Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 247 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 247 The Uninvited Guest

Jiang Xuan and the others lived on the central island for almost a week. They drove around the lake or under the lake a few times a day, and the rest of the time was spent eating, drinking, and having fun on the central island.

Except for the strange whistling sound heard on the first night, the remaining two days were uneventful, nothing unexpected happened, and no trace of the crocodile was encountered.

In the depths of Taihu Lake, aquatic organisms fight every day. With such a fierce confrontation, the aquatic organisms in Taihu Lake will die for too long, but it is cheaper for Jiang Xuan and the others. Fishing is very convenient. Every time I see someone engaged in a battle, I can’t help but say that if I go down from the top, I will definitely get a lot of harvest. There is everything in the net, except for the unexpected. There are more than a dozen nets yesterday morning. A thick water snake, and a lot of river mussels, came back to cook soup that was so fragrant, and afterward, each of them bit a snake bone and grinded their teeth to play.

The central island was also tossed by them. Jiang Qian was busy with nothing to do, and expanded the original small camp of dozens of square meters to hundreds of square meters. The surrounding forests were all cut down. There was no place to pile up the tree trunks, so they were simply piled up around the camp to make a small fortress.

The "aboriginal people" on the island have suffered bad luck. Pheasants, snakes, mountain mice, and all kinds of birds live a life of fear every day. If they were replaced by a group of ordinary people, they might not be happy to eat these things, but this time they came , there is a rabbit, a fox, a dog, and a zombie. The fox is born to like to catch birds and eat chickens, and there are mice and so on. These kinds of animals are all Susu's favorite snacks. I love digging holes even if I’m fine, often under a big tree, digging and digging, the tree will just fall down, and then a nest of small animals with confused faces will be exposed, not to mention Jiang Jian, as long as there is Animals with blood are all his favorites.

Gou Ritian has a good nose, but on the other side, the dogs are playing tricks on others, and no animal can escape their clutches.

It's been almost a week since I ate and slept every day, and wrecked it when I slept, before Su Yao mentioned that she had to go back. The mask and skin care products were used up!
"Let's go tomorrow." Jiang Xuan said while using a small knife to descale an arm-length Taihu Lake whitefish.

I was lucky today and caught more than a dozen Taihu Lake whitefish.White fish, white fish, white shrimp, and whitebait are all white in color, so they are called "three whites of Taihu Lake".

The meat of white fish is tender, with a lot of fat under the scales, resembling shad. It is a rare fish in Taihu Lake. Among the three white fish, white fish is the rarest and most precious. It must be caught and eaten now, mostly steamed and boiled, so as to maintain the original flavor of the ingredients.

The key point is that artificial breeding of this kind of thing is basically impossible to keep alive, and the water quality of Taihu Lake has been seriously polluted in recent years. Whitebait and white shrimp can still be seen frequently, while whitefish are getting less and less, and their size is getting bigger and bigger Small, able to meet arm-sized white fish, even if there are a large number of aquatic creatures fighting every day, this luck is quite good.

Driving out in the morning, I saw two schools of fish fighting, and there were dozens of large white fish in one group. Jiang Xuan lowered the net without hesitation. Just kidding, this kind of fish has a fierce temperament, and they all resemble food fish. Mermaids and carnivorous ones, once they fight, they will definitely rush to the front and die the worst.

"Okay." Su Yao is also very interested in this white fish. She has eaten it before, but it is not such a big one, and it is semi-artificial. The natural and wild ones have to be lucky.

More than a dozen fish, the taste will change after a long time, eat all of them, anyway, there is Chang Xiaotu, even if there are several times more, it will not be wasted. There are only two large pots, one for boiling water and one for boiling water. Oil, wash the fish and remove the internal organs, slightly change the knife on both sides, it doesn’t need to be too complicated, put some soy sauce and salt to marinate for a while, stuff a few shreds of ginger in the place where the knife is changed, and steam it on the water, then the taste will come out up.

Steam it for 10 minutes, take it out of the pan, sprinkle some chopped green onion and ginger on top, put a spoonful of hot oil on it, and prick it all at once.

Fire cliff is the most precious gift God has given to human beings. Cooking is also one of the important techniques that distinguish human beings from other animals. No matter how good natural ingredients are, it is difficult to bring out the essence of them without cooking.As for the original flavors like sashimi, it’s better to try something fresh. It’s impossible to eat it as a staple food all year round. For more than a dozen white fish, two of them are used as sashimi and dipped in soy sauce.

A plate of steamed fish is only a little more than two catties, and a few people will see the bottom in a blink of an eye.

Chang Xiaotu hugged the plate and drank all the soup, while Gou Ritian gnawed on the fish bones, and Jiang Xuan started to steam the second fish.

One after another, the more he eats, the more he gets greedy. It is estimated that these dozen or so are not enough to eat.

"No, no, I'll go around again later." Jiang Xuan licked his lips.

