A new era of comics

Chapter 82 Harvest Time (Part 3)

Chapter 82 Harvest time (third change)

Khan's spiritual sense reminded him that he was in danger.Although he didn't see where the danger came from.However, he still instinctively mobilized his spiritual power to defend, and at the same time wanted to dodge.But only then did he realize that his body was exactly in the middle of the two edges of the hole.If you want to dodge, you must take a step forward.Or get down on the spot.Of course, Khan would not make such a move to lie on the ground.So he can only take one step forward, but in this short moment, the ending has already been established.

All obstacles are extremely subtle obstacles.Khan can do it with a wave of his hand, or a step.But in the face of the attack close to the speed of light of the positron cannon.This thousandth of a second is enough.

A beam of light that was only as thick as a chopstick hit Khan's forehead straightly.The scattered spiritual power all over the body cannot completely resist the near-future sci-fi weapon, the positron cannon.Khan's movements were like a machine with a power cut off, and suddenly stopped in mid-air.Immediately afterwards, he lost all his strength and slowly fell to the ground.

The beam of the positron cannon directly penetrated his forehead.severely injured his central nervous system.Let him lose his ability to respond instantly all over his body.Simply put, it is becoming a vegetable.In fact, after about ten seconds from this kind of injury, you will die completely.

But as soon as his body fell down, the 'guards' beside him rushed up.A serum was taken out and injected directly into his body.They were never the khan's bodyguards.Instead, use the cloak simulation ability, disguised by members of the Assassin Corps.

"Make sure he's alive, but don't let him regain consciousness. Especially if his body functions don't show any decline, inject him with nutrient solution to keep his body functions in perfect condition. The rest is your job, the logistics team." A person who looked like a support staff quickly explained.

Above the Colosseum, Shen Yi saw everything settle down.Turned around and flew back to the Colosseum.Picked up Khan's right hand.There are five rings on it.Black body, spiritual amplification, vortex, shock, and material reorganization.In addition, Khan's left hand has ice, cutting beams, lightning storms, pyrobursts, and white light that creates gravity.

It has to be said that Khan's Ten Commandments are already extremely perfect in terms of attack methods.Covers various energy attacks, physical attacks, and stance attacks.At the same time, it can also produce various defensive effects.If it can be used flexibly, offense and defense will be integrated.As long as it is not crushed by the energy level, it is almost invincible.

The reason why Khan fell into Shen Yi's hands this time.On the one hand, it was because of Shen Yi's understanding of his abilities, and made targeted arrangements and training.Under the pressure of information superiority, Khan was already at a disadvantage on the scene from the very beginning.Although his actual combat ability is still higher than that of Shen Yi's main combat team.But in fact, the energy level is not high enough to be crushed.

Simply speaking, the gravitational field of Shen Yi and the four of them can already suppress Khan in terms of gravitational force.Strong colony armor can effectively defend against lightning, fire, and frost.The only thing that can be absolutely suppressed is actually the cutting beam.

But after this move was resolved by Shen Yi, it went into cooling down.The remaining hole card is material reorganization.If this ability is used well, it is an absolute killing move.But material recombination has its limitations.In other words, the use of this ability is not complete for Mandarin adults.

In the original book, he couldn't use matter reorganization to break down Tony's suit.Moreover, the effective time and distance of this trick are very limited.In the lightning-like fights, he never showed the true effect of this ability.

The last and most crucial point.Khan fought too hastily.This was also intentionally made by Shen Yi.You must know that this guy is also a boss with a huge organization.The overall strength of the Ten Rings Gang is definitely not weaker than that of Shen Yi's Umbrella.But none of these played out.This is equivalent to, in a haste, with one person's strength, he faced Shen Yi, a bad guy, plus a group of subordinates, and a think tank.In this situation, if he can still make a comeback, Shen Yi, a traveler, can sleep well.

The logistics team arrived quickly, and the casualties were not serious.There were only a few minor injuries.Mainly dealing with Khan's body.This guy is brain battered right now.But the body has been repaired intact.

"To test his body, I need to know the loss of energy in his body." This is Shen Yi's most concerned issue, and its priority is even higher than the Ten Commandments.

"It's very miraculous. Not only has the energy in his body not been lost, but it is recovering rapidly. That energy seems to form a cycle in a subtle way, and at the same time, it is constantly drawing free energy from the surroundings as a supplement. What kind of technology is this? ?”

"This is not technology. This is Qigong practice. He has broken through a certain advanced state. The circulation in his body is connected with the circulation of heaven and earth outside. He can continuously replenish himself. In oriental culture, this is called the unity of man and nature." .”

"..." Dr. Helen and Dr. Connor were bewildered.He said he didn't understand at all.And Shen Yi didn't intend to continue explaining.

"Transport him back to Norman Technology. Make it top secret and hand it over to Ada. Maintain his physical condition. No one is allowed to approach him except the medical team."


"Takeshi Kitano, Wesker, the two of you will personally escort, take one step forward."

"Boss, I need to report. The Chinese air force has been hovering around us for more than 10 minutes. We used jamming equipment and hacked their operating system. Keep them from flying here. But their army is only 10 meters away from here. It's less than [-] minutes away. We refuse to stop an armored division." A technician from the logistics team urgently reported to Shen Yi.

"Okay, everyone clean up the mess and start to evacuate. Pay attention to clean up all traces of our side. Our weapons, equipment, even blood. Pay attention to the part of Khan's severed hand and clean up his blood. Everyone, 10 minutes Complete the evacuation within [-] minutes. Bai Youyou, Dr. Banner, Skye, you all go too. Let me stay alone for a while."

Skye gave him a strange look, but Bai Youling pulled her away with a good look.

After everyone left, Shen Yi turned and said to the void.

"Soon this place will be completely controlled by the Chinese military. So, let's save time."

Suddenly appeared in the void, countless diamond-shaped polyhedrons like cracks on the mirror surface.Immediately afterwards, a person in a yellow robe came out of it.The person who came is undoubtedly the guardian of the dark side of the Marvel universe and the earth, Mage Ancient One.

"Hello, Stranger."

"To be honest, this meeting is much later than I thought, Master Gu."

 Birthday halo, please give me a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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