Landlord System

Chapter 159 Nuclear Radiation Processing Equipment Destroyed

Chapter 159 Nuclear Radiation Processing Equipment Destroyed
The robot handled the nuclear radiation processing equipment quickly, and the nuclear radiation processing equipment was repaired in less than half a day.

After the repair of the nuclear radiation treatment equipment was completed, Zhan Yang took dozens of his men to the nuclear radiation area to place the nuclear radiation treatment equipment.

Arriving at the outskirts of nuclear radiation pollution, Zhan Yang told his men to wait here, and he personally drove a truck to deliver the nuclear radiation treatment equipment.Fortunately, when Mo Yu left, he gave Zhan Yang the anti-nuclear radiation clothes, so Zhan Yang safely transported the equipment to the edge of the nuclear bomb crater, and walked out of the nuclear radiation contaminated area safely.

After the equipment is safely placed, Zhan Yang and the others will go to Dinglu City, and wait three days before returning to recover the nuclear radiation processing equipment.

As soon as Zhan Yang returned to Dinglu City, his adjutant Wu Jiyu came to him to report on the recruitment situation.

Generally speaking, the recruitment situation is not bad. People have come to serve as soldiers in a few days, but the number is a bit small. So far, only a regiment of 5000 soldiers has been recruited, which is still far from the 2 soldiers Zhan Yang expected. big difference.

"Only 5000 people! Are the people in Dinglu City so unwilling to join the army?"

There are more than 5 people in Dinglu City. Although half of them are soldiers, the other half are ordinary people. Out of 5000 people, only [-] people will be soldiers. Zhan Yang doesn't know what to say.

"Leader, it's not that the people don't want to serve as soldiers, but that everyone who can serve has come. The rest are old people, children, and women. These people can't be soldiers. Leader, the problem we are facing now is There are no soldiers to recruit. The population of Lucheng is too small to recruit many troops."

The population of Dinglu City is only 10 people. Excluding the old, the weak, the sick, children and women, there are really not many people who can join the army, not to mention the profession of mercenaries, even fewer people who can join the army.If it weren't for what Mo Yu said a few days ago, it is estimated that there would be less than 5000 people recruited!

"Okay! You go down! I'll call the young master and ask if I can recruit troops in Mohai City."

Since Dinglu City couldn't find anyone, they would go to Mohai City to recruit someone. However, Zhan Yang had to talk to Mo Yu about this and get Mo Yu's consent.

After getting through the phone call, Mo Yu agreed to Zhan Yang's plan to recruit troops in Mo Haicheng.With the consent, Zhan Yang sent people to Mo Haicheng to recruit soldiers.

Sure enough, Mo Haicheng did not disappoint Zhan Yang. In just three days, 2 people signed up to serve as soldiers. Even according to this situation, Zhan Yang estimated that he could recruit another 2 people in two days. However, the current The number of people has exceeded Zhan Yang's expectations, and Zhan Yang stopped recruiting troops.

With the 2 newly recruited soldiers from Mo Haicheng plus the 5000 newly recruited soldiers from Dinglu City, plus the original 340 soldiers, Zhan Yang has a total of 340 soldiers, which is already enough. At this stage, there is a demand for troops, so the conscription work is over, and the next step is recruit training.But Zhan Yang doesn't need to worry about this, he will have his subordinates to do it.What Zhanyang has to do now is to recover the nuclear radiation processing equipment.

Zhan Yang should have recovered the nuclear radiation treatment equipment long ago, but it was delayed for a few days due to military recruitment work.However, it only takes a few days. Zhan Yang probably won’t touch that thing, so it doesn’t matter if it’s a few days late.

With dozens of men, Zhan Yang soon came to the original nuclear radiation pollution area.However, Zhan Yang didn't stop, and just drove his truck into the nuclear radiation contaminated area. After all, the nuclear radiation problem here has been solved, and they came to recover the nuclear radiation treatment equipment, so naturally they don't need to stop.

The truck quickly drove up to the truck where the nuclear radiation processing equipment was stored.When they came here, Zhan Yang and the others discovered that the nuclear radiation processing equipment had been seriously damaged, and the whole equipment was torn apart, which was no longer worth recycling.

"What's going on? Go down quickly and find out who sabotaged the nuclear radiation processing equipment?"

It is a very serious matter that the nuclear radiation processing equipment is destroyed by someone. A set of nuclear radiation processing equipment is worth one billion gold coins. Zhan Yang is very distressed that such expensive equipment has been damaged like this. Mo Yu probably knows about it. Very distressed.So what Zhan Yang has to do now is to investigate the sabotage caused by that guy.

The result of the investigation is that it was not human beings who destroyed the nuclear radiation processing equipment. This can be seen from the footprints. Although the footprints are very similar to those of humans, the footprints are huge, three times larger than normal human footprints, and the footprints The nails on the top are still very long and hard, otherwise they would not leave nail indentations on the ground.

"Commander, is this the footprint of a zombie? It's so big, how big is this zombie?"

An officer surrounding Zhan Yang looked at the big footprint and guessed that it was the footprint of a zombie.

"Probably, but I'm not sure. I'll inform the young master about this first, and let the young master use the eyes of the sky to help us see if it is a zombie."

Zhan Yang probably is also the footprints of zombies, only the feet of zombies can grow such long nails, but Zhan Yang is not sure, so he should tell Mo Yu about it first.

After receiving the satellite call from Zhan Yang, after Mo Yu understood the situation, he immediately asked the satellite to replay the records of the past few days. Soon, Mo Yu saw the picture of the nuclear radiation processing equipment being destroyed.

The nuclear radiation processing equipment was destroyed by a special zombie. This zombie was covered with black hair. It was very huge, five meters high, and its nails were very long and sharp. Where it scratched, no matter what it was, even if it was Even iron is cut by it.

When the image of this zombie appeared, the landlord system in Mo Yu's brain issued a warning.

"Warning, a non-plane creature has been found. This creature is highly aggressive and will use energy to attack. It is an existence that players cannot fight against. Players are asked to find the last fragment of this system as soon as possible. If this system obtains the last fragment, it will naturally The creature is kicked off the plane."

"A non-plane creature? What the hell? Please explain to the system what kind of creature it is, why it destroyed my nuclear radiation processing equipment, and why I can't deal with it?"

Mo Yu did not expect that it was a foreign creature that destroyed the nuclear radiation processing equipment, but why did this foreign creature destroy the nuclear radiation processing equipment?Mo Yu didn't know, so he asked the system.

"Player, this creature is a super zombie from the energy world. This creature no longer belongs to the range of cell creatures, but belongs to energy creatures. The whole body is composed of energy cells, so they feed on energy, and your nuclear radiation processing equipment has Energy blocks, this is in line with their biological standards, so you have to destroy your nuclear radiation processing equipment. As for why you can't deal with it, your laser attacks, bullet attacks, and nuclear bomb attacks are all ineffective against it!"

"Damn it! It's so scary, that system, what should we do now?"

Unexpectedly, this alien creature was so terrifying, Mo Yu was frightened, and immediately asked the system what he was going to do.

"Find the last system fragment as soon as possible. With that fragment, after the system fully masters this plane, it will naturally kick this creature out of this plane. Also, players please note that when attacking targets in the future, please do not use lasers Energy weapons to avoid attracting this creature.”

(End of this chapter)

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