Datang: I am the prince of salted fish, I impeach Li Er at the beginning

Chapter 181 The discussion brought by the paper machine, the hidden encounter

Chapter 181 The discussion brought by the paper machine, the hidden encounter

This is like the temptation that Ma Zhou will pass from time to time.

Li Zhi didn't even care about him, and watched Ma Zhou's death with a cold eye.

Once he touched his bottom line, it was time to pronounce the death sentence.

"From now on, you will be the double-material senior agent of my Tang court!"

"How about I give you a code name?"

"Do you think the code name pangolin is cool?"

Li Zhi's mood today can be said to be quite good, and he didn't have a clue when he joked.

Tian An was still anxious at first, but when he heard Li Zhi speak so calmly, he didn't know how to respond to this indifference.

He couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Your Highness, don't make fun of your subordinates. What kind of agents, what kind of pangolins, what subordinates don't understand."

"You don't even have this level of comprehension, what kind of secret guard are you?" Li Zhi said with disgust, "Forget it, since you don't want to, I won't force you."

"I'd better hurry on my way and continue chatting with you. I'm afraid that the secret will be revealed by accident. Your affinity is too strong. Why, as a prince, can you be so kind?" Tian An looked puzzled. Scratching his head, speaking in an upside-down manner.

However, Li Zhi still understood the logic of these words.

It's nothing more than feeling that I'm good at talking, and I can easily be led into the ditch.

This can be regarded as a compliment from another angle, Li Zhi accepted it with a smile.

Chatting all the way, the two soon arrived at Dongshi.

When I came to the place where the craftsmen gathered again, I saw four huge machines standing on the square.

A group of people dressed in craftsmen's clothing stood around and pointed.

"Tian An, help me find out how long it has been since these machines were moved here."

Li Zhi got out of the car, gave some casual instructions, and then walked towards the direction of the paper machine.

Tian An responded, first went to park the car, and then asked around in the crowd.

Li Zhi didn't care about Tian An's actions, and hid in the crowd to observe secretly.

Listen to the exclamation and discussion of the craftsmen from time to time, and think about their thoughts according to the content of the discussion.

Discussion sounds kept coming from his ears, and Li Zhi raised his ears to listen carefully.

"These objects seem to be just ordinary things, and they just save a little effort during operation. Why do they get high praise from the court?"

"It should be the reason why large-scale manufacturing can be carried out? You can see that the primary purpose of each machine is to save labor and operate on a large scale. It is probably because of this reason."

"I can't say that completely. I have learned about the papermaking industry. When it comes to winter, I will encounter various problems, which will make it impossible to make paper, especially the cold temperature, which bears the brunt of the problem! I heard that the molding machine It has completely changed the problem of cracked hands of craftsmen, and the paper mill can start work smoothly even in winter."

"In this way, the machinery manufactured by the supervisor has eliminated the impact of the environment to some extent?"

"So to sum it up, the emergence of paper machines has brought three advantages: mass production, labor saving, and changing the external environment, right?"


Just when the craftsmen guessed the actual use of the paper machine based on their own experience.

A passing craftsman revealed the biggest use of the paper machine.

"Your guess, there is no problem in the general direction, but you have ignored the most important point!"

As soon as these words came out, all the craftsmen looked at the passerby.

Seeing so many eyes coming together, the passer-by seemed to feel cramped.

He shrugged his shoulders, lowered his voice, and continued, "In fact, the biggest use of the paper machine is to simplify the production process, so that a group of laymen who don't know how to do it can also participate in the ranks of paper making."

"Our paper factory has expanded a lot recently and recruited a lot of idlers to join in."

"I thought that the appearance of these laymen would cause chaos inside the paper factory."

"But in fact, we just trained them for less than a day, and we were able to get them to work smoothly."

"Although it is a bit clumsy, they can indeed start making paper through machinery."

If it is said that before, everyone still exchanged their thoughts in a low voice.

Then as soon as these words came out, there was an uproar immediately!

"What?! Even laymen can participate in the manufacturing, how is this possible?!"

"In this way, what should you do with the rice bowls of the craftsmen in the papermaking workshop? You won't starve to death, will you?"

"Oh my god, this is too scary, this thing is going to kill people!"


Also as craftsmen, folk craftsmen immediately brought into this passer-by's standpoint to think about problems.

The moment he realized that he could easily be replaced, panic spread quietly.

But seeing the passer-by smile awkwardly, he didn't dare to let everyone misunderstand, and directly told the truth.

"That's not true. The addition of newcomers does make us feel the pressure."

"But correspondingly, all of us skilled workers have become senior craftsmen, and have become little leaders who lead the newcomers to work."

"Speaking of it, our salary is much higher than before. In fact, the emergence of paper machines is quite good for our paper industry."

The craftsman who was originally an apprentice has now transformed into a small leader.

Not only is the treatment up, but you can also feel the respectful eyes of the newcomers.

The overall environment is even better than before, and he has nothing to dissatisfy.

Hearing what this passer-by said, the restless hearts of the craftsmen gradually calmed down.

And when they looked at the paper machine again, there was already a little fanaticism in their eyes.

If it is said, they can also create similar things and hand them over to the court.

Can it also change the current fate of being too high or too low?

Since the appearance of machines will not pose a threat to them, why should they resist?

It seems a better choice to adapt to the trend and become a part of vested interests?

The craftsmen once again observed the various parts of the machine, concentrating on guessing the function of each part.

Some people even tried to find the passer-by on the way of observation and asked more specific questions.

But at some point, the passers-by had long since disappeared.

Even if you want to ask questions, you can't find anyone.

Realizing that they had missed a great opportunity, many people beat their chests and feet.

After finally meeting a professional who can provide the specific functions of each component, why didn't they cherish this opportunity?

Knowing every detail of these machines may inspire them.

Without professional explanations, how can they know the function of each component!
(End of this chapter)

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