A new era of comics

Chapter 83 Control Method of Jie (Part 1)

Chapter 83 Control Method of the Ten Commandments (Part [-])
Since coming to this world, Shen Yi has been preparing to meet Gu Yi.After all, when the time and space barriers were broken and came to this world, it was impossible for the other party not to find out.It's just that I waited and waited, but I didn't see the other party appearing.Gradually, I forgot about it.After all, Ancient One was dealing with the crisis of the multiverse, so it was only natural that he couldn't spare time.It's just that thinking about it now, although Gu Yi didn't show up, he most likely arranged for other mages to observe him in the mirror space.

Not long ago, when he fought Khan.The remaining crystal shards in the body exploded briefly under the huge pressure.And at that moment, Shen Yi also noticed other spatial fluctuations not far from him.There is no doubt that the only one who uses space to move at this moment is Ancient One.

"When you came, I observed you for a period of time. You didn't have traces of those demon gods from other dimensions. So I just observed. I didn't show up at that time. But this time, your movements were too loud. big."

"That's something that can't be helped. As you can see, this old guy is not very easy to deal with. I'm just curious, since you know his existence, why don't you solve this threat? You should be very clear about the virtues of this old guy .Once he fully recovers, he will definitely set off a bloodbath in this world."

"No, he is from this world. He is using the power of this world. I have never advocated that magic interferes with the operation of this world. Even if he caused a bloodbath, that is what this world should experience."

"So, I, a person who doesn't belong to this world, is within the scope of your interference?" Shen Yi said, but he had already started to be on guard in his heart.Gu Yi is not a soft-hearted person.Although he is unlikely to kill Shen Yi directly here.But if he was brought back to Karma Taj and locked up for ten or eight years, Shen Yi would definitely not be able to accept it.

"I originally had this idea. But your series of actions are subtly changing the world. And at present, it is developing in a good direction. Therefore, you have won the right to live in this world. At least I have won. This world is very fragile, and the threat of wizards is peeping in the dark. And in the future, it is rare for someone to make this world develop in a better direction." Gu Yi shook his head, and did not continue talking about the topic of the future go down.

"It seems that there are some advantages to being a relatively good person. I don't know if I, a good person, can make a little request."

"You want magic." Although it was a question, Gu Yi used an affirmative tone.

"Basically. I don't expect to be able to get your advice, or go to study with you. To be honest, I don't have time. But at least give me some theoretical books. I plan to study it myself when I have time."

"...Your spiritual power is the only one I have ever seen in my life. In fact, even many other-dimensional magical creatures with the blood of demon gods cannot compare with you in this respect. In terms of magic, you have unparalleled advantage. If you are willing to join Karma Taj and make an oath, I can teach you magic myself. In about 20 years, you can even take my place."

"Thank you for your attention. But as I said before, I really don't have time. I still have a lot of things to do. The important task of protecting the multiverse is to trouble your Excellency for a few more years. I believe that you will meet a suitable candidate soon gone."

"That's really a pity." Gu Yi didn't continue pressing.At the same time, he did not respond to Shen Yi's 'prophecy'.He just took a deep look at him, and then gave Shen Yi a few thick hardcover books.

"These are the introductions to the Karma Taj magic system. There are other magic systems in this world, but only our inheritance is the most complete. If there is something you don't understand, you can go to the New York Temple. Do you know where of."

Accompanied by the fall of a burst of gorgeous golden cremation.Gu Yi's figure disappeared in the Kunlun vein.At this time, countless soldiers had already surrounded him.

"Don't move, put down the weapon in your hand."

These words made Shen Yi's ass hurt for a while, the three books in my hand were obviously three books, how could they become weapons.But it is indeed not the time to deal with China.Shen Yi looked around and didn't stop.Combination of gravitational field and telekinesis.Shen Yi's body instantly rose, and under the blinded eyes of the soldiers, he disappeared into the clouds with a detonation.


Umbrella, Khan's body, and ten rings have been sent to the laboratory.Norman has already started to analyze these peculiar rings himself.

"Did you find anything?" Shen Yi walked into the laboratory and asked.

"If you talk about the technical principles of these rings, then I can only say that there is no discovery at all. From materials to technology, it is completely beyond our existing technology system. But there is one thing to be thankful for. That is these The manipulation of the ring is foolish. At least compared to their manufacturing technology, it is foolish."

"Tell me." Shen Yi was actually mentally prepared for this.Otherwise, Khan, an ancient man, would not be able to master the ability of the ring so quickly.

"The excitation of these rings should be operated through a kind of resonance. It is not the kind of surface vibration that we often see. It is a deeper and more detailed frequency resonance. And this resonance is not static.

The manipulator must first complete the resonance with the ring.Then adjust the frequency of this resonance according to your own energy.The stronger the manipulator resonates with the ring, the more fully the ring will function.The bearing capacity of these rings is unimaginably high.If these rings really have the magical abilities you mentioned.Then this is simply a super weapon of the ten nuclear weapons level. "

"Actually, there is more than one of them. They have capabilities that far exceed nuclear weapons. If they are used well, they are no different from the legendary gods."

"Then I..."

"You want one?"

"If possible. Do you think there are ten of them here? It won't make much difference if you give me one."

"It's really not big, and it's the same for everyone. But you have to know that the holder of the ring is my future field force. He will participate in all advanced battles I encounter. At that time, I will equip you with top-level strong Colonization armor, make you a super soldier like Takeshi Kitano and the others. But in that case, you can't stay in the laboratory. We will experience a lot of battles in the future. There will inevitably be casualties. Well, so you need to advance Write a will and secure Harry's rights. That child is a bit naive, you have to arrange it in detail."

"...Uh, I don't want it anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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