Chapter 154
In any industry in any country, the "circle" is a very important thing. Business circles, political circles, entertainment circles, education circles, etc. A group of people with their own strengths, although it seems very loose, without any organizational structure, and not all of them know each other. Even if they know each other, there are casual acquaintances, wine and meat friends, and even people who have conflicts. It exists, but the interest direction of the whole circle is the same. Once this circle is challenged by the outside world, the people in the whole circle will subconsciously unanimously speak out.

If the level of the circle is high enough, it can completely dominate an industry or a region, and rely on this dominant position to continuously grab various benefits.

It goes up to the political party, down to the owner's committee of a certain community, no exception.

Therefore, although there are various interests entangled and even contradictory in the circle, the overall interests of the whole circle are consistent, and stability is the top priority. Only when the circle is stable, can everyone in the circle reap their interests safely .

For newcomers outside the circle, it is a step-by-step process to enter a circle, from being excluded at the beginning, gradually blending in, and finally becoming the backbone or even the leader in the circle. No one in the circle can allow newcomers to come in and run rampant , to undermine this stability and provoke the authority of the elderly.

In the education circle, or in the province's preschool education circle, Jianle Group is a well-deserved mainstay. I dare not say that it is the industry leader, but it is definitely one of several leading institutions. Qin Guoqiang is the leader of Jianle Kindergarten. Spokesperson for theoretical research.

As for Xingxing Kindergarten, there was a new kid, Jiang Xuan, a young man who had just graduated from college, and he didn't even touch the edge of the circle.

According to the normal model, Xingxing Kindergarten and Jiang Xuan should strive for their fame little by little, and then establish a good relationship with the bigwigs in the circle, be taken care of and appreciated by each other, and gradually bind their own interests with the whole circle. May be accepted by the whole circle, and then grow.

But this acquisition conflict with Qin Guoqiang directly interrupted this process.

Qin Guoqiang published this competing article in the "Children's Education" magazine and his personal scarf. People outside the circle will think it is reasonable, and people in the circle will know what it means at a glance.

As a result, a group of so-called 'experts' with certain industry status in the province spoke out one after another.

Some professors and teachers are relatively obscure. On the surface, they are talking about things. Starting from two articles, they use various theories to support Qin Guoqiang's point of view, and further demonstrate the fallacies of Li Muxue's previous article;
Some practitioners in the same industry spoke very straightforwardly. They seemed to have nothing to do with Qin Guoqiang's article, but they directly pointed out 'a kindergarten in Binhai City'.

"The quality of teachers is almost zero. A few college students who have just graduated from university and have no experience dare to open a fee-paying kindergarten when they are still children? Isn't this misleading the children?"

"Not to mention the remote environment, there are still unsafe factors around, the mountain road is steep, there is a large area of ​​water around, and it is close to the deep mountains. Such a place is not suitable as a kindergarten site at all, and even the most basic safety cannot be guaranteed. I don't understand such a situation. How can the place pass the approval."

"I very much agree with Professor Qin's four words of 'stunning the crowd'. It simply pointed out the chaos of some small and medium-sized private kindergartens. Instead of focusing on cultivating children through scientific means, they cater to the irrational thinking of laymen. The teaching level is poor, and they rely on some so-called 'interest classes' to attract students. You must know that children of this age are not suitable for learning martial arts and cooking..."

"Children are in the stage of growth and development, both in mind and body, and they are the most vulnerable. Anyone who has tried a little knows that at this time, letting them engage in so-called heavy physical training and instilling violent thoughts is simply poisoning children..."


Although no names were named, what can't be found on the Internet now?If you pay a little attention, you can find that all the spearheads are the Star Kindergarten in Lianhua Town, Binhai City.

These public opinions on the Internet have indeed caused a lot of negative impact on Xingxing Kindergarten.

As I said before, the truth is round, whatever you say is right, the vast majority of laymen and ordinary people will subconsciously believe the information of experts and mainstream public opinion. made some condemnation;
Even Jiang Xuan and the kindergarten's online fan group are not easy to argue with this matter. After all, most of them are laymen, and even a few experts have never personally experienced the teaching of Xingxing Kindergarten. , can't figure out the real situation.

The only ones who know the truth are the parents in Lianhua Town.

Parents are also laymen, but since their children are studying in Xingxing Kindergarten, and they often go to listen in, they don't need to use those so-called "scientific theories" to analyze, just rely on what they have seen and heard. Feelings lead to conclusions.

