entertainment teacher

Chapter 69 Soul Singer

Chapter 69 Soul Singer

Under the final fierce attack of the monster, all the soldiers on the battlefield had to retreat.


The chest of an old swordsman was directly torn open, and the young man who was pushed aside raised his weapon with tears in his eyes.

"You young people, you should obediently practice hard in the rear, why come to the front line!"

"We are getting old, and the country can still issue a pension when we die. You are different. You are the hope of the future of mankind!"

"Kid, try to live!"

The young man recalled the old Daoxiu's words, tears could not stop streaming down.


Seeing the young man in a daze, the old Daoxiu used his last strength to block the young man, and slashed on the teeth of a monster with his knife, making the sound of clanging metal.

"Why are you still in a daze and get out!" Lao Daoxiu took a last look at the city wall behind him, and rushed into the group of monsters.

Although after a day of fighting, the people standing on the city wall found that the number of monsters still seemed to be unabated, still densely occupying the human field of vision.

"Where's Yinxiu? The drums are beating!" Fang Zhonghua roared at the general behind him.

"There is no other way, the entire war band has been comatose for more than half! It is no longer possible to play the auxiliary war song." The general said with red eyes.

He also felt sorry for the soldiers below, but there was nothing he could do.

"Swear to the death!" Fang Zhonghua roared at the soldiers below.

The soldiers below are all soldiers brought out by Fang Zhonghua. The ancient dragon's meaning is very clear. If it wins, the entire D city will be completely destroyed by the monster, leaving no one alive.

If the human race wins, the thing that woke it up will never be blamed.

This is the hometown where he was born and raised, how could Fang Zhonghua retreat!

Clenching a fist with one hand, Fang Zhonghua jumped off the city wall and stood directly in front of all the soldiers: "Deadly battle will never retreat!"

There is only half an hour before the sun goes down, as long as you stick to it for this half hour, then City D will hold on!
As if inspired by Fang Zhonghua, everyone felt courage again, stopped the retreat, and regained the confidence to fight.

"Kunlun, I would rather die than retreat!" Yin Tianqi roared. After a day of fighting, his body was also covered with blood. From the very beginning, Kunlun disciples have always stood on the strongest side of the battlefield and never thought of retreating. .

This incident was originally caused by Kunlun, how could Kunlun retreat, even if he died, he could only die on this battlefield.

It's just that when the human heart regained confidence, the ancient dragon suddenly appeared behind the monster, and the figure of the ancient dragon could be seen hundreds of miles away.

"hold head high"

The sound is already so shocking, so unrivaled.

With the roar of the ancient dragon, all the monster beasts were covered with a layer of faint red aura.

Wild Beast Soul: Reduce the impact of pain on oneself, and arouse the killing intent hidden in the heart.

Mo Ye, who was standing on the city wall, saw the effect of the dragon chant at a glance, and added a layer of wild beast soul buff to all the monsters.

The battle songs of wild beast souls can also be played by humans. At that time, Mo Ye looked desperately at the half-comatose war band behind him. The war band never stopped singing throughout the day, and now they have run out of ammunition and food. .

"Fortunately, both Fang Jie and Niannian were sent away from D City." Mo Ye comforted himself. This can be regarded as joy in hardship.

"The city is here and the people are here! The city is destroyed and the people are dead!" The Huaxia Emperor stood directly above all humans in the air, and the war blade in his hand represented his determination. Although the current Huaxia Emperor is just a title, the country is still his. country, and he is the king of the country.

How can he retreat?He can't retreat, and there is no reason to retreat!

The soldiers below are all his people. As the emperor of China, he shoulders the responsibility of defending his family and country!

"Where the city is and the people are, the city is destroyed and the people are dead!"

"Where the city is and the people are, the city is destroyed and the people are dead!"

"Are you ready?" Mo Ye glanced at the city behind him as a souvenir.

This is her and his hometown, even if they die, they can only die here.

"Ready!" Yunfeng nodded, and at the same time, several other Yin Xiu also nodded.

Although the power in the sea of ​​consciousness has been completely consumed, Wenxiu still has one last move.

Sacrifice of life.

Use the power of life to drive the text seal, thereby generating the power of Tao at the cost of life.

This is a technique that every literary cultivator knows, and it is also a forbidden technique that can only be used once in a lifetime.

"It's just a matter of death!" Several other Yin cultivators nodded.

If you let the monsters attack in, several of you will die, so you might as well give it a go.




Just when five people stood in the shape of a five-pointed star and sealed their lives for sacrifice.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom."

From the direction of City D, there was a rhythmic drumbeat, and as the drumbeat became faster and faster, the sound of guzheng playing also interspersed in.

Then there was a distinct violin sound.

It rises with the mixture of bamboo flute, guitar, bass, electronic keyboard and other sounds.

Everyone on the city wall saw a huge flying machine with several huge speakers installed under the flying machine.

This piece of music is very rhythmic and, moreover, very inspiring.

"Friends here, how are you?" Several people who were preparing to sacrifice their lives suddenly stopped when they heard this voice. Yunfeng listened to this voice in disbelief.

very familiar, as if
"Fang Jie?" Yunfeng and Mo Ye looked at each other and shouted at the same time.

With the acceleration of the drumbeat.

Fang Jie stepped on the aircraft and flew above the battlefield.

Wearing a black Tang suit, with a microphone hanging from his mouth and a folding fan in his hand.

With the low hum of the violin, everyone who heard the music seemed to be suppressing something in their hearts, following the chaos of the rhythm.

Fang Jie glanced at the battlefield and closed his eyes.

The moment the sound of the violin ended.

"Scary, there are a few rounds of life, the ring is waiting, what is the life and death win?" sneer!"

Following Fang Jie's opening, even some people seemed to see the self-report of a martial arts master.

From the bottom of my heart, I felt a kind of perception, the perception of life, and also a kind of strong and unstoppable spirit.

Fang Jie looked at the densely packed monsters below, and casually opened the folding fan in his hand. I don't know if it was because of nervousness or something?
Is it excited?
Or just to show off?
People looking at the city wall, including those behind the city wall, are all staring at him.

Fang Jie's little heart was beating fast, he wanted to shout out loudly, but for the sake of the soldiers below, he couldn't mess up the rhythm.

"Who will fight for the qualification to unify the martial arts world!"

With a burst of tune-changing singing, all the soldiers fighting in the front, unknowingly, a wave of hope rose from the bottom of their hearts

It was also because of Fang Jie's singing that everyone's energy, blood and moral strength were recovering at an accelerated pace because of this song "Huo Yuanjia".

"Brilliant battle song?" Mo Ye couldn't help but uttered as he felt the power of the song with his eyes wide open.

The surging music power is like an endless tide, infecting everyone on the battlefield, and the rippling blue halo directly covered the entire battlefield, forming a sharp contrast with the faint blood red of the monster.

This is the ability of a top-level sound repairer, a brilliant battle song!

Speed ​​up the recovery of all friendly forces, whether it is the power of blood, or power, can speed up the recovery!
Not every music cultivator can understand the glorious war song, but every music cultivator who understands the glorious war song is a national treasure, and his role on the battlefield is unparalleled.

And such a singer has a unified name in Xinqiu: Soul Singer.

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(End of this chapter)

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