"Yes, yes, this fish is so delicious! Jiang Xuan, before we leave, let's catch some and raise them in the pond at the entrance of our house!" Chang Xiaotu said.

Of course not, the ones raised in the pond at the door of the house and the ones raised in Taihu Lake have completely different tastes.

While steaming the fish, he suddenly heard the sound of rushing water in the shoal below. Following the sound, he saw an old man with a white beard driving a boat and parked in the shoal.

The old man looked quite old, but he was very strong. He quickly jumped off the boat and came towards them with a smile on his face.

"It smells so good!" The old man was not polite at all, he came over and lifted the lid of the pot, took a deep smell, then raised his head, and asked with a smile: "When can I eat this?"

Jiang Xuan and the others were taken aback for a moment. How could this cheeky old man come out? I have never seen such a person who does not treat himself as an outsider!

He has a big bald head, no hair or beard, a little fat, and a bulging belly, but he is quite strong. He is not young, but his arms are quite thick. He looks like the kind who works a lot.

"Hey, hey, old man, it's not cooked yet!" Chang Xiaotu snatched the lid of the pot and put it on again, with her hands on her hips, she taught the old man: "Now you lift the lid of the pot, the heat escapes, and the fish is not fully steamed. , if you steam the fish again, it will get old! Do you understand it!"

"Ah?" The old man looked blank and shook his head: "I... I don't know. Then, can this still be eaten?"

"It's edible, but it's definitely not as delicious. You old man!" Chang Xiaotu said.

"Hey hey, it's my fault, it's my fault, I'll go and bring you some white fish later, as compensation." The old man bowed and smiled apologetically, but his eyes glanced at the pot from time to time, with a greedy look on his face.

"Old man, who are you?" Jiang Xuan asked curiously.

At first, Jiang Xuan thought it was a monster, a fairy, or a devil, or something like a crocodile.

But in the space, there was no 'judgment' on this guy, and Gou Ritian didn't smell any evil spirit from him.

Instead, it smelled of water, the smell that fishermen often have.

"My surname is Niu, you can just call me Lao Niu." Lao Niu licked his lips again, glanced at the cauldron, pointed to the east, and said, "I live on Sancha Island over there, and I am a fisherman."

Jiang Xuan of Sancha Island knew that it was about ten kilometers away from here, and it was one of the inhabited islands in Taihu Lake.

"It smells so good!" The old man couldn't get away from the food, smacking his lips and said, "I've been fishing near here for the past few days, and I can always smell the scent coming out of the shore. Hehe, I don't have any hobbies, just I like to eat, I really can’t hold back today, come up and have a look.”

Seeing his slanderous appearance, his saliva was about to drop at a young age, Jiang Xuan couldn't bear it, seeing that the fish was almost ready, he simply brought it out, poured hot oil on it, and said, "Master Niu, eat first, I'll eat it first." Do it again."

The old bull head's eyes lit up: "That's so embarrassing!" As he spoke, he took the plate very embarrassingly.

You don't need chopsticks, and you are not afraid of being scalded, grab the tail of the fish, open your mouth wide, and send the whole fish into your mouth.

Several people were dumbfounded, the old cow's big mouth was like a rice bucket, he ate the big fish from the beginning, and he ate it bite by bite, not even the bones and meat were wasted at all. After a while the whole fish was gone.

"Wow ha ha ha, it's delicious, it's delicious!"

After the old cow finished eating, he danced happily like a child, and looked at the remaining fish expectantly.

"Hey old man, you are wrong, we only have a few fish, and you still have to eat them!" Chang Xiaotu said dissatisfied.

"Oh, yes, that's right!" The old man thought for a while and said, "Well, you guys do it first, and I'll catch a few more!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, trotted all the way and jumped onto the boat, waved to Jiang Xuan and the others, held a water line with his oars, and rowed to the distance.

Jiang Xuan and the others were baffled by this old man who suddenly appeared.

"This old man always feels that something is wrong." Gou Ritian muttered.

Jiang Xuan also felt that he didn't say that monsters are not monsters, and he didn't smell monsters from him, but his character is so weird. How can it be like this when strangers meet for the first time?
"Never mind him, I think he's a delicious ghost!" Chang Xiaotu said, "Jiang Xuan hurry up and take advantage of the old man's absence, let's eat more! Otherwise, I'll look at him and wait for him to come. A few fish are not enough for him to eat alone."

"Don't be so stingy, Taihu Lake is so big, you are afraid that there will be no fish to eat." Jiang Xuan actually had a good impression of the old man. Although the old man was greedy, he was quite friendly and interesting.

Started steaming fish again, the old man did not come back after steaming two fishes, let Chang Xiaotu eat them, when the third fish was ready to be cooked, the old man came back rowing a boat from a distance.

When the boat docked, I saw many aquatic creatures jumping around in the cabin from a condescending height.

In just half an hour, I didn't expect the old man to catch a boat full of fish.

"Come, come, come and help get it up!" The old man called the boat as he dragged the boat to the shore.

(End of this chapter)

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