Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 155 Classmates and superiors and subordinates

Chapter 155 Classmates and superiors and subordinates
"Old Qin, I don't think you've done this very well."

While Jiang Xuan was chatting with Fatty Zhu at the food stall, Qin Guoqiang was chatting with Wu Yuansun, another major shareholder of Jianle Kindergarten, in a high-end club in Binhai City.

Judging from the shareholding ratio, Qin Guoqiang can only be regarded as one of the bottom of the top ten personal holdings in Jianle Group. His main role is not only to run a branch park, but also to be more academic in Jianle of a banner.

With Qin Guoqiang present, Jianle Kindergarten has enough professional experts in the field of preschool education and primary education. It has enough academic weight to prove that the education of Jianle Group is advanced and civilized. This is especially true in modern society. Parents of higher-level students are very important.

But Wu Yuansun, this unknown shareholder, has held a large amount of stock equity through various means. He can be regarded as the real boss of Jianle Group, at least one of the real bosses.

Jianle Group is only one of several groups that Wu Yuansun mainly controls.

Qin Guoqiang and Wu Yuansun are old friends and old classmates. Back then, one chose to do scientific research and the other chose to do business. Ten years later, when Qin Guoqiang, an academic expert and industry master, saw this old classmate with a luxury car in a villa, he suddenly felt that he Bookishness is ridiculous and meaningless, so under the leadership of Wu Yuansun, he plunged into the financial circle.

With old classmates and this relationship, Wu Yuansun is Qin Guoqiang's biggest backer, and the two have a very good personal relationship. Qin Guoqiang attacked Xingxing Kindergarten in public opinion, and Wu Yuansun knew the details. After meeting for a few words, Wu Yuansun shook his head with a smile. It is said that Qin Guoqiang's move is not clever.

Seeing Wu Yuansun's objection, Qin Guoqiang was not very happy, but he was not under too much pressure. After all, he had already won the victory of this Internet public opinion campaign. If he took [-] steps back, he would not be able to hit Xingxing Kindergarten or Jianle Group. What are the negative effects? What Wu Yuansun said was not a criticism from his superiors, but a discussion among friends.

"Oh? What's your opinion?"

Qin Guoqiang asked with a smile, smoked a cigar from the shelf, and shook it at Wu Yuansun. Wu Yuansun took it and put it under his nose to smell it, but failed to light it. , Why do you do it? I know this Star Kindergarten, and it’s pretty good in general, if he wants to make excuses, the sewage you pour out basically doesn’t have much damage.”

"I just want him to defend himself." Qin Guoqiang said.

"Huh?" Wu Yuansun rolled his eyelids and said with great interest, "You want the public to stir up this matter?"

"Haha, Lao Wu, I still can't hide anything from you." Qin Guoqiang smiled a little reservedly and complacently: "What does public opinion need now? It's not the truth, but enthusiasm. As the saying goes, a slap can't slap, no matter what I do Said, if he does not respond, the popularity of public opinion will soon cool down and be replaced by new news. Look, how many messy things are there on the Internet now? Two days ago, I saw someone spontaneously combusting."

He paused, then got back to the story: "There are two principles. First, there is nothing wrong with Jianle Group; They are all solid facts. As long as he is willing to respond, no matter what he says, he says his, we say ours, as long as he clings to these few facts, he will not be able to wash them off."

Wu Yuansun is an expert in finance, so he naturally knows the tricks of Internet campaigning. After thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "I understand what you mean now. It's not necessary to smear him, but to force him to cooperate with us to improve our reputation." Popularity. At the beginning, when you wanted to invest in shares and acquisitions, you were optimistic about the characteristics of Xingxing Kindergarten’s rapid rise and distinctive characteristics, and wanted them to add to Jianle’s icing on the cake. Now that the acquisition has not been negotiated, you use this method to conflict with the other party and stir up public opinion , In the end, the original goal can still be achieved, taking advantage of the situation."

"It hits the nail on the head!" Qin Guoqiang's tone became more smug, and it was definitely something for Qin Guoqiang to be proud of being evaluated by Wu Yuansun in such a slightly admiring tone. He almost got carried away with pride, and said : "It's not the goal to smear the other party, but if we can really catch something, it will be an unexpected gain. In short, we are winners no matter what, it's all about winning more or less."

Wu Yuansun picked up the coffee and took a sip, put down the cup, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, as if he was smiling, and he seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say anything.

Seeing Wu Yuansun's expression, Qin Guoqiang frowned slightly, "Why, Mr. Wu, is there something missing in my thinking?"

Between the words, the title changed from Old Wu to Mr. Wu.

"As far as this incident is concerned, negligence is out of the question." Wu Yuansun shook his head, still smiling, and said in a tone between friends: "I think that your greatest value in the group is your academic knowledge. Status, which cannot be replaced by anyone, is also your core competitiveness. As for other business competitions, you don’t necessarily need to be too enthusiastic.”

