Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 225 Kill You

Chapter 225 Kill You

"Also, there is another very annoying characteristic of the brain-dead demon. He will permanently destroy the brains of creatures whose abilities are much different from his, making them become brain-dead together with him. So the creatures in the demon world also hate brain-dead Demons, there are powerful guys like Destruction Demons and Yin Demons as pets, but no one has ever raised brain-dead demons." Susu added.

"Permanently destroy the brain?" Jiang Xuan was taken aback, this nima is too domineering!No wonder my slap in the face just now didn't have much effect on the people around me. It just made them stunned, but they didn't realize it. It turns out that the brains of these people have been destroyed?

Thinking about it, it’s a heinous crime. To actually destroy the brains of so many people with just one lecture, isn’t that a disservice to nature? To be pulled down several notches.

If it doesn't work out, it will really degenerate into a wild beast, or a mollusk or something, and maybe even a rabbit will be inferior...

What a scary look.

After listening to Susu's introduction, Jiang Xuan and the others were stunned. This place in the Demon Realm is really a mess. There are only unexpected things, and nothing doesn't exist.

Originally, Jiang Xuan still had some reservations about the battle between the heaven and the devil.

It’s like two superpowers fighting, who is right and who is wrong, who is just and who is unjust, there is no answer to this matter, to put it bluntly, it’s just fighting for power, grabbing money, food and women, which side to sit on and which side to sit on That's right, I just happened to be selected as the agent of the heavenly realm, so I helped the heavenly realm to work.

The devil in the devil world is doing evil. Could it be that the gods in the heaven are kind people, good babies, good-natured young people who help the old people cross the road?Nonsense.

Even if there are many bad people in the demon world and good people in the fairy world, should the demon world perish?They deserve to guard a poor land, not necessarily, why are the devils born to be doomed to live a hard life, those people in the fairy world should occupy the heaven and earth, if everyone accepts their fate, then there will be no such thing as a revolution.

But after seeing more and more devils in the demon world, Jiang Xuan's heart gradually began to lean towards the side of the heaven.

Regardless of whether there are good people and bad people in the heavens, justice or not, at least it still looks orderly. No matter how hypocritical the order is, it is ten thousand times better than the chaos under the banner of freedom. Even the most basic demons in the demon world are destructive demons. With such an existence as a brain-dead demon, what kind of pattern will the demon world look like? If it really makes the demon world bigger, among other things, I am afraid that human beings will be the first to die miserably.

Unknowingly, Lao Tzu has become a great hero who saves mankind again!

"How is the fighting ability of the brain-dead demon?" Jiang Xuan asked Susu in a low voice.

"Don't worry, brain-dead demons are not dedicated to fighting. Even if there have been big devils and demon kings, ordinary brain-dead demons are just like that. I feel that if the guy who can come to the world is not a fighter, we They should be able to beat them all." After Susu finished speaking, she added: "Yin Demon is an exception, that kind of thing is so strange."

"Uh, I think the brain-damaged demon is also very strange." Jiang Xuan muttered.

Several people searched in the library while talking, and after a while, they came to the end.

At the end of the library, there are several rows of desks. Students who usually come to borrow books can read books, study by themselves, do homework, or have a romantic relationship. There were only two people sitting beside the rows of desks, a man and a woman.

However, the man and the woman looked very serious. There were a lot of books piled up in front of them, and they were piled up one after another, covering their faces.

It's not about love.

"Two classmates, did you see Zhang, a middle-aged woman?" Jiang Xuan walked over and asked.

"Are you looking for me?"

Behind the tall book, two people's faces were exposed. One was Zhang Shufen, and the other was a man whose face was about [-]% similar to hers. Both of them were holding a book in their hands. The man was reading "The Theory of Relativity" ", the woman is watching "Advanced Calculus"...

"Are you still running?" Jiang Xuan was stunned, and glanced at the book in her hand. There were actually many entries and a lot of notes in the book.

So serious.

"Why should I run?" Zhang Shufen closed the book, and asked solemnly: "I teach you morality for your own good, and you should thank me for that!"

The few people who followed were dumbfounded. Chang Xiaotu's eyes widened and she said, "You have turned so many people into mentally disabled people. You are really not afraid that we will beat you to death!"

"Wrong!" Another man said, shaking his head seriously: "Before meeting us, they lived in ignorance. We enlightened their wisdom, improved their morality, and let them live with more dignity. Of course. , we do all this not for them to thank us!"

"What is that for?" Jiang Xuan saw that these two guys were already under control, and he was not in a hurry.

