Landlord System

Chapter 157 Attacking Linhai City 3

Chapter 157 Attacking Linhai City 3
Search again, and soon there is a new discovery, Zhan Yang and the others found the entrance of the underground palace.The entrance to the dungeon is located among the ruins.This entrance was originally not exposed, but after the Tomahawk missile bombed, the bunker above it was blown up, and this entrance was naturally exposed.

The entrance was found, but Zhan Yang dared not allow anyone to enter. No one knew what was going on inside, and Zhan Yang could only let someone guard the entrance, waiting for him to ask Mo Yu through the satellite phone whether to enter.

Mo Yu's opinion is not to enter, this underground palace has only one entrance, and it is 20 meters deep underground, so deep, as long as the entrance is blown up, these zombies will have no way to get out of the underground palace.As for the depth and entrance information of the underground palace, this is the result of Mo Yu's deep scanning analysis through satellites.

After receiving Mo Yu's instructions, Zhan Yang arranged for people to go 20 meters deep into the entrance of the underground palace, and plant bombs from there. Zhan Yang wanted to blow up the entire entrance and let these zombies stay in the underground palace forever.

20 meters deep into the entrance of the underground palace, you are in a dark area, which is the territory of zombies. If Zhan Yang wants to break in, he doesn't know how many people will die.After all, the zombies inside are getting ready to go, waiting for Zhan Yang and the others to come down.

Going 20 meters deep into the entrance of the underground palace, Zhan Yang recruited a volunteer team and asked the volunteer team to go in and install the bomb.It's a voluntary team, rather a suicide team, so few people are willing to join the voluntary team, so Zhan Yang had to come up with a unique trick, directly saying that each person who joins the voluntary team will be rewarded with 10 gold coins, and if the voluntary team members die Yes, the pension will be directly issued 20 yuan.

In this way, under the temptation of money, the volunteer team of 30 people was fully recruited.

The task of the 30-member voluntary team is to enter the entrance of the underground palace and plant bombs, one bomb every one meter, until the real entrance of the underground palace, which is 20 meters away.

At the beginning of the task, a team of 30 people, 20 people are responsible for security, eight people are responsible for carrying the bag, and two people are responsible for installation.Soon the volunteer team entered the dark zone.In the dark area, the voluntary team exchanged fire with the zombies. However, these zombies were no match for the voluntary team. In the narrow passageway, these zombies were completely doomed, so the voluntary team quickly broke through ten meters.Breaking through ten meters easily, the volunteer team became proud, thinking that this task was easy and without any pressure, so after some members shot down the zombies, they did not check whether the zombies were killed by themselves.Just like that, he swaggered over the corpses of those zombies and concentrated on hitting the zombies in front.Soon the Volunteer Squad pays for their arrogance.

These zombies are commanded by the third-level zombies, so the third-level zombies know that the war is not good for the zombies, so they let some zombies pretend to be dead, trying to attack these soldiers from behind.

The plan was successful. Because these soldiers were too arrogant, they managed to let three second-level zombies mix behind them.So the next picture is that three second-level zombies attacked the voluntary team, annihilating the entire voluntary team, but before everyone was killed, the soldier in charge of installing the explosives detonated the explosives, and the entire passage collapsed in an instant. A deep ditch was blown out of the ground.

After the bomb exploded, the underground palace was isolated from the ground. The zombies inside could not get out, and the soldiers outside could not get in. In this way, the war in Linhaicheng was over.The war in Linhaicheng was over, Zhan Yang and others packed up their things and went back to Dinglu City to celebrate their victory.The victory was filled with joy, and all of Dinglu City was like celebrating the Spring Festival. It was very lively, and many people were intoxicated with joy.No one noticed that in the deep trench where the entrance to the underground palace collapsed in Linhai City where they had just fought, a zombie hand broke through the soil and pointed to the sky. Then more zombie hands broke through the soil and pointed to the sky. Then the owners of these zombies also It was the zombies crawling out of the soil one by one, howling at the sky.These zombies are the zombies buried in the underground palace.

It is said that the entrance of the underground palace was blown up, but the distance from the ground was not very deep, only ten meters, ten meters plus the collapsed deep ditch, so the distance from the underground palace to the ground was less than five meters.Five meters, relying on the strength of the zombies, they forcibly dug a passage leading to the ground.

After the passage was dug through, the third-level zombies came out of the underground palace. Seeing that Lin Haicheng was destroyed, they were very angry. They decided to attack Nail Lu City at night to show those humans the consequences of angering the zombies.

There is a saying that the ideal is full, but the reality is cruel!Attacking Nailu City at night is just the idea of ​​a third-level zombie.In one night, the zombie army only walked a hundred kilometers and had not yet reached the border of Linhai City.So when it's almost dawn, level 5 zombies have to find a place to hide from the sun to spend the day.Fortunately, there is a mountainous area nearby with dense trees, making it easy to hide more than [-] zombies.

More than 5 zombies just hid in the woods and passed the day safely. As it got dark again, these zombies continued on their way.For three consecutive days, the zombie army has been on their way, and finally on the fourth day, the zombie army arrived near the border station.

Arriving near the border station, the third-level zombies smelled humans, so they stopped all the zombies, and then sent a thousand zombies to surround the border station, trying to kill the humans inside.But because the walls of the border guard station are all made of modern cement, it is difficult for zombies to break through the wall, which made the soldiers on duty inside the border guard station sound an alarm.

The alarm was issued, and the barracks near the border station soon received news that the border station had been attacked.After inquiring about the soldiers on duty at the border defense station via satellite phone, the person in charge of the barracks issued a mobilization order and immediately led the troops to support the border defense station.

The result of waiting for this force was that they were surrounded by zombies, and were subsequently eliminated by the angry zombies.

The loss of the border guards quickly reached the ears of Zhan Yang who was far away in Dinglu City.After Zhan Yang knew about this, he immediately called up the satellite monitoring screen and saw the zombies moving towards the city of Nailed Landing.

After discovering the zombie swarm, Zhan Yang decided to directly carry out a nuclear strike to eliminate all the zombies. However, in order to carry out a nuclear strike, Mo Yu must be consulted.So Mo Yu soon learned about the killing of the border guard.

Mo Yu agreed to Zhan Yang's request, and then let the system launch a nuclear bomb.

The power of nuclear bombs is astonishing.The level [-] zombies had a premonition that a big crisis was coming. They immediately ignored the zombie army and tried to escape on their own, but it was too late.The moment the nuclear bomb fell, all the zombies in a radius of ten kilometers were destroyed. The zombies at the center of the nuclear explosion and the third-level zombie were directly gasified, and the zombie army was wiped out!
(End of this chapter)

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