Chapter 246
Chang Xiaotu and Jiang Xuan are both God of Cookery level existences, and the things they make casually make people's index fingers twitch, not to mention the ingredients today are really good.

Real wild fish, wild cuckolds and wild game do not eat a little bit of feed from childhood to adulthood. They rely on instinct to find the most suitable food to survive, and the wild environment has a large space for activities and no pollution. It is also completely different, which directly leads to a world of difference in meat quality and taste.

Wild and non-wild, once eaten in the mouth, even ordinary people can tell the difference.

The scent floated far away along the wind. Jiang Xuan joked that if we could attract some other animals on the island, we would even have food for tomorrow.

I was so full that I even drank all the fish soup. Everyone except Chang Xiaotu was a little full. Chang Xiaotu looked like he was still full, and took the remaining body of the big-headed fish and ran to the side BBQ went.

"Xiaotu, you are on guard, let's sleep." Jiang Xuan said.

"All right, all right, anyway, I won't be sleepy when I'm full." Little Rabbit Chang used a brush to brush seasoning on the big fish.

"Would you go farther away and roast it, the oil is all over my face!" Susu protested.

"You are so troublesome, monsters are still afraid of hot oil? Now that you have become a monster, you can't be killed if you put it in a frying pan!" Chang Xiaotu said.

"But it's so oily that your face is greasy and crooked, okay..."

Little Rabbit Chang was too lazy to quarrel with Susu, and when she reached the shallows, she set up a fire again, added the big fish to it, and squatted beside the fire, turning the frame happily, while staring wide-eyed, cautiously. Observe the change of the temperature.

Ten meters away, Jiang Xuan and the others quickly fell asleep. Gou Ritian lay on the ground with his ears moving. The dog didn't sleep deeply, and would wake up when there was a slight disturbance. It was another sentry.

The moon climbed higher and higher, and the moonlight fell on the surface of Taihu Lake, reflecting the sparkling light. Today is a fine day, without a trace of dark clouds, and the sound of gently rippling water in the lake can be heard, but Chang Xiaotu is not at all. Get ready to enjoy the view as the grilled fish is ready.

"Haha!" The rabbit grinned, grabbed the big stick with the fish stuck in it, and stood up the grilled fish, which was not much smaller than her. She looked around vigilantly, and found that no one was paying attention to her, so she simply turned into a demon. It turned into a big rabbit, opened its bloody mouth wide, and bit it down in one go!
Before biting it, a low roar suddenly sounded on the lake.


The sound came from far to near, layer upon layer, from the surface of the lake, as if there was a muffled thunder in the sky, or something terrifying exploded under the water!
Chang Xiaotu is usually considered a very courageous little monster, but when she heard this roar, for some reason, her heart suddenly shivered, and an unprecedented fear crept into her heart, and she was shocked.

With a shake of his hand, the big grilled fish fell to the ground.

"Oh my god, there are water ghosts!" Chang Xiaotu was so frightened that she forgot about the grilled fish, jumped back more than ten meters and returned to the middle of the camp.

The people in the camp were also awakened by the sound, Gou Ritian was the first to get up, and opened his eyes wide in the direction of the sound.

"Water ghost? Did you see it?!" Jiang Xuan crawled out of the tent and asked Chang Xiaotu.

I have seen a lot of monsters, monsters, and even gods, but I have never encountered such an existence as a 'ghost'.

"I didn't see it!" Chang Xiaotu shook her head.

"I didn't see what you were yelling for?" Susu rolled her eyes.

Although they didn't see any 'water ghosts', everyone could clearly hear the whistling sound on the lake just now.

But it was really amazing, not only Chang Xiaotu was frightened, even Jiang Xuan who was sleeping felt a little flustered.

The camp is only a few steps away from the water's edge and shallows. A group of people ran to the water and looked at the water. They saw that the Taihu Lake was calm and there was no abnormality. After the howling just now, no subsequent incidents happened. I heard it all, and even suspected it was an illusion.

Jiang Xuan couldn't tell what the crocodile's cry was like, not to mention that the big crocodile demon had become a spirit, so the cry might not be the same as that of an ordinary crocodile.

However, if the attack just now was really a big crocodile, then just listening to the sound, this guy is really powerful.

I just don't know what this whistling sound means.warn?provocative?Demonstration?Or do you just have nothing to do to practice your voice?

"Maybe it's some natural reaction, and it may not be the scream of the devil." Gou Ritian said.

If so, of course it's best.

At this moment, Chang Xiaotu suddenly said strangely: "Hey, where is my grilled fish?"

She lowered her head and walked back and forth on the shore.

"Grilled fish, haven't you eaten?" Jiang Xuan asked.

"No, I was startled when I heard the voice just now, and lost the fish." Chang Xiaotu scratched her head and pointed in front of her face: "It's probably here, it's strange, how could such a big fish disappear in a blink of an eye?" gone?"

"Would it be washed away by water?" Su Yao asked.

Impossible, the place where they are standing is a tidal flat, there is mud and water, but the water is only a shallow layer, no matter how big the waves are on the lake, it is still very calm here, and the weak current is unlikely to wash away the grilled fish , although it has no head and has been baked, it must weigh more than ten catties anyway.

"I'm afraid there really are water ghosts!" Angrily, Little Rabbit Chang picked up a big rock, smashed it into the water, pointed at the surface of the water and said loudly, "Water ghosts, give me back the fish!"

"Come on, it's all on the ground, it's full of mud, and you can't eat it if you give it back." Jiang Xuan comforted her and said, "Maybe some animal in the water sneaked away, and tomorrow morning, let's catch a few more." Just grill the fish and eat it.”

"Alright then!" Chang Xiaotu said reluctantly.

"Sleep first, talk about it tomorrow!"

A group of people returned to the camp, Jiang Xuan kept an eye out, and pulled Gou Ritian and Jiang Gang aside to give some instructions, and the three of them took turns to watch the night.

After all, the howling sound just now was too shocking. If it was a natural phenomenon, it would be a bit unreasonable.


Fortunately, nothing happened overnight. I got up early the next morning and drove around the nearby waters again. I didn't find any crocodiles and encountered several fights with aquatic creatures again.

This time Jiang Xuan had experience, he drove the car to the surface of the water and floated, and when the fight below was in full swing, he suddenly cast a net!

"Hahahaha!" Chang Xiaotu looked up to the sky and laughed, there are a lot of delicious food today.

It's a storm!
The net was so heavy that it couldn't be pulled at all, so Jiang Xuan simply started the car, dragged the net towards the shore, and dragged the net to the shallows with Wuling.

Rice field eels as thick as a child's wrist, loaches longer than chopsticks, large herring weighing dozens of kilograms, giant crabs with teeth and claws...the number is too numerous to count.

(End of this chapter)

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