The last time I met the Destroyer, I couldn't help but say that it was a series of fights. Jiang Xuan didn't have a chance to learn more about the situation. Now the two seem to be not ready to make a move for the time being, and they seem to be weak, just circling around.

Zhang Shufen and the man stood up at the same time, with a holy face, held their heads high and said, "Because, this is what we should do!"

"Damn it, let's do it!" Jiang Xuan pulled out the pointer, "Come on, let's fight, either we kill you, or you kill us!"

"Wait a minute!" the brain-damaged man said, shaking his head, "We don't want to fight!"

"Yes, we are not interested in the war between the heavens and the demons!" Zhang Shufen... said the brainless demon.

"Ah?" Jiang Xuan was taken aback.

"Although we were born in the Demon Realm, it doesn't mean we need to be loyal to the Demon Realm. We don't need to pay attention to the tasks of the Demon Realm," said the male saboteur.

"Whether it's the heaven or the devil, it's nothing compared to our ultimate pursuit!" said the brain-dead demon.

Jiang Xuan blinked: "What about cross talk between you two? It's a tacit understanding. Then what is your ultimate pursuit?"

The male and female brain-dead demons looked at each other and said in unison: "We want to pursue the ultimate wisdom and spread it to all mankind to benefit the human world!"

"Huh? Sounds good." Susu scratched her head with her little hands that had turned into claws.

"That's not bad, you silly fox, even my dog ​​can tell, the two of them are going to turn the entire human race into a brainless!" Gou Ritian said rolling his eyes.

"As long as you can help us, we can be the first to pass on our lifelong wisdom to you!" said the brain-damaged man.

"Yes, teaching everything without reservation will make you the wisest person!" said the female brain-dead demon.

Jiang Xuan rolled his eyes, stared at the two serious-looking idiots who didn't think they were ridiculous for a few seconds, and nodded: "I was wrong."

"Ah?" When the two brain-dead demons heard this, they were taken aback for a moment, and then they showed joy.

"Where did you go wrong?"

"You realize your mistake so quickly, it shows that you are a man who can be made!"

Then the two said in unison: "It's okay, we forgive you!"

"No, no, you misunderstood!" Jiang Xuan quickly shook his head and explained: "What I mean is, I shouldn't tell you so much, because the most common trick for the brainless is to pull the other party into the same position as them. IQ, and then use experience to defeat each other! So I decided to kill you two!"

After finishing speaking, a large black rock with a crack on the top suddenly appeared out of thin air above the heads of the two destroyers.

Caught off guard, Jiang Xuan hit as soon as he said he wanted to, and the height of the library was only four or five meters. The crouching magic seal appeared directly on both of them, and they didn't even open to hide.

The two were originally standing side by side with about a meter between them. In order to ensure that none of them could escape, the crouching demon seal happened to appear between them, and there was a strange sound that elongated the sound of "嗤". Yin fell straight down from between the two of them, and then hit the ground with a bang.

These two people still maintained the posture just now, standing there, even the expressions of "I forgive you" did not change.

But there were only half of the two of them left. When the crouching seal fell, one side was tightly attached to the right shoulder of the male saboteur, and the other side was tightly attached to the left shoulder of the female saboteur. , These two guys don't know if they don't have a demon body, or Jiang Xuan shot too fast and didn't have time to change. In short, they used their human bodies to carry them forcibly. It fell, pressed to the ground, and became a mess of meat paste.

The crouching seal was too fast and heavy, and it was only a blink of an eye. These two people... oh no, the two halves didn't even fall down, and they just stood there blankly. At first glance, they looked like It was a person who was cut into two halves, standing one meter apart on both sides.

"Oh, there are so many mosaics, so scary!" Chang Xiaotu grinned excitedly.

Jiang Xuan gave her a blank look, screaming too exaggeratedly, it's scary, shouldn't you cover your eyes, you come up and poke your head to see what a fart!

"That's it?" Gou Ritian was very puzzled, he thought how powerful these two monsters were when they made such a big battle before, but they were so vulnerable.

Although Susu said that the brain-dead demon is not strong in combat, but no matter how strong it is, it won't kill him all at once, right?Back then, the Destroyer was more difficult to deal with.

"Yes, they are so weak, how dare they stay here and wait for us to come over, do they really think we won't kill them, or are they bravely dedicating themselves to their ideals?"

Jiang Xuan rubbed his chin, looked at the two and a half corpses covered in mosaics without any blood, and smiled: "Don't make the whole scene, let's be real!"

(End of this chapter)

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