A new era of comics

Chapter 81 One Kill Strike (Part 1)

Chapter 81 The Killing Strike (Second Update)
Under the pressure of forty times gravity and the local gravity field specially imposed by Shen Yi.Khan's body failed to regain his balance in a short time, and he fell to the bottom of the Colosseum in some embarrassment.

And it was followed by another more violent blow.Wesker, the marginal ob person who has been responsible for maintaining the gravity field, suddenly made a move at this time.Taking over from Bai Yougui's attack rhythm, the entire right hand turned into a huge triangular army thorn.At the same time he applies gravity to himself.In an instant, his weight reached hundreds of tons.With the help of impact from the sky.

At the sharp edge of the triangular army thorn, the instantaneous impact force is estimated to be tens of thousands of tons.Khan reluctantly got up, clasped his hands together, and added the tip of the entire military thorn between his hands.At the same time, the body twisted to one side, releasing most of the impact force.A typical move is to grab a sword with an empty hand.And at this moment, a swift and fierce blade slashed from Khan's back.

At this time, White Specter and Wesker actually exchanged places.The white ghost began to be responsible for the maintenance of the gravity field.So this knife is not Bai Yougui, but Takeshi Kitano.The killer who was hit hard by Khan's first blow.

Khan's previous punch shattered Takeshi's heart.But with a vampire serum adjusted by perfect blood, a strengthened body.Heart damage is not fatal.And Takeshi Kitano is also a ruthless person.He actually forcibly held back, using the gravity field to suppress his wounds and did not heal quickly, causing him to lose his combat effectiveness and die immediately.

He lurks at the bottom of the Colosseum, waiting for an opportunity.Not for the sake of getting back everything that was lost, but for the opportunity to make a fatal blow.

Khan snorted coldly, but did not appear flustered.Takeshi Kitano didn't understand that the spiritual consciousness of Qi practitioners could perceive life force.Khan has long felt that the vitality of that kid just now has not faded at all.Been waiting for him to show his feet.

Wesker in mid-air only felt an invisible energy, which passed through the shock gold defense layer and directly transmitted to his body.And spread rapidly like your own brain.Obviously, Khan knew that their hearts were fatally uncomfortable, so he directly chose the brain.In desperation, Wesker could only take the initiative to retreat, giving up the top-down suppression.

Khan's right hand flashed purple light, and the material reorganization was activated.Extracting the surrounding free metal elements, a long sword appeared out of nothing in the void.He held the sword in one hand, and the aura surged, attached to the long sword, and blocked Kitano Takeshi's sword.The ordinary metal long sword, under the blessing of spiritual power, blocked the long knife made by Zhenjin.

"Tips for carving insects."

"No, it's not a hack. It's technology. You're behind, old man."

Khan only felt a feeling of heart palpitations welling up in his heart.In the next second, there was a slight and extremely high frequency vibration on the opponent's long knife.And under this kind of shock, his own spiritual power could not maintain the protection of the long sword.

High-frequency ion vibration knife, that is, the high-frequency blade of the long sword in science fiction.Takeshi Kitano's sword is not simply made of Zhenjin.Zhenjin, an advanced metal, is too stable.Therefore, the blade of his knife is actually made of a conventional space alloy.In order to be able to play the special effects of high-frequency wave blade.

Khan only felt that his spiritual power attached to the long sword was scattered by the ultra-high frequency vibration.In the next one-thousandth of a second, the opponent's long knife directly cut off his long sword and slashed directly at his throat.Khan's left hand flickered with purple and red lights, and a powerful electric current and flame popped out at the same time, directly knocking Kitano into the air.

But Kitano Takeshi's long sword has also made meritorious service.The long knife sliced ​​across Khan's chest.It missed his throat.But it crossed his right hand.Even with spiritual body protection, it is impossible to block the damage of high-frequency wave blades.

In Khan's miserable scream, his entire right hand was cut off directly.In an instant, the black body and the vortex all lost their effect.The sky regained its light.And Dr. Banner, who had been swept up in the air by the tornado, finally fell down.

The effect of this blow was better than expected.In the original design, as long as this knife can cut off more than one finger of Khan, it will be considered a turn.But in the end, it was Khan himself who was careless. Although he has mastered various technologies beyond the times, as well as a tyrannical profound art.But his technology system is not complete, at least he has no defense experience against high-frequency wave blades.This knife directly abolished most of his strength.

Shen Yi did not give up on this great opportunity.The telekinetic force gushed out with all its strength, forcibly disturbing Khan's spirit.In the chaos, Takeshi Kitano slashed at him again.At this time, Khan finally didn't dare to take it hard.He bounced back sharply, dodging the blow.At the same time, behind him, a precise directional blast appeared.The Colosseum was hit by some kind of high-explosive bomb, which accurately blasted a hole the height of a person.There is a loophole in the entire Colosseum.

In the hole, the figures of armed members of the Ten Rings gang appeared.Khan glanced at Shen Yi with a gloomy look, and then retreated rapidly towards the hole.At the same time, he didn't forget to manipulate his broken right hand, trying to get his ring back.However, how could Shen Yi let him take back his weapon so easily.

The gravitational field twisted, firmly locking the broken right hand to the ground.At the same time, Skye, White Ghost, Takeshi Kitano, and even Banner, who played soy sauce from beginning to end, shot at the same time and forced Khan.

There was a stern look in Khan's eyes, and he wanted to continue fighting.But he hesitated for a while. I was at a disadvantage in terms of information, and the other party knew me well. In this case, it was far from the time to desperately.In the end, Khan temporarily gave up the five rings on his right hand.Select Active Evacuation.

The ring is bound to him.It is impossible for the opponent to unlock it in a short time, but I can find the opponent through the ring at any time.Wait until you are fully prepared, and then come back to take back everything you have lost.

Shen Yi fell from the sky, trying to restrain Khan with his thoughts.But it was directly scattered by spiritual power.Khan passed through a hole that was 20 meters thick.Then Frost flickered, completely blocking behind him with ice.

Looking back, I found that my troops had suffered heavy losses, and only a few familiar guards were left.

"Cover bombing, stop them. We're going to retreat." He ordered directly.

The position of the Khan station at this time is a very delicate position.It happened to be in the middle of that hole.In fact, the size of the hole is so subtle that it is only big enough for one person to walk.So when Khan stood on the edge of that hole, he was in a certain position.

At this time, there was another mountain in the distance.A complex and huge machine has been laid out.

"Target locked."

"Positron Cannon, fire."

(End of this chapter)

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