Chapter 156
Hannan Province Early Childhood Education Association.

It sounds like a very high-end name, but after careful consideration, it has a grassroots taste.

Su Yao doesn't know the origin of this association. It's because of her family's superior conditions. She has been careless since she was a child. Even going to school is a mess. She basically doesn't know anything about this kind of social group.

Lin Qianxiu has her own small business, she has heard of it, but she only knows the name since she has no contact with it.

Jiang Xuan knew quite well, because this association happened to be the private 'organization' of Xingxing Kindergarten, the immediate boss.

Ten years ago, the national education circle focused on universities and college entrance examinations. In recent years, the economy has developed too fast, society has progressed, and the level of civilization has improved. Preschool education and primary education have become the new cusp in the education circle. They are attracted by parents, society, government's attention in many ways.

The industry is so big, it is inevitable that there are good and bad, and you can’t notice it when you are not paying attention. If you are exposed in the spotlight, all kinds of problems will come. Various incidents of child abuse, abuse, and embezzlement have been exposed one after another in various places. Panic.

After all, an emerging industry grows wildly in the initial stage, with a lot of chaos. It is too late to rely solely on national legislation and supervision in a short period of time. Civilian supervision, industry supervision and self-discipline have become an important means of order , So in several large provinces across the country with a relatively advanced economy, especially a relatively developed education industry, industry associations have been established one after another to formulate industry rules, conduct private supervision, explore development outlets, and so on.

The Hannan Preschool Education Association is such an organization. It is led by the government, the non-governmental main board, relevant leaders of the Provincial Department of Education, and experts from the provincial education circle and well-known public and private education companies. All educational institutions in Hannam Province, including but not limited to various kindergartens and private schools, whether they join or not, are greatly influenced by this industry association.

To give the simplest example, this association has no administrative power, but it can submit suggestions and reports to the government, similar to a consultant.If the final conclusion of the agreement is that a certain unit has major hidden dangers and is not suitable for engaging in this industry, then the official will probably use this as a basis for consideration and conduct an in-depth investigation of this unit.

If you join the association and become a member of the association, you must directly accept the articles of association formulated by the association.

Of course, there are also many benefits. Resources, circles, etc. can help the members of the association to stand firmer and have more room for development.

The association will hold an academic seminar every year in the new school year to exchange educational methods and ideas.Although Star Kindergarten is not a member of the association, it has recently risen rapidly in Hannan Province, especially Binhai City, and has had a certain influence across the country for several consecutive events, so it has also received invitations.

"So, is it a good thing?" Su Yao asked.

"Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, anyway, beating a child on a rainy day is a free time, just go and have a look."

In order to avoid Su Yao's worries, Jiang Xuan concealed something from them: among the five permanent members of the association, Jianle Kindergarten is one of them, and the representative of Jianle is Qin Guoqiang.

In fact, Jiang Xuan doesn't care, since he has done this business and communicated with his peers, it is considered to increase his world.As for whether there are other reasons, don't think so much.

"Who's going to beat the child?" Chang Xiaotu asked from the doorway, and asked with wide-eyed eyes when she heard half-ears just now.

"Huh?" Several adults in the room looked back at the same time.

Coincidentally, a dark cloud floated in the sky.

There was a bang, and it looked like it was going to rain.

"Damn, don't hit me!" Chang Xiaotu turned around and ran away.

As soon as he ran to the backyard, he saw Jiang Gang pale, trembling, stiff all over, almost showing his original shape, jumping and hiding towards the basement.

Jiang is hard afraid of thunder. This is an old problem. In the first time, he slept in Jiang Xuan's room for almost a week and dared not go out. After a summer thunderstorm season, he gradually got used to it, but he was still very afraid of this kind of thunderstorm. It is a natural phenomenon, and I was scared to death when I heard the thunder, but it is already very brave to not hold back all the original forms.

Chang Xiaotu picked it up for him, and before the rain fell, the two of them rushed into the basement.


A sound of thunder came down through the thick ground, making a faint sound.

"It's too scary!" Jiang insisted on burrowing into the pit, showing half of his head, panting heavily.

"Let me tell you, it's too thick!" Chang Xiaotu squatted on the edge of the pit, grabbed a handful of 'Black Earth Mask Cream', and said with a serious face while pia on Jiang Jian's face: "In the future, as long as If it rains, we will be beaten!"

"Ah?" Jiang Jian's face was at a loss, probably because he was a little afraid of thunder in the sky, and he didn't take "being beaten" seriously at all, so he was obviously a little surprised, although his expression was not changed, but her tone subconsciously lowered, "Why?"

"I don't know either! I overheard just now that Jiang Xuan gave an order to Su Yao and the others: hit the children on rainy days!" Chang Xiaotu said gloomily, "I'll hide with you when it rains from now on, okay?" it is good?"