The children have become cheerful and outgoing, the relationship between the children has deepened, sons and daughters know how to be filial to their parents, and their bodies are in good shape. Children who are a little older know to "take responsibility", and sometimes the kindergarten can even help to resolve Disputes between parents... One after another, almost every parent who sent their children to Xingxing Kindergarten saw it in their eyes.

Said that Xingxing Kindergarten is grandstanding and deceiving?They're the first to jump out and say 'you fart! '

It's a pity that these parents are a minority after all. Even if all the residents of Lianhua Town are added together, compared with the entire network and the influence of the province's circles, it is still insignificant. It is suspected of being 'unfair' in itself.

Even the electric shock maniac Yang Mingshou had parents who worshiped him and regarded him as a great benefactor.

These theoretical discussions are not worth it, but it is obvious that someone manipulated this matter, and dug out the two things that can most stir up the sensitive points of Internet public opinion.

These two incidents are directly attacking Jiang Xuan himself.

The first thing is that during Jiang Xuan's internship at the university, he was directly dismissed by the internship unit three times in a row;

The second thing is that someone took photos of Jiang Xuan and Chang Xiaotu eating and drinking with a group of people in the society at the Heping food stall outside Lianhua Town.

Now the frying pan is on the Internet!

One of the biggest characteristics of Internet public opinion is that it likes to simply judge a person's "good or bad" through appearances, and then judge the good or bad of what he has done through the "good or bad evaluation" of this person.

For example, a middle-aged single man who looks wretched and often goes to the big health care must be a pervert, so if he is suspected of being related to a certain rape case, then he must have done it...

Jiang Xuan has now become a victim of this kind of online public opinion.

Unprofessional, unprofessional, and lack of teacher morality, these are relatively light accusations;
Even some unbelievable jokes have been made up...

There are even people who seem to have seen it with their own eyes, vividly saying that there is a wall in the health room of the kindergarten that is made of floor-to-ceiling glass, a kind of one-way glass...

Even if a few parents found something was wrong, they were forced by the other party's influence and dared not speak up. The few students who dropped out this year are the best proof.

In fact, in what year did kindergartens have few graduates?

"I hate his uncle!"

Baldy Ding slapped the table hard, his eyes widened, and he said: "These people are so dark, can they even think of such plots?! Find out who did it for me, and I'll kill him!" "

"Yes, throw it in a blender and crush it, and wrap it into peeing beef balls!" Fatty Zhu looked fiercely, "My little reputation has been ruined by these bastards!"

Fatty Zhu was really depressed. He was the one who was photographed drinking with Chang Xiaotu. Chang Xiaotu was drinking Coke at the time, and he was fighting Coke with Zhu Fatty.

Generally, fat people are a bit wretched, lecherous, smiling and really look like the kind of wretched hooligan who abducts little loli, Fatty Zhu and Chang Xiaotu are familiar, and sometimes he will pretend to be the big brother and pat Chang Xiaotu on the shoulder , Little Rabbit Chang is a big kid, and sometimes she will pat Fatty Zhu on the shoulder in an old-fashioned way...

This thing was photographed and posted on the Internet. It was really yellow mud that fell into the crotch, so I can't tell.

Yesterday Fatty Zhu and some friends went to play in the clubhouse. The elder sister of the foreman asked Fatty Zhu with a smile, what did you say, Brother Zhou, we have some young girls here, do you want to call to sing with you?

Fatty Zhu naturally liked the young little sister, but the foreman's smile was too weird and very meaningful, so that Fatty Zhu was either not, or not, and was severely laughed at by several people in the same company.

"You two don't kill this one and that one at every turn! You have to use your brain!"

There is a chain of Internet cafes, looking at the polite middle-aged man with glasses, he opened his mouth. This man looks more delicate, but from another point of view, he can also be said to be a "clothed beast". In short, he is the smartest among this group One of the envoys said to Jiang Xuan: "It's clear that someone is messing with you, why don't I find some sailors?"

I want to explain clearly, it doesn’t look difficult, the simplest one, several teachers in the kindergarten are all women, two of them have a lot of background, the daughter of Wu Dacheng often comes to Xingxing Kindergarten...

Jiang Xuan waved his hand, and said with a smile: "The more nonsense these things are on the Internet, the more troublesome they become. Maybe someone is just hoping that I will jump out and explain something."

(End of this chapter)

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