Evolve from a dream

Chapter 289 New Road

Chapter 289 New Road
Similar to Song Yunru's description, her dream was indeed similar to the special food. She was sent to one of the mutant's resting compartments by the organizers. There was a monster covered in mud, with long hair. With a full mouth, when she saw Song Yunru coming in, she was ready to eat like crazy.

But Lin Zheng, who entered the dream, killed the mutant in Song Yunru's dream and the people watching the theater next to him.

Then, Lin Zheng changed Song Yunru's dream into a cat cafe. The cats in the cafe liked Song Yunru very much and surrounded her.

"Meow meow……"

The kitten's voice was very soft, and Song Yunru was soon healed by their furry body and big eyes.

Seeing Song Yunru's bright smile again, Lin Zheng left Song Yunru's dream with some relief.

"Come out? Brother Mumu?" Cheng Xiaoyu walked over and brought Lin Ying a cup of hot milk.

"Thank you, Xiaoyu." Lin Ying patted Cheng Xiaoyu's head and took the hot milk.

"Brother Mumu didn't get much rest today. Go back to bed quickly. I will take good care of sister Yunru." Cheng Xiaoyu showed a bright smile to Lin Zheng.

Lin Zheng drank the milk and went back to the room to have a good sleep.

After getting up the next day, Ning Yu and the others took their tickets and prepared to go to the venue. Because they were worried about Song Yunru staying alone in the hotel, they asked Cheng Xiaoyu to stay with her.

Arriving at Nanchuan Trade City, Lin Zheng showed his admission ticket and entered with the others.

As soon as they entered the venue, Uncle Yang and Xiaolei came over and said, "Lin Ying, we'll see your performance today!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely sell the little crow for a good price." Lin Ying nodded at Uncle Yang, and said, "I'm going to find my dad, excuse me first!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Uncle Yang's face was filled with a bright smile. In this auction, they had two special items - the mermaid and the little crow. However, they don't know yet that these special items that are about to be auctioned have already been taken. Learn about medicine.

"You guys watch here first. If there is any movement later, put on your masks and go backstage to help those special items leave." Lin Zheng handed the backpack in his hand to Ning Yu and lowered his voice.

Ning Yu took the backpack and nodded at Lin Ying. He knew that Lin Ying was going to rescue those special products, so Lin Ying would create a series of chaos later, but Ning Yu and the others needed to help those special products leave Nanchuan Trade City .

Lin Zheng and Ning Yu exchanged glances, then stood up to find where Lin Hai was.

However, Lin Zheng searched around and couldn't find Lin Hai.

"Fuck, can't it?" Lin Ying cursed, but felt that this matter was weird. Although Lin Hai was very unreliable, Lin Hai would not lie about these matters.

He said he would definitely come when he came back, but strangely, he was nowhere to be seen in the entire auction venue.

At this moment, Lin Ying's cell phone rang, and the caller ID was Lao Lin.

"Old Lin, you won't let me go, will you?" Lin Ying answered the phone angrily.

"Brat! I still want to ask you! Why did you tell Xiaoyun that I was here and gave her the ticket? Do you know that I can only be in the men's room behind Huicheng?"

Hearing Lin Hai say that he was in the men's restroom, Lin Zheng quickly walked towards the restroom behind the club.

"Aunt Yun has been with you for so many years and treats you well. She just wants to see you. Why are you doing this?" Lin Ying said, and he had already walked outside the bathroom door.

"You boy, I think you wanted to ask Aunt Yun for help yesterday? So you betrayed your father and me?" Lin Hai was talking, and Lin Ying had already opened the door and entered.

Seeing Lin Ying coming in, Lin Hai hung up the phone and looked at Lin Ying: "Your boy, you can!"

"It's not as good as you," Lin Zheng walked in and pulled Lin Hai to hide in the innermost compartment of the bathroom. "Thanks to you, I spent a lot of effort to get the chance to come here."

Lin Hai didn't speak, his expression was a little subtle.

"You asked me to meet at the auction. Before that, you should know the rules of the auction tickets, right? The only way I can come here is to get special items." Lin Ying continued.

"Well, it seems that you understand everything." Lin Hai raised his lips and smiled.

Lin Ying bent his lips: "So, you asked me to come to the auction, not to participate in the auction, but to let me see something hidden behind this auction, right?"

"Lin Ying, I have seen what you have done during this period of time. I think you should have a path you want to take in your heart, a clear path."

Lin Hai said, putting a hand on Lin Zheng's shoulder.

"Indeed, too many things that have happened recently have changed my mentality, but I have always been hesitant in my heart. This auction has made me firm in my mind."

"Boy, be firm in your heart," Lin Hai tapped on Lin Ying's chest, "Although I can't see that thing, I know that you entered other people's dreams through that thing, and that thing has powerful power. Make good use of this power to fight against this imbalanced world."

You have to make good use of this power to fight against this unbalanced world.

The light in Lin Ying's pupils became brighter, and his voice was extremely firm: "I see."

"Okay, then let's enjoy the auction." Lin Hai said, took out his mobile phone and sent a text message: [Come and find me. 】

"Come here to find you?" Lin Zheng looked at Lin Hai who was typing. The message he sent was to Guan Qiu.

Guan Qiu is Lin Hai's best friend. Both of them are similar old gangsters, but they have a good relationship.

"Uncle Guan is the one with the compression ability you mentioned?" Lin Ying asked in surprise.

"That's right." Lin Hai smiled slightly: "I have said everything that needs to be said. I am going to leave before the auction starts."

"You asked me to come to the auction, and now you want to leave?" Lin Zheng said speechlessly.

Lin Hai raised his eyebrows: "Isn't Xiaoyun here too? It's not that I don't want to see her, but I want her to be safe and be with me. It's full of displacement. I ran away from her, just hoping that she would be safe. "

After saying this, Lin Hai became a little silent. He patted Lin Ying's back lightly, turned and left.

Lin Ying looked at Lin Hai's back, his pupils shrank slightly.

During the years of living with Lin Hai, Lin Hai led Lin Ying all the way, and many times Lin Hai was not with Lin Ying. Lin Ying knew that as long as he could avoid his time, the life he lived very bad.

It was because he was afraid of involving himself that he stayed away from her.

Lin Ying took out a black windbreaker from his bag and put on a fox mask.

From now on, he will use the identity of Decider to completely change the world.

[The feast has begun. 】

Lin Ying took out his mobile phone and sent such a message in the group chat where Ning Yu and the others were.

Lin Zheng in the mirror wears a fox mask and a black coat. It is the identity he used in the dream at first. However, now, he wants to use this identity to find a new path in real life.

(End of this chapter)

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