Chapter 224

Jiang Xuan was very surprised that the first time the slapstick drink failed, but he immediately got rid of this unexpected emotion.

Whether it works or not, it is a technical issue that needs persistent research, but for now, don't think too much about this technical issue, let's solve the problem first!
Catch this middle-aged woman who is bewitching the public with her lies and beat her up, and she won't believe her!

As soon as Jiang Xuan finished speaking, he was about to jump onto the stage and grab Zhang Shufen by the hair. Who knew that Zhang Shufen wanted to speak up just now, with a look of righteousness, but seeing that something was wrong, he turned around and ran backstage.

"She's not a devil." Gou Ritian said.

Since the beginning of this auditorium, Gou Ritian has been responsible for tracking the source of the demonic energy, and he is very vigilant. Strange to say, there has been a faint demonic energy from the moment he entered the auditorium, but he has never been able to judge whether these demonic energy came from Where did it come from.

Moreover, the demonic energy encountered this time is obviously different from the "taste" of previous demonic energy. How should I put it, it is demonic energy, which has the most fundamental characteristics of demonic energy, but the specific smell is different from the usual demonic energy. Air is very different.

It's like a piece of meat, whether it's pork, beef, sheep, dog, or horse meat, the essence is meat, but the taste is different, and some are even very different.

"Never mind her, even if this kind of person isn't a devil, he's just as detestable as a devil. Let's beat him up first! Susu, use illusion to get rid of these people first, so that we don't expose ourselves!" Jiang Xuan finished speaking , the first to jump onto the stage.

"It's so right!" Su Yao followed up boldly.

Susu stayed where she was, and cast a large-scale illusion, which caused a short pause in the perception of ordinary people present, as if everything was normal.

When they realized that the effect of the illusion disappeared, Jiang Xuan and the others had already left the auditorium, leaving only a group of people looking around blankly, not knowing what happened just now.

As soon as he entered the backstage, Jiang Xuan realized that the back of the auditorium was not a closed room at all, the door of the dressing room was open, and Zhang Shufen had already fled.

"It's okay, I remember her smell, chase after her!" Gou Ritian took the lead and rushed out.

The auditorium was set up in the library, and I don't know why, after chasing it out, none of the students or teachers saw it, and soon followed the smell to the library.

The library is said to be a 'room', but the area is very large. There are rows of bookshelves filled with various books, and it is impossible to see the situation inside. Based on the feeling, it is probably half the size of a football field.

"Be careful, look slowly." Jiang Xuan and his party followed Gou Ritian, walking slowly on tiptoes with their waists bent.

"Boss, something is wrong!" Gou Ritian said suddenly.

"What's the matter!" Su Yao asked first.

"The smell here, um... don't you think it's very similar to the devilish energy just now?" Gou Ritian asked.

It’s okay not to mention it, once I said it, I noticed it, because I knew I would meet the devil before, so I was preconceived, and I was not surprised by the existence of the devil energy, but after entering this big library, there was a wave of evil spirit everywhere in the air. The faint strange devilish smell in the auditorium just now.

"How can there be any magic energy?" Su Yao sniffed hard, "I only smell the smell of printed books."

Of course, Su Yao can't smell the magic energy, but when she reminded her, Jiang Xuan came to her senses all of a sudden!
The magical smell of that smell is obviously the smell of printed books!
It's demonic, but that strange smell is exactly the same as the smell of printing paper.

Could it be a demon who loves to read, and the magic energy has turned into the aroma of books?
"Jiang Xuan, I remembered that there is a kind of devil in the devil world, who really likes to study and learn about culture. It is said that their devil's smell will change, which is very close to the smell of books." Susu interrupted suddenly.

"There is such a good demon?!" Several people were shocked. The demons they met before, whether they were destroyers or yin demons, were all extremely anti-human and anti-life types. They simply wanted to destroy everything. It is my own responsibility to say that they are evil monsters who must be eliminated, and they are not wronged at all.

However, a devil who loves reading and learning cultural knowledge doesn't seem to be a crime.

However, if such a monster is really the case, how could it have anything to do with this lecture?In Jiang Xuan's view, this lecture was anti-human and anti-civilization.

Everything in the world is divided into yin and yang, half to half. Today's lecture is entirely about the enslavement and oppression of women, females, and the yin side. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a heinous crime.

"It's really a devil." The nine-tailed fox Susu, who has always been fearless and regarded herself as a high-level monster, swallowed her saliva when she said this, and said with a look of horror, "Brainless devil!"

"Ah?! Brain-dead demon? Didn't he say he loves to read?" Jiang Qian was taken aback. He is also a good boy who loves to learn. Apart from practicing martial arts, he also absorbs all new and novel knowledge. Got it?

