaking, and the building seemed to be groaning in pain.

Fortunately, the shock disappeared soon after, otherwise Obaday doubted whether he could survive in the collapsed building.

"Sir! Sir!"

A man in a suit and leather shoes broke into the office, speechless in a panic, as if a person wanted to express all the meaning when he was in a hurry, but the information blocked him. I don't know what to say to look good.

"Relax!" The other party broke into the office in such a rude way, a trace of displeasure flashed across Obadai's face, and then he changed into a calm and stable expression, comforting the other party for him to speak out.

Opadry had a hunch that this must be related to the earthquake just now. Since the building did not collapse, he was still safe. Knowing the specific situation of the matter became the top priority now. After all, if such earthquakes occur again, no one can guarantee How long this building can last.

If it is an earthquake, then there may be aftershocks, and measures should be taken immediately.

It took a long time to appease the staff member before his face became a little normal. Obadai felt contempt and helplessness in his heart. He was very distressed that all his subordinates looked like this, and none of them were useful.

"Rett, why haven't you come out yet. Sir! Something has happened down there! We have to leave the building quickly." Before the first person could speak, another person broke into the door again, shouting anxiously.

At this time, Obadai also realized that there might be an emergency, so without further ado, he immediately set off and followed the two of them out of the office. headed for the roof.

While walking, Obaday finally got a rough idea of ​​what was going on.

"You mean, a mutant came to our company to cause trouble? Is he very powerful?" Obaday asked in surprise.

"Yes sir! It's terrible! I was on the platform on the second floor and saw the situation through the glass. He just... just stomped his feet, like an earthquake, or like a bomb exploded, The whole ground was turned upside down, everyone was shaken into the air, I was so scared that I ran up to inform you immediately."

"Come to inform me? You want to escape, huh!" Seeing the terrified look of his subordinates, Obaday snorted in his heart, but he didn't say anything on the surface.

It didn't take long for everyone to come to the rooftop. There was a helicopter on standby on the rooftop. The pilot was ready, and the propellers had started to rotate slowly.



"Mutants in the building listen up! You have violated the laws of the United States. Release the hostages immediately and surrender immediately! You will be given a fair trial by the laws of the United States, otherwise we will take measures. We have the right to let you carry out fatal attacks. You only have Think about it for 30 seconds, we have so many guns, even if you are a mutant, it is impossible to escape."

Hearing the nonsense of the American police downstairs, Wang Yu smiled.

Didn't the police always arrive last?Why didn't it take long for me to make some noise today, when more than 20 police cars arrived with their sirens blaring?
"Are the mutants in the building? Humph, it seems to have nothing to do with me, and I'm not a mutant."

"Where is it? If you don't say anything, I will leave you behind"

Wang Yu lifted the man he had been dragging in his hand, pushed his upper body out of the side railing, looked directly at him who was so frightened to death, and asked with flustered and fearful eyes.

Feeling the emptiness behind him, as long as the devil child in front of him let go, he would fall headfirst from a height of more than 30 meters to the ground. He felt that he was too nervous to speak, so he could only look at Wang Feather blinked her eyes in agreement.He breathed with his mouth wide open, but he still felt that he was so nervous that he was about to suffocate, and his whole body was covered in cold sweat.

"This timid, last chance."

Wang Yu pulled his suspended body back from outside the guardrail.Wang Yu knew that this person had just entered the pre-death brain self-protection state, and became difficult to move and unable to speak.

In fact, most people will appear in this state when they think that they are about to die, or when they are extremely frightened. In order not to suffer from pain, the brain will choose to inhibit the operation of the operating area and thinking, so as to protect people and reduce the time of death. The pain of the moment of serious injury.

"I said, I said, I said, huh..."

Finally recovering from the sense of crisis of death, the senior security officer, who was breathing heavily, felt that he was about to collapse at this moment, and told Wang Yu what he knew.

After getting what he wanted, Wang Yu knocked him out with satisfaction, threw him here, and headed towards the upper floors of the building.

In fact, Wang Yu didn't use such methods to ordinary people, but just now this person's will was very firm, Wang Yu tried the previous methods, but the effect was not satisfactory.

"It seems that for such a strong-willed person, it is still necessary to torture his will before proceeding to the next step." After using magic to amplify the fear of the security guard, Wang Yu finally succeeded.

Along the way, after intimidating every Stark employee he met, Wang Yu believed that it was impossible for these people to return to this building, otherwise the inexplicable fear would drive them crazy.This can be regarded as just to disintegrate Stark.

"Damn it!" When Wang Yu walked outside Obadai's office, his face changed, bang!Kicking the solid wooden door into pieces, Wang Yu looked inside, no one was there, the office was empty, and he was late.

"Don't move, surrender immediately! Otherwise, fire!"

At this time behind Wang Yu, it was already dark, and at some point, a large group of people dressed in armed special forces came up to him quietly.Hundreds of guns pointed at Wang Yu, giving a final warning.It seems that if there is a disagreement, Wang Yu will be beaten to a pulp

Dozens of ropes also fell from the glass roof of the roof, and several special forces personnel came down at any time to suppress it with firepower from the air.

If it is really a mutant, I am afraid that this kind of scene will be scared to death. After all, without special skills, most mutants will never be able to escape safely from this situation. They can only be arrested obediently, and then wait for the unknown Tragic fate.

However~~~Wang Yu is not a mutant...

"Fire you mad, don't touch your grandma!" Wang Yu, furious, turned around and shouted loudly.

Da da da... da da da! ! !

Da... da da da!

Da Da Da Da!

Da da da da!
Seeing Wang Yu suddenly turn around, a special forces soldier subconsciously pulled the trigger and fired.Hearing the sound of gunshots, everyone seemed to have heard an order. In an instant, hundreds of guns fired at once, and the sound of popping beans became one. Hundreds of fire snakes began to unscrupulously pour firepower at Wang Yu.

After hearing the sound of firing, the personnel on standby on the glass roof also rowed off the rope, arrived at the designated position and began to set fire to Wang Yu's place together with their comrades.


 Thanks to 'Everything Trojan Horse 2', 'Forgotten Time', 'Lonely Confucianism', 'ねぬそほふ', 'There is nothing bad in a book but no emotion', '1234 may not know', 'He Mao', ' Jin Shujian Piaoling', 'Book Friends 160513070924063', '348545.qdcn', 'Daguai Shou', 'Interview with Lei Jun for Three Days' for your support!Thanks!Thanks also to those who voted for recommendation!Friends with readers who support the author!
  The daily update is 07:30 in the morning, and the automatic update is set.

(End of this chapter)

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