Although the words were gentle, instead of accusing Qin Guoqiang of anything, they praised him a few words, but the meaning of "reminder" was very clear.

Figure out your identity and position, academic status comes first, as for commercial competition, this is not your strong point, nor is it what the group expects from you!
Even the so-called "benefits" that can be obtained from Xingxing Kindergarten are insignificant in Wu Yuansun's eyes.

They are all people who have established their own status in the industry. If it is said that he is academically wrong, Qin Guoqiang may not care about it, but being so 'reminded' by Wu Yuansun, Qin Guoqiang is a little uncomfortable.

In particular, Qin Guoqiang's focus now is on making some impressive achievements in the mall, and he is particularly sensitive to what others criticize when he is weak.

He didn't speak, but Pi Liyang Qiu snorted, sat down and raised his legs, and lit his cigar.

"Old Qin, I said this because my old classmate cared." Seeing Qin Guoqiang's obvious displeasure, Wu Yuansun was still smiling as before, and his expression didn't change at all. He continued to say flatly: "According to Let me tell you, your original intention for doing this seems to be not very simple."

"What do you mean?" Qin Guoqiang rolled his eyelids.

"I remember there was an intern named Zhang Yunyun, who later switched to Xingxing Kindergarten?" Wu Yuansun asked with a half-smile.


Before Qin Guoqiang was about to explode, Wu Yuansun got up and sat next to him, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Hey, man, it's nothing to worry about, I understand. To be honest, you're pretty good with this hand. I'm just worried that you have subjective emotions in it, and it's inevitable that you will be aggressive and not calm enough. We do business for the purpose of making money, not for pleasure or enmity, right? "

Wu Yuansun is a classmate, even a superior, and half the boss. When it comes to this, he smiles and takes the initiative to lower his body to comfort him. Don't worry, as I said, this incident will definitely not have a negative impact on Jianle. As for what you said, my academic status... Hehe, you forgot, because of this incident, I also published it on Children's Education It's a dissertation."

"That's good, that's good, I'm used to being careful and careful, so don't think too much about it." Wu Yuansun laughed.

"No, there's always something to say between the two of us!" Qin Guoqiang said.

"By the way, this year's research and discussion of the Provincial Preschool Education Association will start again. At that time, you will be needed to represent our Jianle Group to sit in town." Wu Yuansun pointed to his own nose and said, "Look at me. , I originally came to you to talk about this matter, but it got too far."

"Don't worry." When it comes to professionalism, Qin Guoqiang is more confident, with a look of contempt in his eyes, Yun Qingyun waved his hand calmly: "I have prepared the speech a long time ago, it can't be said to be innovative, but it is absolutely irreplaceable picky."

"Okay, okay, I knew you were an expert, absolutely no problem. By the way, I'm afraid that Xingxing Kindergarten will also participate at that time." Wu Yuansun said.

Qin Guoqiang stared at Wu Yuansun for several seconds, and suddenly burst out laughing, "Old Wu, you are too cautious, are you still afraid that I will lose to those from Xingxing Kindergarten in this kind of theoretical seminar?" A young man who just graduated from college!"



Jiang Xuan had dinner with Fatty Zhu, Baldy Ding and the others. A group of older and younger brothers in Binhai City clamored to get some people or find a navy to help Xingxing Kindergarten to rectify the name, but Jiang Xuan denied it all.

The real "big brother" character Wu Dacheng once chatted with Jiang Xuan behind his back. Wu Wenwen often came to kindergarten, she was considered a half-student, and learned to cook from Chang Xiaotu. These disgusting rumors on the Internet made Wu Dacheng a little annoyed.

They are also gangsters, and the gap can be seen at this time. Wu Dacheng didn't say anything cruel like "make someone into a peeing cow ball", and the methods don't seem to be illegal, but a series of operations can make the opponent win. ruined.

Jiang Xuan still denied it.

He was lazy to guess Qin Guoqiang's thoughts. He had a feeling in his heart that things on the Internet were getting bigger and bigger, and they were getting darker and darker. There was really no need to argue.

Another reason is that he doesn't want to have too many 'mutual help' interests with these people on the Tao.

Jiang Xuan is happy to be purely friends, drinking buddies, or even help each other out within the scope of his ability for free. There is no need to get entangled.

Besides, since the incident of 'the air is so good, Qi Yun gave candy to eat' that day, he always felt that he was not interested in fighting with mortals.

What the fuck, does it make sense?It's really annoying, let Jiang drag you to the burial together.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind never stops, Jiang Xuan is now a "fairy boy", he is too lazy to play with wind and rain, and has no great interest in "fighting with people". he.

Received an invitation today.

Next Monday, attend a seminar organized by the Hannan Preschool Education Association.

"Preschool Education Association? What?" Su Yao asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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