"Not everyone learns to become a brain-dead, but the brain-dead demon is an exception!"

The reason why the Demon Realm is called a "devil" is not entirely because of what Director Zhu said, it is opposite to the Heaven Realm, but because the natural laws of the Demon Realm are too weird, just like the demon heads, they are all insane and disordered, extremely Antisocial.

Whether it is the heavens or the human world, all intelligent races are born equal. This equality is not about status and power, but about the individuality of the race. Although there are subtle differences in intelligence, etc., there are also very few individuals who are born with Severe diseases, but in general, there is no essential difference in their own conditions at the time of birth.

Even the non-dominant races, the animals in the human and celestial realms have their own ways of making a living, and it doesn't mean that the entire group has any major inherent problems.

But the Demon Realm is different. In the Demon Realm, there are many races, even races with a large number of ethnic groups, who are born with curses and huge defects. The existence of these races seems to be born entirely to serve as slaves to other races.

Brain-dead demons are such a race in the demon world.

There are not as many of them as Yin Demons and Destruction Demons. In the Demon Realm, only a small and medium group exists. All the demon heads of this group are born with brain damage and have major brain defects.

This kind of brain damage is not mentally handicapped or something. On the contrary, the intelligence of brain disabled demons is relatively high among the various races in the demon world, and there are even frequent occurrences of big devils and even demon kings.

Their problem is mainly paranoia, and there is something missing in their minds that they don't know.

All brain-dead demons have known since childhood that they are a race cursed by the demon world, and their brains have problems. Therefore, the brain-dead demons have loved learning since they were young, and they have studied all the knowledge and culture that can be absorbed, and the cultivation methods of magic skills. It is because of this persistent spirit that masters can emerge from this small group of people and stand tall in the devil world.

But the problem is that there is indeed a problem with the brain of the brain-dead demon. Any knowledge, after being learned by the brain-dead demon, will be distorted inexplicably!
And there is no pattern to this distortion.

For example, what is 1+1 equal to?This simplest truth can be learned after going to school. People with normal brains say 2, and those who are more active, or stupid or mentally retarded, may give answers such as 0, 3, 5, etc. In short, they can probably predict .

But if another brain-dead monster answers, the answer he gives is completely unpredictable. He may tell you that 1+1 is equal to a plus sign, which is equal to a cow, or simply put, no matter how much is added, the answer is always equal to one.

Therefore, the more knowledge the brain-dead demon learns, the more chaotic it becomes for normal creatures.

This is very unreasonable!

What's even more annoying is that all brain-dead demons are very stubborn and proud because they love to learn and have mastered a lot of knowledge. They must agree with their views, and if they disagree, they must be forced to agree.

Therefore, the existence of normal brains in the demon world, even the cruel and unreasonable existence like destroyers, is very annoying to the brain-dead demons. When they see the brain-dead demons, they will take a detour. It often happens that the brain-dead demons argue with other demons for no reason. Flushing, fighting situation.

Susu knew this because of a laughing stock in the demon world.

One of the 12 Marshals of the Demon Realm, the Great Demon King Glutton once hosted a banquet for his subordinates. During the banquet, a loyal and brain-dead demon leader suddenly launched a violent attack on General Taotie, delivering a fatal blow with all his strength. The magic root was almost broken by this guy.

The stronger the ability, the more difficult it is to have children. Taotie has no heirs yet, so he was terrified, but this brain-dead demon has always been loyal before. Taotie doesn't know why he did this, and he didn't kill the brain-dead demon on the spot. Instead, they were arrested and interrogated.

From the beginning to the end of the interrogation, the brain-dead demon only said, 'I'm doing it for the handsome! '

It was only later that I found out that the brain-damaged demon had obtained an ancient book from nowhere, which recorded a practice method, and the opening chapter had eight big characters, "If you want to practice magic skills, you must first go to the palace."

So the brain-damaged demon brazenly launched an attack for his commander-in-chief to become the most powerful master in the devil world.

Taotie found out that this book was just a novel brought by some bastard from the world, his nose was going to be crooked, and he asked the brain-damaged devil, since you can practice magic skills, why don't you go to the palace yourself?The brainless demon said eloquently that the commander-in-chief was very kind to me. Before the commander-in-chief could practice his magical skills, I must not practice them first!

It made Taotie very speechless, and in the end it was no good to kill him, or not to kill him, so he could only send this idiot to the border to guard the border.

Since then, there has been an unspoken rule in the demon world. No matter how powerful the brain-dead demon is, the commanders of all parties will not be recruited.

"Fuck me, there are so many strange things in this demon world, no wonder it's called the demon world!" Jiang Xuan was stunned. Destroyer demons are already disgusting enough. I didn't expect there to be more weird existences. It seems that the demon world is really chaotic. extreme place.

(End of this chapter)

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