Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 52 All Destroyed (Please recommend!)

Chapter 52 All Destroyed (Please recommend!)
Normally, there wouldn't be so much fanfare for ordinary mutants, and lethal weapons were used. , under normal circumstances, arrests will still be the main focus.

But obviously, this is not the normal situation.

Where is this?The official office building of the Stark Industries Group, where countless scientific research secrets are located.It involves energy and weapons, two crucial scientific research materials.

If the information and research results here are leaked out, it is self-evident what the consequences will be.

This is an extremely important strategic secret of the country.If the information is obtained by other countries, it may be imitated, and the technological level of the country is greatly improved, and even targeted weapons or countermeasures are produced.

This is something that every American does not want to see, so for companies and research institutions of Stark’s level, the local government will often set up special emergency channels internally. The reason why the special forces appeared in front of him in such a short period of time.

"Mr. Waters, 8 teams have already touched it, and they can reach the designated location in 5 minutes."

"Well, good, people in the building, how is the evacuation going?"

"Except for a few people who turned into... stone statues, everyone else has already evacuated." Speaking of stone statues, the subordinate who reported couldn't help swallowing, and the color of fear could not help showing.

"By the way, sir, some of the escaped personnel seem to be a little bit out of order, and they seem to be very scared and terrified."

"Oh?" Waters said angrily after glancing at the subordinate. "Isn't this normal? These ordinary people who haven't been trained are prone to panic and extreme fear when this happens, and thus make a mess of what they can usually do. You'd better relax now , I think you have some symptoms of this too."

"Uh, sir! I know all of this, but that's not what I want to say. They didn't look like they were generally frightened. They seemed to be crazy. Regardless of dissuasion, they desperately fled away from the building. At first, I did the same I think it's really different, no matter how I persuade them, they are all so crazy, I would think one or two are overly frightened, but now dozens of people are like this!"

Seeing Waters' expression of disbelief, this subordinate was also anxious, and quickly described the matter.Hearing what his subordinates said, Waters felt something was wrong, although it was still a little hard to accept that the other party might be a mutant.

"Okay, I'll take a look right away," Waters explained to another commander, "After arriving at the designated location, give me a final warning, and immediately shoot and kill the opponent if there is any abnormality. The property of Stark Corporation is safe!"

Waters believed that under the siege of so many people, even mutants would not be able to leave here completely.

Moreover, if there is any problem with these rescued people and I don't care about it, I will be responsible for what happens in the future.

As a 'free' country, this is very important. If it is not done well, the camp that has opinions about itself will have an excuse to attack. In order to avoid this, Waters must be temporarily removed from command. Come and check the situation.

After the explanation, Worster followed his men to the location of the people who behaved abnormally as he said.The distance is not far, so it takes a moment to reach the destination.

"What the hell is going on here! What did the doctor say?"

What he saw surprised Waters. Even though the people with problems were handcuffed, they frantically struggled in the other direction away from the building. The skin on their hands was bleeding and they didn't seem to feel it. to the same.This hysterical appearance made everyone stay away from them.

"Sir, they even bit people. When they stopped them from doing so, they were bitten a few times. The doctor couldn't find anything, and even said that they were all normal. Look at them, do they look normal? .”

Hearing the indignant complaints from his subordinates, Wurster felt that things were abnormal, but he had no good way. In the end, Waters arranged for the police in protective clothing to stuff these people into the ambulance. Take them back to the hospital for a more detailed examination.

"I have to return to the scene to direct immediately, if you..."

boom! !Huge roar.

Before Waters finished speaking, there was a huge roar above the building and the sound of a lot of glass breaking!
"What's going on! Did they use explosives to blast it!" Waters asked the command vehicle with the communication device on his ear.

While asking, Waters saw the outer glass shards of the falling building smashing down, crackling into one piece.Fortunately, it fell in another direction and did not hit anyone's side, otherwise it is unknown how many casualties would have occurred.

"Sir, we can't reach them now, sir! What shall we do?"

"What!" Hearing the answer in the headset, Waters couldn't believe it, and he reacted after the other party repeated it again.

"It's impossible, it only took a few minutes! Could it be that the mutant killed everyone in an instant? Otherwise, how could there be no answer!"

"That's the truth, sir, I heard them open fire, and then I heard screams, and no matter how I called, there was no response."

Hearing his subordinate's reply, Waters was a little dumbfounded. He had never encountered such a situation before. He had caught many mutants. The most dangerous time was when a child who could be invisible injured several team members. , They are no different from ordinary people in front of bullets, and they will be smashed into a sieve under the bullets.

"Look! What is that!"

Noticing someone yelling, Waters looked up to the sky and saw a lot of dark things falling down, and then hit the ground with a puff!Click!The penetrating and muffled sound, every hit seemed to hit everyone's heart, draining their energy.

"Oh! My God, it's from the special forces!" A white policeman saw the true colors of the falling objects, and they turned out to be heavily armed special soldiers. stand up.

"Get out of the way!"

Pushing away those who stood in front of him, Waters rushed forward.

"God!" Waters buzzed in his head after seeing the situation, and he had no thoughts and went blank.

I saw heavily armed special forces soldiers laying on the ground. The scene was extremely tragic. They were smashed from a height of nearly [-] meters, and the bones were basically shattered. into one piece, dyeing the transparent glass shards and the ground into a piercing scarlet.

Worcester knows, he's done!

(End of this chapter)

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