A new era of comics

Chapter 42 Rena

Chapter 42 Rena
Reina is an orphan from childhood.There are 10,000+ street children in the United States.But Lena is one of the more special ones.When she was eight years old, she knew how to make herself pitiful and clean.The owner of the clothing store felt compassionate and gave her a beautiful floral dress.

That was the first time Lena used her 'wisdom' to benefit.From then on, she discovered that she was different from those street children.I am much smarter than them.She can easily tell which people harbor evil intentions and should not get close to them.Whoever has a kind heart can ask for some benefits, and whoever has a heart as hard as a stone, and they are only humiliating themselves by stepping forward.

She knows who can't be friends with and who can be friends.Who is best not to contact too much.In just a few years of homeless life, he has accumulated experience and wisdom that most homeless people cannot accumulate in their entire lives.Until one day, she was taken in.

That was the only time she misjudged someone.The middle-aged man looked very kind.His name is Hyde and he is a veterinarian.He told Reina that she could stop wandering and sleep on a soft bed every day.Delicious meals are available.

This moved Reina's heart.She was only 12 years old at that time, and based on experience, she judged that the man in front of her could be trusted.So she stayed at the vet shop.However, she soon discovered that she was wrong.That person was not what she imagined.Mr. Hyde is a very complicated man.He is a very kind person most of the time.

But at certain moments, it will be like a different person.Fierce, savage, and powerful.At that moment, all Reina could do was to hide in a corner and quietly wait for the time to pass.

This terrifying scene left a deep impression on Reina.She was terrified, terribly terrified.But she didn't leave.As a girl who plays a thief from time to time, it is not difficult for Reina to escape the veterinary shop.And Hyde is nice to talk to most of the time.But Reina did not choose to leave.

Hyde told her many strange stories.For example, there are a group of special people in this world.Supernatural powers are hidden within them.Once awakened, he will become a superpower in the movie.

Reina didn't believe this kind of story at first.She has a mature mind different from ordinary children.I know this kind of story is a lie to children.But one day, when she saw Hyde overturn a small truck with his bare hands.Suddenly she understood something.

Maybe those stories weren't just stories.Such superpowers really exist in this world.

You can never imagine how much a child who wandered on the streets longed for power.Reina was instantly engrossed in this matter.She began to collect information, looking for clues of those supernatural abilities.

Hyde also has another identity, a doctor in the underground world.Specially for gangsters and the like, the injured who cannot go to the hospital to see a doctor.Therefore, the seemingly ordinary Mr. Hyde actually has some resource channels.

And after Reina grew up, he gave Reina a task.This is also the main reason why he adopted Reina.He asks Reina to help find his daughter.

This task made Reyna very uncomfortable.She is a very possessive woman.Although Hyde is crazy, in Reina's heart, they are already a father-daughter relationship.Now Hyde told him to ask her to find another daughter.This made Reina instinctively feel that her status was threatened.

Although she doesn't even know who the other party is.But before she knew it, she had already hated the sister who had never masked her face.

During the ten years by Hyde's side, Reyna was not just a veterinary apprentice.She secretly accumulated some resources and got some sponsorship.Set up a small biological laboratory.And a small-scale mercenary.

The secret organizations of the Marvel universe have always been piled up.This small organization of Reina is nothing more than a thing that can barely be called a secret organization.But this organization is where Reina puts all her heart and soul into.She collected genetic samples of people who might have superpowers, and conducted experiments in secret.However, to her disappointment, she has not found any real superpowers for many years.

The search for Mr Hyde's daughter is also continuing.Lena was not very willing, but she dared not disobey Mr. Hyde.When it came to his daughter, Mr. Hyde could turn into that kind of monster at any moment.

Reina's patron is mysterious, and she barely sees each other a few times.But she knew that the other party belonged to a larger organization.They sponsor a lot of small labs like Rayna.Research something less popular.In Reina's feeling, those people must know the truth of the world.But they, like themselves, are not part of the supernatural world.

That's why they conduct this research.They fund small labs like their own with nothing more than an attitude of casting a wide net.I hope that people like myself can provide them with a little data support.

Today is the time to report to the above.This is a fixed rule.Lena would report her progress to the other party every once in a while.Upload all experimental data and get the next grant.

The recent appropriation has started to shrink for some unknown reason.Reina didn't know what happened.She thought it was because her experiments hadn't progressed.In fact, this time, there was still no progress.However, she used the spring and autumn brushwork to hint something ambiguously.Hope to be able to fool the past.She didn't want to lose this sponsorship, even though she knew it was very dangerous.

Pack all the data into a USB flash drive.Reina came to the handover point.Very traditional face-to-face handover.I don't know why, but the other party doesn't seem to trust the network transmission very much.It may be fear of information being intercepted.So every time, the man named Sunil Bakshi came to hand over in person.

"You're late, Miss Reina."

"Sorry, there is some traffic jam on the road."

"This is not a reason. Boss doesn't like people who are not punctual. And your experiment has been slow to progress. So far, no real target has been found. The higher-ups are already very unhappy. Your time is running out , Miss Reina."

"...what will happen to me if the time comes?"

"You don't want to know the answer. I hope the experimental data this time can buy you some time."

After finishing speaking, Bakshi got up and walked outside.The two bodyguards beside him followed immediately.This is an abandoned farm barn in the suburbs.And just when the three of them walked to the door.The expression of Bakshi's bodyguard suddenly changed.

"Enemy attack, lie down..." Before he finished speaking, his head exploded like a watermelon.

 The second update, tickets ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

(End of this chapter)

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