Datang: I am the prince of salted fish, I impeach Li Er at the beginning

Chapter 183 Square Declaration, Spreading the Light of Civilization

Chapter 183 Square Declaration, Spreading the Light of Civilization

Seeing that someone was willing to face him squarely, the boy became excited instantly.

"Really? Then wait for me, I'll bring the wheels right away!"

The boy didn't even say how much time it would take. He disappeared in a flash, leaving Li Zhi dumbfounded.

He was still wondering what the "wheel" in the boy's mouth was, and wondering if the boy could surprise him.

But when he looked back, he accidentally saw a scene that shocked him.

Just look at those craftsmen who disliked him so much just now, all of them looked at him with vigilant eyes.

As if guarding against thieves, the worried eyes were alert, not to mention how glaring.

How is this going?

Did I accidentally touch their sensitive nerves?
Where did I make it, and why did it arouse their vigilance?
In Li Zhi's view, this makes no sense.

Why did he become the object of others' vigilance when he obviously did nothing.

But when he thought about it carefully, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.

He caught that fleeting moment of inspiration.

Li Zhi realized the reason.

It's his own clothes, his temperament, and these things that can highlight his class, which aroused the vigilance of these craftsmen!

Other than that, there is no other reason.

A person who obviously looked like an aristocrat asked an ignorant child to take out something that might be priceless or worthless.

In the eyes of the people at the bottom, isn't this a precursor to plundering the fruits of labor?

In the past, the gentry class and the bureaucratic class did a lot of things like giving birth to a child without an ass hole.

He is afraid that it has caused the deepest pain in the hearts of the common people.

This is how the weird scene appeared.

Although that kid seems very unreliable.

No matter how I think about it, I don't think that child can come up with something good.

But for the sake of that eventuality, as artisans who are also at the bottom, it is quite normal to regard themselves as class enemies.

He is repaying the debts of those gentry and bureaucrats who are not human beings.

"Ahem... don't be nervous, everyone!"

Realizing that his situation was a little awkward, Li Zhi coughed twice to show his identity.

"This king just saw that the child was not valued by you, and he was afraid that he would accidentally miss a rare innovation, and he didn't want to miss a rare creation, so he wanted to stop and take a look."

"The machines in front of me are the products promoted by this king. As the person in charge, this king still hopes to see innovations that can make people's eyes shine."

"You don't need to be wary of this king, believe me, this king will not take anything from the masses."

At the feet of the emperor, noble people gather.

The East Market is also a market where the powerful often visit, so the prince's appearance will not cause commotion among the masses.

Hearing Li Zhi's claim, the craftsmen around were more than half relieved.

After all, as a prince with no small status, he seldom directly takes action to plunder the fruits of the people's labor.

Even if it is a lot of evil, it will use a more direct and brutal way.

Coupled with Li Zhi's calm demeanor and approachable temperament, it is easy to gain the trust of others.

Combined with what he said, soon some craftsmen dared to ask: "Could it be that you are His Royal Highness Jin?"

Li Zhi didn't deny it, and nodded with a faint smile.

"There is no need to doubt, it is undoubtedly this king. Apart from this king, there must be no one else who is interested in these strange skills."

It is easy to gain the favor of others with gentle self-deprecating words.

Especially when Li Zhi said this, he didn't put on any airs, just like ordinary people joking with others, full of humor and humor.

Hearing what he said, many craftsmen burst out laughing.

Seeing their reactions, Li Zhi was still looking forward to hearing some jokes.

But after waiting for a long time, nothing happened.

No one dared to follow his words and continued joking.

Under the strict hierarchy, who dares to make fun of the royal relatives?

It is simply impossible to get along with the people under the current social system.

Faced with this situation, Li Zhi couldn't help feeling deeply regretful.

He was expecting to hear something like:
Yes, Your Highness, the other princes and princesses are all busy enjoying themselves, how could you be so free.

jokes like that.

But unfortunately, not a word.

Not only was there no joke, but there was no other voice except for apologetic laughter.

Class is something that invisibly cuts off the communication channel between the two sides.

Although Li Zhi felt sorry, he didn't show it on his face.

He kept a faint smile on his face all the time, seeing that other people dared not speak easily, he continued.

"The words that will be announced by the supervisor are not rumors."

"As long as you can create brand-new machinery that meets the standards, the imperial court will not be stingy with rewards, and there will definitely be generous rewards."

"It depends on whether you can create a brand new creation."

"There are a lot of rewards from the imperial court waiting for you to collect them."

"This king will always pay attention to the situation here, and you don't need to worry about being taken credit for it."

There is an insurmountable gap, and Li Zhi has no way to chat and laugh with them.

That being the case, let's talk about the issues that artisans are most concerned about.

It is also good for them to calm down and devote their minds to inventions and creations.

Such objective conditions are really embarrassing.

When Li Zhi's words came out, all the craftsmen's eyes lit up.

The blacksmith who dared to ask questions before saw that Li Zhi seemed to be easy to talk, so he boldly continued to ask.

"If we are really lucky enough to create something good, where should we go to receive the reward? Should we go to the government office? Or go to the gate of the imperial city?"

As soon as this question was raised, everyone looked at Li Zhi at the same time.

This is the most concerned issue for craftsmen, how to realize the good things in their hands.

If they can get a clear answer, it will definitely greatly enhance their enthusiasm.

Li Zhi lowered his head and thought for a few seconds. After a long while, facing everyone's concerned eyes, he said: "The imperial court has not yet formulated a definite regulation on the issue of rewards. It may take some time."

As soon as these words came out, the fiery light in many people's eyes dimmed a lot.

But this was just the first half of Li Zhi's words. When the second half of the words came out, the extinguished flame started to burn again.

"However... thinking of everyone's urgency."

"This king still feels that it is necessary to ensure that everyone can receive the rewards smoothly during this window period."

"Therefore, this king decides!"

"Before the court's regulations are issued, the Jin Palace will be responsible for distributing the rewards!"

(End of this chapter)

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