Evolve from a dream

Chapter 290 The feast begins

Chapter 290 The feast begins

"Hurry up, the auction is about to start, hurry up and send these special items to the backstage!"

The staff of the auction urged with loudspeakers, and the tamers who came to participate in this special auction pushed the big boxes in front of them, and they were already queuing up in the background to prepare.

"Why is it you, Lin Ying?" Lao Yang was a little surprised when he saw that the person pushing the box had turned into Li Shumiao.

"He has something to do, so he asked me to take his place." Li Shumiao smiled slightly.

When Lao Yang heard the words, his face changed: "What are you all doing? Do you know that this is really dangerous? The little crow was fed the taming pill by Lin Ying. How could it listen to you?"

"The little crow didn't take the taming pill." Li Shumiao still smiled.

"You...what did you say?" Lao Yang's face suddenly turned as pale as death.

"I mean, the little crow didn't take the taming pill, so he was tamed by Lin Ying. I'm Lin Ying's friend, and the little crow is willing to listen to me."

Li Shumiao tilted her head, her voice was clear and gentle, but when Lao Yang saw Li Shumiao's smile, his eyes were full of fear.

"You...you..." Lao Yang glanced at Li Shumiao, and his eyes fell on the box in front of her that contained the little crow. He was startled, and when he stepped back, he tripped and fell to the ground.

"Hey, uncle, what are you doing? Are you so nervous?"

The person who was hit by Lao Yang in front spoke helplessly.

Lao Yang swallowed and looked at Li Shumiao behind him. Li Shumiao still had a faint smile on his face.

Who are these people, they tamed the little crow without feeding the little crow taming pills?
"The first one is ready to go on stage."

The staff in front shouted, and Lao Yang came back to his senses.

This morning we drew lots to determine the order of appearance. Lao Yang drew the first one, so he was the first to take the stage. At this moment, he had no time to care about Li Shumiao and Little Crow, so he could only push the push box forward.

I can only go to Xiaolei and the others to discuss the matter of the little crow after I get off the stage.

Thinking this way, Lao Yang pushed the push box to the stage.

"Today, our first auction item is the mermaid domesticated by Mr. Yang. This mermaid is a unique product among mutants. Not only does it have the beautiful face of a mermaid in a fairy tale, but it is also good at water. Ability!"

The host introduced, then turned to look at Lao Yang: "Mr. Yang, let me show you the mermaid next."

"Okay." Lao Yang nodded, and opened the push box in front of him.

After the lid of the push box was opened, there was the sound of water swishing in the box, and a head was soon revealed in the water, with wet blond hair and a face as fair as porcelain, stained with water, with a look Breathtaking beauty.

The buyers sitting in the VIP seats in the first row of the auction venue were stunned when they saw the mermaid for the first time.

Seeing their expressions, a smile appeared on Lao Yang's face. It seemed that he was stable today. His mermaid would definitely be sold at a good price.

"It's really beautiful. It's not a show of ability. This appearance alone has already moved the hearts of everyone present..." The host looked at the mermaid in the push box, and his tone was full of astonishment.

"Mr. Yang, please let the mermaid show her abilities."


Lao Yang turned around and faced the mermaid: "Dear Xiaomei, everyone is looking forward to your performance now, so why don't you show everyone the water wall and water rope that you are usually good at?"

The mermaid stared at Lao Yang, and raised her slender hand. There were reflective scales on the back of her hand, but the scales were beautiful in color, which made her skin whiter.

She turned her hands over, and the water in the box quickly gathered into water ropes, which twisted and twisted towards the air, like giant snakes.


Someone in the audience exclaimed.

Lao Yang's heart was filled with joy, but at this moment, Lao Yang saw a murderous aura in the mermaid's eyes.

Her gentleness is completely different from usual, it is the kind of killing breath that only appears in the eyes of violent mutants!

Is it my own illusion...

Before Lao Yang could figure out what was going on, suddenly the water rope rushed down and entangled Lao Yang's neck and feet, and then, the sharp claws directly pierced Lao Yang's chest!

"What's going on? Isn't that mermaid domesticated?"

"Killed! Killed!"


The audience was immediately in chaos, and the host on the stage was so frightened that he rolled off the stage in a pissing mess. The guards patrolling on both sides raised their guns and quickly jumped up and surrounded them. The mermaid in the middle of the stage.

"How come..." Lao Yang spat out blood, because the mermaid's attack was too fast, and he didn't even have a chance to resist.

"This mermaid has not been domesticated and should be killed."

Lu Ming, the leading member of the guard, quickly made a judgment and decided to kill the mermaid in front of him.


"Bang bang bang-"

The moment the members of the guards pulled the trigger, transparent air bubbles wrapped the mermaid, and with the help of a gust of wind, brought the mermaid to the sky above the auction venue.

"Captain Lu, look up!"

One of the guards shouted, and Lu Ming looked up at the sky above the venue.

A man in a black windbreaker was suspended in mid-air. Although he didn't seem to be moving, he could feel the extremely fast wind gathering around his body. It was these winds that supported him, making him look like he was floating up in the air.

"Bang bang bang-"

The members of the guards fired at Lin Ying again, but all their attacks were blocked outside the wind wall around Lin Ying.

"Who is this man wearing a fox mask?"

The moment the guard asked the question, the mermaid was already by his side.

"Who are you? You came here just to steal this special product?" Lu Ming looked at Lin Ying and couldn't help but ask.

"This special product. I'm afraid it's a little rare." Lin Ying smiled at Lu Ming below, then turned to the mermaid and said, "Don't worry, you will be free in a while."

The mermaid glanced at Lin Ying: "What can I do?"

"Fight together." Lin Zheng said.

"You mean, your goal is not just this special product?" Lu Ming quickly realized Lin Zheng's goal. He took out the walkie-talkie: "Hurry up, look at the backstage!"

"Captain, there's a chaos backstage. Somehow, all those special animals ran out and attacked the trainer!"

Hearing this, Lu Ming's face changed greatly: "How could it be... like this?"

"There are also a group of people wearing masks!"

wear a mask……

Lu Ming raised his head and looked at the man in the black windbreaker and fox mask in the sky. He was not alone, and the backstage was also trapped!
"call out--"

At the same time, Lin Ying released extremely strong winds, which poured down together with the water of the mermaid, and the audience in the venue were soon hit by a cold rain.

"Quick! Protect the audience at the venue and evacuate them! Especially the VIP area!"

Lu Ming yelled, and the other guard members rushed to the auditorium and began to move the audience out.

Lin Ying looked at those fleeing everywhere with cold eyes. He didn't have any extra emotions in his heart. Everything has a cause and an effect. They choose to desecrate their playthings, and one day they will be swallowed by the playthings that are free from shackles!
(End of this chapter)

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