Evolve from a dream

Chapter 288 Rescuing the Patient During the Incubation Period

Chapter 288 Rescuing the Patient During the Incubation Period

Before entering the room of the patient in the incubation period of the pollution disease, Lin Ying took out the fox mask from his bag.

[Li Shumiao, I won’t delete the picture of wearing a mask later, I’m going to use my identity as Decider to rescue patients in the incubation period, and I also want to use this identity to declare war on those people. 】

After sending this message, Lin Zheng used wind in his hands and directly destroyed the door's switch.

The loud "bang" also made the person in the utility room curl up in the corner in fright.

It's a girl with a ponytail, wearing jeans and a pink coat, she doesn't look very old.

Lin Ying walked up to her, squatted down, and said in a low voice, "Don't be afraid, I didn't come to hurt you."

When the girl heard Lin Ying's voice, she still looked terrified, unwilling to raise her head.

"I'm here to rescue you." Lin Ying said again.

The girl in front of her slowly raised her head after hearing Lin Ying's words.

The girl is facing the sky, wearing a pair of round-frame glasses, she looks a little small, like a student.

"You... are you here to save me?" The girl looked at Lin Ying with unbelievable emotions in her eyes behind the lens.

"Yes, I will take you out of here." Lin Zheng said.

The girl's eyes were filled with joy at first, but soon, the light in her eyes faded away: "Forget it, no need..."

"Do you know that the people in this room were sent as special food before, and you will also become special food if you stay here!"

"I know, but I had a nightmare, I just need to have another nightmare and I will be mutated, even if I leave here, I will become a mutated person..."

As the girl talked, her eyes became moist: "At least I'm here now, and my mother thought I was treating diseases in the CDC. At least this way, it's better..."

"Do you want to see your mother?" Lin Zheng asked.

"You..." The girl raised her head again and looked at Lin Ying in surprise.

"I have a way to cure your pollution disease. If you are willing to believe me once, the future can be changed. But if you are not willing to believe me, then your fate is doomed. You will become one of those special foods. .”

Lin Ying looked at the girl and stretched out a hand. At this moment, Lin Ying's eyes were shining with determination.

The girl's dead eyes lit up with a gleam of light again, she stretched out her hand, and took Lin Ying's hand.

"Then let's leave here together." Lin Ying looked at the girl with a smile on his face.

"Yeah!" The girl nodded and followed Lin Zheng out of the utility room.

Lin Zheng took the girls out of Nanchuan Trade City, and Li Shumiao was already waiting for them at the gate.

She was eating a matcha-flavored ice cream in her hand, looking a little leisurely.

"Eating ice cream in the middle of the night is really yours." Lin Ying walked over and couldn't help complaining.

"You are holding the girl's hand in the middle of the night, and I really have you." Li Shumiao glanced at Lin Ying holding the girl's hand, and took a bite of the ice cream.

Lin Ying quickly let go of the girl's hand, and said a little embarrassedly: "I just..."

"It's okay, no need to explain, I know you want to protect me." The girl smiled slightly, not caring that Lin Ying pulled her out all the way just now.

"By the way, Li Shumiao, have you done the surveillance? Why did you come here before I came out?" Lin Ying asked.

Li Shumiao raised an eyebrow: "Do you think my ability can only last for a few seconds? I can continue after I come out."

"That's good, let's go back first." Lin Ying said.

"Let's go!"

After returning to the hotel, Lin Ye asked the girls to live in the rooms of Li Shumiao and Cheng Xiaoyu.

"Brother Mumu, who is this sister?" Cheng Xiaoyu was a little surprised when he looked at the girl Lin Zheng brought back.

"It's the sister we rescued. She has had nightmares twice. We need to help her." Lin Zheng said.

After hearing this, Cheng Xiaoyu walked up to the girl, reached out and took the goddess' hand, and pulled her to sit down on a chair in the hotel.

"Sister, brother Mumu is very powerful, he can stop your nightmares, you won't get pollution disease, and you won't be mutated." Cheng Xiaoyu comforted her with wide eyes.

Looking at Cheng Xiaoyu's big clear eyes, the girl found some comfort and held Cheng Xiaoyu's hand tightly.

"By the way, before the treatment starts, I want you to tell me something about you so that I can help you." Lin Ying looked at the girl and said.

"Well," the girl nodded, and continued, "My name is Song Yunru, I'm 24 years old, and I work in the design industry."

Lin Zheng was a little surprised after hearing Song Yunru's self-introduction. This Song Yunru looked like a student, and she was actually engaged in the design industry.

"In my industry, there are so many beauties, and everyone is curly. I work hard every day to draw, but in the end..."

Song Yunru lowered her head, her eyes were already moist.

Lin Ying didn't need to think about it, he knew that Song Yunru should be so sad because of the heavy work pressure.

"I really like design, but I can't make any grades. My mother is the only one who supports me. I don't want my mother to be disappointed. I really work hard, but why, I'm still like this..." Song Yunru wiped A handful of tears on his face.

"I have a general understanding of your situation, now let's talk about your nightmare." Lin Ying said.

Song Yunru was silent for a moment, and then said: "The first nightmare I had was actually that the people in the company turned into monsters. Because of the first nightmare, I was sent to the CDC, because the CDC I didn't even have nightmares during the treatment, but after coming here..."

Speaking of this, Song Yunru tightened her clothes and calmed down before continuing: "After I came here, I knew that I would become food for mutants, so the nightmare I had was related to this .”

"So, you dreamed that you were eaten by mutants?" Lin Zheng asked.

Song Yunru nodded: "Yes, I dreamed that I was sent to a room, and there was a terrifying mutant in the room. He rushed towards me and ate me madly, and the auction organizer was standing there. The door of the room watched me being eaten..."

"I understand, you should lie down and have a good sleep now." Lin Ying raised his head, his eyes full of determination, "Don't worry, when you wake up from this dream, your pollution disease will be in the middle stage, and with follow-up treatment, Maybe you can have other abilities."


Song Yunru met Lin Zheng's gaze and nodded accordingly.

"Sister, come here and sleep." Cheng Xiaoyu pulled back the quilt on the bed and spoke to Song Yunru.

Song Yunru nodded, went to the bed and lay down. Because she was trapped in Nanchuan Trade City during this time, she had been in a bad mood, so her sleep quality was poor, but now she was finally able to relax, and it took less than 10 minutes. Song Yunru fell asleep.

"Song Yunru is asleep." Li Shumiao confirmed that Song Yunru had entered the sleep state and said.

Lin Zheng stepped to the bedside. The crystal under his left collarbone released a faint light source. Soon, Lin Zheng entered Song Yunru's dream...

(End of this chapter)

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