entertainment teacher

Chapter 70 Battle Song

Chapter 70 Battle Song
"Holy level power?" The ancient dragon narrowed its eyes. Although it was not in the battlefield, its pair of dragon eyes could clearly see the essence of any living being.

"It turns out to be just a little guy at level three." After seeing Fang Jie's level clearly, the ancient dragon closed his eyes again.

"Huo Huo.. Huo Huo Huo.. Huo Huo Huo... Huo Jiaquan's routine moves are flexible!" As the refrain sounded, the human heart was filled with something called hope.

Although the fighters fighting down there couldn't quite understand what the hell the singer flying in mid-air was singing, there was a passion for that singer from the bottom of their hearts.

Everyone is bathed in the brilliance of the blue brilliant battle song, and the strength in the body is restored in the song.

"Kill!" The Huaxia Emperor stepped directly into the void and shouted.




The people who recovered some strength followed the emperor and shouted for the soldiers under the city wall.

Maybe "Fearless" is not the most inspiring, nor is it the most inspiring, but when you are in a trough, the fast-paced songs can directly arouse people's desire to enjoy music in their hearts.

Every time Fang Jie is not in a good mood, he will listen to Jay Chou's very fast-paced songs. Zhou Tianwang's songs are very fast-paced and very touching.

To a certain extent, it does not have the intensity of rock and roll, but it has an unparalleled rhythm, with Chinese-style lyricism, expressing China's own style.

"Kill!" Looking at the fighters below who were fighting bravely and seeing death as their home, Fang Jie felt a surge of pride in his heart, but he couldn't express it no matter what.

A piece of "Fearless" directly restored the strength of all the soldiers by about one-third. Because of the addition of the battle song, even in the face of endless monsters, all the soldiers never took a step back!
"Little master... no, when did Fang Jie learn music cultivation?" Listening to this exciting song, the shock in Yunfeng's heart was beyond words.

"I don't know either." Mo Ye was also shocked by Fang Jie's sudden appearance, feeling that since his grandson's seal was broken, he had changed into a different person, like a mystery.

With a long and full of ethnic characteristics of the female voice sounded.

From the stereo under Fang Jie's body, there was a burst of music mixed with electric guitar and drum kit.

Fang Jie conveniently put away the folding fan in his hand, and instantly put on a golden armor at the speed of changing his face!

"A "Golden Armor", I hope everyone likes it!"

Fang Jiesao transformed into a golden long spear, and played a trick.

"Flags are like rainbows, mountains are stacked like peaks

This army winds like a dragon and kills like the wind

blood red
General, I am full of arrogance, and my expression is fierce.

Golden Jia Ruzhong

The iron cavalry is sturdy and I walk like a bang, bang
The scenery is like winter
bleak as maple
Offensive like a bow
Broken like a dream
Still and moving like loose

Unchanged for a thousand years"

Unclear words, humming the whole song, but full of emotion, this is the characteristic of Zhou's singing.

No one could hear clearly what Fang Jie was singing, but as the golden armor on Fang Jie's body lit up.

A phantom wearing a golden battle armor slowly formed after Fang Lie.

With the radiance of the light, all the soldiers seemed to be covered with a layer of golden armor.

"Battle Song of Concentration?" Fang Zhonghua felt the golden battle armor of nothingness on his body. He never thought that he would hear the Battle Song of Focus once in his lifetime.

In the battle of [-], the only singer in China who knew how to perform dedicated battle songs died in the battle. This was not only a loss for China, but also a loss for mankind.

Since then, the war song of concentration has been lost.

Fang Zhonghua never expected that in his lifetime, he would still be able to experience the war song of concentration, and it was brought by his grandson.

"Kill!" With the formation of the golden armor, all the fighters found that the damage of monsters to themselves has been weakened by more than half, and there are even defenders who are majors, and the monsters can't even break the defense.

Humanity instantly gained the advantage in war.

Now it is only 10 minutes away from sunset, as long as we stick to the last 10 minutes, mankind will be able to win.

"Who is chic among the random arrows!" Fang Jie suddenly took a deep breath after finishing "Golden Armor". The singing of the two battle songs is not something ordinary people can bear.

If it wasn't for the system behind him, how could Fang Xie be so aggressive.

However, the soldiers are defending the country with their lives below, so how can we back down!
The system's blessing time has completely disappeared with the singing of two war songs!Even if the seal is broken again, Fang Jie will not hesitate.

With the sound of two big drums, a mix of suona and human voices sounded.

Fang Jie transformed into a battle armor again.

Take a deep breath.

"War smoke rises, the country looks north

The dragon rolls up, the horse neighs, and the sword is like frost
Heart like the vast waters of the Yellow River

In 20 years, who can resist

Hateful long sword

How many brothers and feet are buried in the bones
He Xibai die to report the country

I can't bear to sigh, even more speechless, full of blood and tears

Horseshoe goes south to people look north

People look north, the grass is green and yellow, and the dust is flying

I would like to defend the land and restore the frontier

The dignified China must give way to the Quartet”

In Fang Jie's mind, there were only four big words: Serve the country with loyalty.

"Enduring war song?" The people standing on the city wall were once again shocked by Fang Jie.

These are three battle songs!

Even though the time for each song is short, the effect is real!

From the brilliant battle song at the beginning, to the focused battle song in the middle, and the endurable battle song at the end, the sound repair of the legendary realm, it is already very impressive to be able to repair a battle song, and now three of them pop up in one go.

In the war of blood and tears, everyone has a blood in their hearts!

Because of Fang Jie's battle song, everyone saw the dawn of hope!
The last 5 minutes.

Even if you use your life to pile it up, you have to pile it up!
"Persevere!" Blessing the entire battlefield is already a super difficult task for Fang Xie, a small third-level Wenxiu.

His dao power is not like the power of qi and blood, which has the bonus of other martial seals, his text seal.

There is always only one.

Who told him that his disciples hadn't yet condensed their seals!

Blessing the entire battlefield is a very difficult task for the war band led by Mo Ye, but now, Fang Jie has turned the tide of the battle abruptly by himself!

"Come on, all I can do is sing a few songs." At the moment the music fell, Fang Jie looked at the lowly soldier and passed the microphone next to his mouth.

Said weakly.

With a third-level power, he sang the entire battle song.

Blessed the entire battlefield and reversed the entire battle situation.

There is no one before, and perhaps, there will be no one after.

As soon as Fang Jie finished speaking, he suddenly felt his eyes go dark, and his body fell straight down.

"Save people!" The Huaxia Emperor has been paying attention to this young Yinxiu who suddenly appeared.

The moment Fang Jie fell, he stepped on the void and walked behind Fang Jie in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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