When it rains, Jiang Gang will show his original shape and become stinky, hiding in the basement, hiding here, Jiang Xuan and the others will not come over...

"Rabbit demon, master is not that kind of bad person!" Jiang Qian still overwhelmed his fear of Jiang Xuan's admiration, and said seriously: "It must be something we did wrong, so we should reflect on it."



Jiang Xuan didn't expect that a casual nonsense sentence would scare the children, and on the other side of Nanping Mountain in the suburb of Binhai City, in the mental hospital where Jiang Xuan met Chang Xiaotu for the first time, a thunderclap also caused a person who was tied up to go to the mental hospital. The strange people in the observation room roared loudly.

On the outskirts of Binhai City, in a hidden underground experiment, Chief Peng of the Binhai City Public Security Bureau was watching the scene with a serious expression: a skinny man was fixed on the wall by high-strength belts, With the sound of thunder coming from above, the man became extremely crazy, yelling like crazy.

The belt that was enough to bind the buffalo was so stretched that it might break at any time under the twisting force of this skinny guy, and the iron ring fixed on the wall behind was a little loose.

"Li Xiaofeng, a severely mentally ill patient in Nanshan Mental Hospital, suddenly became mad seven months ago and killed four patients and two doctors on duty. The provincial and municipal levels classified the case as top secret, and after reaching an agreement with the victim's family, in order to avoid panic, they concealed the truth from the outside world, announcing that a mental patient went mad and killed the doctor, trying to play down the impact and not report it..." A hunger The police officer with the rank of third-class superintendent reported that the flowers on his shoulders were enough to be the head of the sub-bureau, but in this basement, he was only doing the work of an assistant secretary.

"Tell me something I don't know!" Chief Peng frowned and waved his hand impatiently.

"According to several months of research, it can be determined that Li Xiaofeng's explosive strength has reached 1200 kilograms, and his regular strength has reached more than 600 kilograms... It can be said that it has exceeded the limit of human strength, but there is nothing special about his muscles and bones." The superintendent swallowed and said.

"Then what do you mean?" Director Peng was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, he turned his head and stared at him blankly, and said, "You mean, I reported to the superior that a superhuman murderer appeared in Binhai City?"

The superintendent's face froze slightly, and he thought to himself, I'm not the director, why don't we switch positions and I'll write this report?

But after thinking about it, this report is really hard to write.

This is typically a supernatural event!

As if asking for help, he looked at another old man in casual clothes standing side by side.

This old man has white beard and hair, and is dressed in a Tang suit, which is quite fairy-tale.

"Director, although this incident is weird, it may not be impossible to report it truthfully." The old man smiled slightly.

Director Peng's tone became very polite to the old man facing him: "Old Li, you are an expert and a senior leader in the religious and folklore circles in our province. What do you think?"

"Well... I dare not say that I have any definite opinion."

An old man is an old man, and Li Lao has studied religion and folklore all his life, so he has some preconceptions in his thinking and some guesses.

In the history of the world for hundreds of millions of years, not only human civilization has been born, each country has its own myths and legends, and the so-called "feudal superstition" has existed for a long time among the people. In the long river of cosmic civilization, it is only a drop in the ocean, and may even be a very low-end part.

What did not happen, what has not been touched, can be classified as "superstition", so what happens when superstition really appears in front of you?

Although there are some speculations, this matter is too unbelievable after all. Mr. Li has no clear evidence at present. He absolutely does not want to start this 'head' with his own words. He pondered for a moment and said: "Actually, similar supernatural events have occurred frequently recently. , not only our Binhai City. I think, in the face of these facts and scientific data, although the leaders have doubts, they will definitely not think that it must be nonsense."

"Hmm..." Director Peng's hmm did not mean agreeing, it was just a neutral particle of 'I see'.

Just as Mr. Li thought, the data obtained by the current scientific research is too weird, so weird that it can make people suspect that he is a lunatic. Regardless of whether there are other cities, such a report must not be written by Binhai City anyway.

"Let's observe for a while longer." Director Peng said lightly: "At the same time, pay attention to the city's dynamics, and if you find any abnormalities, report them immediately."

Just as he was talking, there was another thunderstorm in the sky.

"Boom boom..." With a few muffled sounds, Li Xiaofeng, the mentally ill person who was fixed in the observation room, unexpectedly broke the restraint belt, and rushed towards the glass wall of the observation room with strange screams.

The glass is tempered, and it won't break if you smash it hard with a hammer. Although the people on the opposite side of the glass were surprised, they didn't worry too much. They just took a step back subconsciously.

Unexpectedly, the tempered glass wall was hit by a large crack, and immediately after that, Li Xiaofeng rushed hard again.

With a bang, the glass wall shattered.

Moments later, in the basement, there were screams, crazy laughter and sporadic gunfire.

(End of this chapter)

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