entertainment teacher

Chapter 68 Sunset

Chapter 68 Sunset
The sunset accompanies the mountains.

There are broken limbs and broken arms everywhere on the battlefield, and corpses are scattered all over the field.

The remains of human beings and the limbs of monster beasts mixed together to form an epic battlefield picture. The entire Sichuan-Sichuan defense line was covered with corpses of monster beasts and humans.

The entire Sichuan-Sichuan defense line was covered with blood. The red blood was connected with the clouds dyed red by the sunset. It was impossible to tell whether it was the blood that dyed the sunset red or the sunset that dyed the earth red.

Human beings have retreated from the Sichuan-Shu line of defense made of steel to the outside of City D.

Artillery fire continued.

There is still more than half an hour before sunset.

And just an hour before sunset, the monsters launched their last wave of attack!
By the way, what about Fang Jie?

It all started when Fang Jie came back from the battlefield at noon.

It was said that Fang Jie relied on the invincible power of his Overlord Seal to attack the battlefield. With the roar of the ancient dragon, the war quietly stopped.

Humans are not the active side in this war, they can only defend passively.

When Fang Xie returned to the fortress, he unexpectedly saw his brother Liu Zhu.

Liu Zhu blinked at Fang Jie and made a booing gesture.

Then the two of them entered a utility room.

"Brother, why are you here?" Fang Jie asked after wiping the blood off his body.

"Senior brother himself is from Sichuan, why can't he come?" Liu Zhu said with a smile.

"How is Senior Brother Cao?" Fang Jie asked.

Liu Zhu shook his head: "Since you left, although many people from other forces have come to Lao Cao's side, they still dare not question Japanese-level powerhouses, so under Lao Cao's denial, no one can do anything."

"What about Senior Brother Yunfeng?"

"I'm here too. This is a war related to the safety of China. Basically, everyone who can come is here." Liu Zhu said.

After Fang Jie chatted with his senior brother, Liu Zhu suddenly left the utility room because of something important.

When Fang Jie left the utility room, he noticed a trace of discord when he saw the scene outside.

Without the screams of the monsters, everyone disappeared.

"Can the junior brother be sealed in?" Liu Zhu, who was hiding outside the utility room, asked.

Yunfeng nodded: "Don't worry, I've confirmed that Junior Brother has gone in."

"Regardless of whether or not city D will be occupied by monsters, Junior Brother will be fine no matter what!" Liu Zhu said.

"I didn't expect that the junior brother is actually Fang Zhonghua's grandson." Yunfeng seemed to have thought of something: "Then what should we do if the junior brother comes out and causes trouble for us?"

"Why do you care so much! Could it be that he can still kill us?" Liu Zhu glared and said, "Hurry up and send someone to send away the painting that sealed the junior brother's painting."

"Yes, yes." Yunfeng quickly packed up the scroll, found a trustworthy person, and sent the sealed scroll away from the Sichuan defense line.

Immediately, the two came to the conference hall where Fang Zhonghua was.

"Can you send my grandson away?" Fang Zhonghua asked with concern.

Liu Zhu nodded: "Don't worry, you've known each other for so many years, I'll take care of things, don't worry."

It turned out that it wasn't just Brother Fang Jie's idea, but Fang Jie's grandfather was also involved.

"Well, that's good, that's good." Fang Zhonghua nodded in satisfaction.

"We are irrelevant, but these young generations are the future of Huaxia, and nothing will happen anyway." Liu Zhu stroked his beard and said.

Fang Jie, who was in the picture scroll, walked out of the utility room and found that there was no one on the street.

He took a few steps and jumped onto the steel city wall.

"What's going on?" There wasn't even a monster outside the steel city wall.

The creatures along the entire Sichuan-Sichuan defense line seemed to have disappeared, with nothing left behind.

Sealing Fang Jie’s picture scroll is a fake picture scroll left by Liu Zhu’s breakthrough of the eight seals. He directly copied the entire battlefield, but he couldn’t capture creatures into the picture scroll, but it is more than enough to seal a third-level Fang Jie up.

"No matter what, you have to defend it!" Fang Zhonghua lost an arm in the afternoon's battle, and it was chopped off by a surprise attack by the eighth-level Death Mantis.

Just like the ghoul seal, the body parts cut off by the death mantis will be infected by the death force inherent in the death mantis.

The power of death will continue to infect the wound, preventing it from healing until it bleeds to death.

This is also the reason why this kind of mantis is said to be dead. Once injured, it will bleed to death without stopping.

The power of death can be eliminated only by killing a dead mantis, obtaining the heart of the mantis, then mincing it into pieces and applying the juice to the wound.

Destroyed Fang Jie everywhere, and sat weakly on the top of the fortress in the picture scroll.

"System, how can I get out?" Fang Jie asked irritably.

It has been several hours in this picture scroll, and I don't know what happened outside.

"With the host's current strength, he can't find a way out, and he can't escape with hard power forever." The system replied.

"Can you help me connect to Tiandao.com, I want to know the battle situation outside." Fang Jie said helplessly.

"Your Majesty, there is still half an hour before sunset." Standing on the city wall of D City, an old minister next to Li Chan said.

The Chinese emperor raised the war blade in his hand, blood was still dripping on the blade.

"Citizens, there is still half an hour before the sun goes down. The city is still alive and people are still there, but the city is broken and people are dying. I will live and die with you!"

The emperor's words spread directly throughout the battlefield with the addition of energy and blood.

The morale of the entire human side was boosted.


More than half of the soldiers who survived the battlefield have already been killed or injured.

When the power of Qi and blood is exhausted, he will rely on physical strength to fight.

Exhausted, he immediately sat down to rest and recover.

None of the people they taught knew whether they could survive. From the sunrise battle to the present, everyone who survived had countless scars on their bodies.

The war between humans and monsters is not like the battle between humans. War does not distinguish between right and wrong, only life and death.

There were less than 100 of Bawangwei's original number of [-] fighting.

Xun Shu, who lost a leg, cheered for his people on the city wall.

The people of the Five Elements Temple were cautious, but they still held on to the city wall.

After exhausting all the strength in his body, the old monk used his body to resist the battle from the monster for the young monk.

The voice of the sound cultivator on the city wall has become hoarse from shouting, and blood has been drawn from his fingers when playing strings, but he is still assisting the soldiers under the city wall.

Everyone is looking for opportunities to fight back and survive as much as possible.

Fang Jie saw his grandfather. He lost an arm and was still bleeding, but he was still standing upright at the gate of the city.

He saw his grandma, even though she was screaming at the top of her lungs, she was still directing the music group behind her on the city wall.

He also saw the people of the Xun Mansion. At the moment of the war, they did not go back to resume their lives, but stayed to make contributions to the victory of mankind.

He saw Mo Wuyan, Liu Zhu, and Yunfeng
Fang Xie's eyes were moist, he really wanted to rush out and fight side by side with these people.

 very decadent today
  Later, I changed the outline, because this book is a light-hearted
  The author is too weak to describe war and other things.
  It's better to skip it as quickly as possible, the daily text of teaching apprentices is the main line
(End of this chapter)

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