Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 50 Father and Son (2 more, please recommend and reward!)

Chapter 50 Father and Son (Second watch, please recommend and reward!)
"Hehe, what an idiot whose head is full of Yoneda-ko." He sneered contemptuously in his heart, but on the outside he showed a very hesitant expression and said: "No... you can't do this, I have studied those things for many years Yes, how can..."

At this time, Albert showed a stern look, which made Manson feel that there was something in his heart.

"You can leave these words in the prison to say, and you will not be accompanied!" After hearing Albert's words, Manson's originally smiling face pulled away, and it became gloomy. He said sharply, and then pretended to be about to With the appearance of going to report, he turned around and walked towards the door.

Seeing Albert's expression, Manson felt that he was sure of everything this time, and he was very happy.

Although he pretended to be tired of bargaining with Albert on the surface, he seemed to see in his heart that not long after, he was praised by Obaday for accomplishing this matter, and the scene of being in power suddenly burst into excitement, and his blood seemed to be Walking up and down the whole body is very comfortable.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! You won, you have to give me a few days to prepare, at least until the work of handing Mr. Obaday over to me is over." Albert looked helpless The way he said, the tone made people feel very frustrated.

"Okay, Albert, I will put away today's surveillance video. If you dare to play tricks, let's wait and see. I will come to you in a few days. Remember to prepare what I want." Man Sen now seemed to feel that he had the victory in his hands. He regained his calm expression, tilted his head, gave Albert instructions with a smile, turned and left the laboratory.

"Hmph, idiot."

Watching Manson leave from behind the window, Albert sneered and ignored Manson, an idiot.need a few days?It only takes one day to finish the work by myself.

Turning around and walking in front of a super-large machine embedded in the wall, I don't know where to press it, and a groove covered by a transparent material under the machine suddenly lights up.

Through the glass, it can be seen that there is a distinctive iron suit lying flat in the tank at this time. The design is very different from Iron Man's Mark series and Opadry's prototype.

Tony's steel suit at this time is in a high-mobility, simple and efficient mode. Although the protection is strong, it is not invulnerable. The air-to-air missiles launched by the F-22 fighter jets dare not be hard-wired, and high-mobility evasion is required. Not to mention some powerful weapons, Tony Stark later developed a variety of armor models for different situations.But it is clear that Iron Man combines strength and mobility, and still uses high-speed attack flow.

However, the difference between Obadi and Tony can be seen from the design. This is a weapon platform developed for tackling tough battles and equipped with powerful weapons. The mobility is not as flexible and fast as Iron Man, but this is the original intention of the design. Because of this reason, Obadai has always wanted to sell this weapon to the army, so it is superior in strength and defense. It can defend against the attack of powerful weapons and attack enemy positions or fortresses under fierce artillery fire.

After starting the machine, the light in the glass cover, which seemed to be electric, quickly washed the battle suit inside from top to bottom. Seeing this scene, Albert's eyes showed the joy of fanatical research.

"That's it. Although nano-robots can't be made yet, it's still possible to use strong magnetic fields and electric currents to reshape and strengthen materials at the molecular level. I've been researching this for many years, and it's already practical.

Since you want my research results so much, then I will give you experience, otherwise how can I be worthy of your help to me. '"



"Is it here?"

Standing under a modern building, Wang Yu raised his head and glanced up at the buildings with countless floors. He said something to himself indifferently, and then walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a busy scene. Everyone was hurrying in and out from various places. Wang Yu ignored the others and walked straight to the elevator.

"Hey, kid, what are you doing here and who brought you here."

Seeing a child enter the building, the security personnel in the lobby on the first floor immediately noticed Wang Yu. Seeing him walking towards the elevator, they immediately stopped him and asked Wang Yu's whereabouts.

"Is your boss here? Answer me." Ignoring the security guard's question, Wang Yu immediately asked back when he saw someone answering him.

"Didn't your family teach you manners? Boy, answer my question now, or I will have to let the police take you to your family."

Hearing Wang Yu's tone, the security guard said angrily.

Wang Yu felt helpless about his ten-year-old appearance, it was so deceptive.

Not wanting to waste time with these ordinary people, Wang Yu wanted to directly find the person with the highest status in the Stark Group, and learn about his family's affairs directly from him, as well as where his father Albert went, and whether he was taken away by them Now, Wang Yu couldn't wait for all of this, and wanted to know the reason for all of this right away.

Without any nonsense, he grabbed the security guard by the collar and pulled it towards himself.

Why! !

The security guard only felt that he was being pulled by an irresistible force, and in the blink of an eye, he was pulled down on his stomach, his collar was tightly tied around his neck, and his face was brought in front of this kid.

"Answer me!" Wang Yu asked sharply again.

The security personnel were stunned. The scene in front of him completely overturned his previous understanding, and gave him an extremely unreal feeling. He wondered if he was dreaming.But he immediately realized that this was not a dream!
"Who are you!"

"What are you doing! Let him go!"

Seeing the situation, the surrounding security personnel gathered towards Wang Yu one after another. They were amazed how Wang Yu managed to subdue their partners. One must know that as security personnel who can work in Stark, They are all professionally trained, and it is not a problem for one person to beat five or six ordinary people.

"Well, since that's the case, let's make a big deal out of it, and we can always find it."

Seeing the situation around him, Wang Yu changed his mind when he came, and prepared to make a fuss, and then searched upwards from the first floor, and he would always find the person he was looking for.

"Come on, you scum, let me see what you can do."

With a flick of his hand, he knocked down several security personnel surrounded by him with the security personnel caught by him, glanced around, and said loudly in contempt.

Seeing this situation, everyone fell silent.



"what should we do"

"Let's call 911."

"It's just a little ghost, what are you afraid of! Let's go together, I don't believe he is so scary."

"it is good!"

The responsibility is that the security personnel at the scene understand that even if they call 911, the police will take a while to arrive, and they must control the scene during this time, so that this freak in front of them cannot cause chaos in the building.

"If you don't come, it's my turn!" With a smile, Wang Yu raised his right foot and stomped it down.

boom! !There was a loud bang, the ground was like water, and 'waves' spread to the surroundings, shaking people off their backs, the first floor was in a mess, and the crowd screamed in panic.


 Second watch, thanks for supporting and encouraging the brothers and sisters of the author!
  If there is no plot, just revenge and fighting blindly, wouldn't that be too pale and empty?Just like the ups and downs of music, the author Jun also wants to play a magnificent performance for everyone!Thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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