Datang: I am the prince of salted fish, I impeach Li Er at the beginning

Chapter 182 What about people?where did everyone go

Chapter 182 What about people?where did everyone go
Li Zhi observed in the crowd, seeing the craftsmen scratching their ears and cheeks, he secretly smiled.

The forefoot is still worried about whether the appearance of machinery will cause them to lose their jobs.

Now it is found that instead of affecting their status, it is possible to obtain higher benefits.

Driven by profit, how can this group of people have any jealous thoughts.

Everyone wants to burst out with inspiration immediately and become the next object of envy by everyone.

"Sure enough, only real benefits can move people's hearts."

“This is true whether it’s for the bottom of society or for the top.”

"Just study it slowly. If you can really find out why, the imperial court will not be stingy with rewards."

Li Zhi did not intend to come forward to explain the role of the mechanical structure to the craftsmen.

Compared to letting him explain it, it would be more practical if the craftsmen can spontaneously think about the functions of each structure.

Even if they don't know how to make paper.

But you can also find similar examples from simple work experience.

The paper machine he took out, to put it bluntly, is the application of classical mechanics.

Whether it is the hand-operated retractable structure or the lever used by the pendulum, aren't they all made for labor-saving?
As long as they understand the principles of these structures, they will not be too far away from the day when inventions and creations will flourish.

While Li Zhi was still observing the reactions of the craftsmen, Tian An had finished inquiring about the news and returned to him.

"Your Highness, the two most primitive paper machines were moved here seven days ago."

"The two newest pieces of machinery were transported here by the prisoner yesterday."

"As for the stele you requested, it is still being carved, and I'm afraid we have to wait ten days and a half months."

Tian An told the news he found out in detail.

Li Zhi was quite surprised after hearing this: "Your ability to inquire about information is quite good! You even found out about the stone carvings. Where did you ask?"

Forget about other things, just ask ordinary people who often pass by here, and you can easily find out.

But the making of the stone tablet has not been announced to the public yet.

I didn't expect this guy to be able to dig out even the inside information in such a short period of time.

As expected of a secret guard, he has a good means of inquiring information.

Tian An embarrassedly scratched the back of his head and said vaguely: "It's all thanks to the brothers. I just went to the agency and asked."

"Oh I got it."

Li Zhi nodded clearly. It seems that these hidden guards have an intelligence network in the capital, and they found out through the intelligence network. No wonder it was so fast.

After understanding the general situation, Li Zhi did not continue to investigate further.

It is quite normal for the emperor to weave an intelligence network on his own territory.

As long as you know there is such a thing, if you inquire too much, I'm afraid it will cause some unnecessary troubles.

Li Zhi thought so, and continued to observe the situation at the paper machine.

See if you can see someone burst into inspiration live, say something, or something.

To be honest, he still looks forward to others being able to draw inferences from one instance and use the principles applied in paper machines to create machinery that can be used in various industries.

But judging from the current situation, it seems that there is still a long way to go to reach the level of improvement.

Many principles that seemed very simple to him are still unsolved mysteries for craftsmen of this era.

Seven days have passed, and the discussions are still superficial.

In a short period of time, there will be no greater changes.

Li Zhi observed for a while, shook his head in disappointment, turned around and planned to leave.

The speed at which the mechanical potential is tapped is too slow.

Some people have clearly seen the advantages of mechanical structures, but they still have no way to innovate and think of ways to apply them to other industries.

Knowledge is too blocked in this era.

Without sufficient knowledge accumulation, even if the finished product is put in front of them, they will not be able to find a direction to imitate.

It may take some time to digest and brew.

Still the same sentence, he needs more patience, waiting for the paper machine to bring vitality to slowly ferment.

"Let's go, let's go home."

Li Zhi took a step forward and walked towards the position where the carriage stopped.

But as soon as he took two steps, he heard a commotion behind him.

"Hey! Didn't the court reward you if you invent something new?"

"What about people? Where have they all gone?"

"Where are the officials who will be prisons?"

Hearing the movement from behind, Li Zhi's expression moved, and he immediately turned his head to look over.

I saw a little boy who was about 1.5 meters tall and dirty all over, yelling loudly.

The arrival of the boy caused dissatisfaction among the craftsmen around him.

Maybe it was because of the strong smell on his body, many people standing beside the boy wrinkled their noses, with disgusted expressions on their faces.

It can be seen that the arrival of this child is not welcomed by other people, but they dislike him very much.

The boy continued to yell unconsciously, seeing that no one was paying attention to him, the expression on his face became stinky,
"What, didn't you agree to create a good thing, and you will be rewarded? Co-authoring is lying to children?"

The boy's words caught Li Zhi's attention.

Li Zhi didn't think much, and immediately turned around and walked over.

Coming to the boy's side, Li Zhi showed a faint smile on his face and asked softly: "Why, you have created something good, and you are so anxious to find someone to receive the reward?"

The boy noticed Li Zhi early in the morning.

Li Zhi is tall and big, and he is still wearing luxurious clothes.

His demeanor is even more outstanding, one can tell that he is not an ordinary person.

The boy who looked like a bachelor just now suddenly became a little embarrassed when he looked at Li Zhi's sunny face.

"Yes... there is such a thing, but I don't know if I can receive the reward, so I want to come and ask."

"Then can you bring the things over and show me?" Li Zhi smiled and said, "If you can really meet the imperial court's requirements and standards for innovation, maybe you can really get a reward."

Regarding whether inventions and creations can be rewarded by the court, the court does not yet have a definite statute.

For a sane adult, it is not difficult to use the things on hand to obtain real benefits.

Whether it is to be handed over to the imperial court or kept for personal use, it is always a choice.

Therefore, there is actually no need to rush to establish a reward charter.

But for the child in front of him, how to realize what he has in hand is not that simple.

Since the kid claims to have invented something new.

Whatever the reason, it's worth seeing.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of time?
(End of this chapter)

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