Landlord System

Chapter 158 Monument to Heroes

Chapter 158 Monument to Heroes

"Today is a heavy day, a day of mourning for the soldiers who died in the killing field. On this day, we will hold a mourning ceremony for these soldiers who died in the killing field under this hero monument! Soldiers, please raise With your hands, let us salute and salute these warriors who sleep here forever!!"

Standing in front of the hero monument specially built for those soldiers who died in the battle, Mo Yu took the lead in performing a standard military salute.

Mo Yu rushed from Mo Haicheng to Dinglu City three days ago, just for today's mourning meeting.

After the ceremony, Mo Yu spoke again: "The battlefield is like a killing field, and it is normal for people to die, but those who bravely fought against zombies and died should not be buried in the long river of history, but should be recorded in history and remembered forever by us. In my heart, this monument to heroes behind me is the historical record of those soldiers who bravely fought against zombies. In the future, no matter who you are, as long as you join the army and die in the fight against zombies, you are eligible to Your name is recorded on the Monument to Heroes, so that future generations will remember you forever, remember that you fought and died for the future of mankind, and remember that you are a great hero!!"

When Mo Yu said the word hero, his voice was so loud that it struck the hearts of everyone present. It was so loud that everyone was in awe and wished their names would appear on the monument to heroes.

"Heroes are not a special term for someone. They can be those who dare to fight for the cause of mankind, or they can be those who sacrifice for the future of mankind. And every one of you here can become a hero, as long as you join the army , you are a hero, a glorious warrior fighting for the future of mankind, you will be remembered in the future, and your descendants will be proud of you!"

The mourning meeting is not only to mourn the dead soldiers, but also an inspiring recruiting publicity meeting.

After a pause, Mo Yu continued: "Join the army, join the anti-corpse cause, fight for the future of mankind, and fight for our homeland!"

"Join the army, join the anti-corpse cause, fight for the future of mankind, and fight for our homeland! Join the army..."

After Mo Yu finished speaking, Mo Yu's last words resounded in the square.He repeated it many times without any intention of stopping. If it wasn't for Mo Yu who had something to say, he would probably have shouted until the end of the mourning service.

Suppressing his hand, Mo Yu said to let everyone be quiet, and then he spoke again: "I, Mo Yu, as the city lord of Dinglu City, hereby announce that the soldiers who died in battle and those with relatives and friends will be given a pension of 10 yuan. Soldiers without relatives and friends, their pensions will become a love foundation to help those in need regain hope of survival. At the same time, let me say here that as long as the civilians who join the army can receive a settling allowance for each person , The settlement fee is [-] gold coins, as long as you join the army! Well, without further ado, let’s bow to these sacrificed heroes, and hope that they can be reborn into a good family. One bow, two bows, three bows , the ceremony is over!!"

After leading the people present to bow to the hero monument, Mo Yu left the central square and returned to the army garrison. After asking Zhan Yang to reward the soldiers, Mo Yu returned to Mo Haicheng.

After Mo Yu left, Zhan Yang gave each soldier a reward according to their different official positions and different military exploits, the lowest being [-] gold coins.After the rewards were distributed, Zhan Yang gave the whole army two days off to let them have a good rest.

After the two-day vacation, the army resumed its daily training.Zhan Yang also returned to his post.Returning to his post, Zhan Yang had to deal with two things first. These two things were conscription and nuclear radiation.Zhan Yang asked Wu Jiyu to deal with the conscription work, and he was to deal with the most difficult problem, which was nuclear radiation pollution.

Nuclear radiation pollution is a problem caused after a nuclear bomb explodes. Originally, Dinglu City was very far away from the center of the nuclear explosion, more than 100 kilometers. Such a long distance would not affect Dinglu City, but the nuclear explosion center affected the lives of border guards. , Zhan Yang had to deal with it.

To deal with nuclear radiation pollution, the nuclear radiation processing equipment that Mo Yu threw in the nuclear bomb crater near Dinglu City is necessary.So Zhan Yang brought a team of hundreds of people to the nuclear bomb crater.

The nuclear bomb crater on the side of Dinglu City, because after the nuclear explosion, it rained heavily and formed a lake, which hindered the work of Zhan Yang and others to a certain extent.As a last resort, Zhan Yang could only ask someone to build a temporary camp first, and after getting familiar with the underwater situation, he picked up the nuclear radiation treatment equipment.

After the temporary camp was set up, Zhan Yang took a few soldiers with good water skills to find out the situation at the bottom of the lake.

The crater lake was originally formed by mixing mud. After a long period of standing, the lake water became crystal clear.Therefore, Zhan Yang and his team's underwater exploration mission was very easy, and they quickly found out the situation at the bottom of the lake. They also found nuclear radiation processing equipment with a height of three meters and an area of ​​five square meters.

However, the problem that Zhanyang is facing now is that the nuclear radiation processing equipment is almost completely buried by the silt, only the flashing indicator light on the top is exposed, so Zhanyang must let people clean up the silt first.

The work of clearing mud from the lake was very difficult. Without oxygen tanks, Zhan Yang and others would not have dared to clear the lake. Even with oxygen tanks, the cleanup work took a long time. Zhan Yang and others took three days. Talented people have completely dug out the nuclear radiation processing equipment, and the next step is to get the nuclear radiation processing equipment on land.This step is also the most troublesome step. The nuclear radiation processing equipment is very heavy, weighing 1.3 tons. It is very difficult to get such a heavy thing ashore!Zhan Yang thought about all the ways he could think of, but in the end it didn't work, so Zhan Yang could only ask Mo Yu for help by satellite phone.Mo Yu's suggestion was to forcibly drag it up with a truck.Fortunately, Zhan Yang and the others drove a truck to the nuclear bomb crater. Mo Yu said to use a truck to tow, and Zhan Yang and others used a truck to tow.

The truck quickly dragged the nuclear radiation processing equipment to the shore, but due to the forcible towing, the nuclear radiation processing equipment was damaged, and the components inside were exposed in some places, and it seemed to be seriously damaged.Zhan Yang had to call and tell Mo Yu.However, Mo Yu had anticipated this situation a long time ago, so he asked Zhan Yang to transport the nuclear radiation processing equipment back to Dinglu City first, and he would send someone from Mo Haicheng to repair the nuclear radiation processing equipment.

After receiving Mo Yu's instructions, Zhan Yang ordered someone to clean up the nuclear radiation processing equipment, took it back to Dinglu City, and waited for Mo Yu to send someone to repair the nuclear radiation processing equipment.

The person Mo Yu sent to repair the nuclear radiation processing equipment was not a human being, but a simulated robot, which is a robot specialized in repairing nuclear radiation processing equipment.

The robot arrived at Dinglu City three days after Zhan Yang returned to Dinglu City, and began to repair the nuclear radiation processing equipment.

 Thank you to Sun Limin of Liuhe No. [-] Middle School for your recommendation vote. I was busy with work yesterday and had no time to type. I will reissue it today.


(End of this chapter)

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