A new era of comics

Chapter 41 Venom

Chapter 41 Venom
After two months, the impact of the Los Angeles incident finally faded.In any case, that incident did not actually lead to the death of any civilians.Apart from the fact that the range of the explosion was blocked by the military, the whole matter gradually lost heat.The military and the investigation team did not find the slightest clue.In the end, it can only be said that this matter will be downplayed.

Soon, the headlines of the major newspapers became Tony Stark dating two generations of cover girls of men's magazines at the same time.And news like wars in the Middle East.

Most of the news has nothing to do with Shen Yi.But there is still an inconspicuous report that has something to do with Shen Yi.A neighborhood in Queens will be testing bioenergy for the first time today.

As the first pilot, there is no reference experience at all.The city government was obviously still a little worried, so it didn't promote it much.

Queens belongs to the civilian class, and this promotion is very welcome.Because the electricity bill of bioenergy power supply is half cheaper than that of conventional power supply.All they pay is to collect food residues and recycle them uniformly.

half an hour later.Government visitors can't wait.

"Why haven't you started yet? Is there something wrong?"

"No, it's over. The whole process is actually very simple. About 10 minutes ago, we replaced the conventional power supply system with our bioenergy system. And there was no power outage in the process. Now we just Collect data to pave the way for future promotion. If you are not at ease, you can turn off the power supply system near here now. It will be clear at a glance."

..................... ..
The trials of bioenergy have undoubtedly been very successful.After seeing it with his own eyes, the city government immediately changed its normalcy.Start hyping this brand new energy technology.Prepare for the next promotion.Even with the support of the government, this kind of energy replacement is not so easy to promote.

But these things are not under Shen Yi's attention.All he wanted was the name of the founder of New Energy Promotion and the dividends.As for how to promote it, that is the business of Justin Hanmer and Obaday.Most of Shen Yi's experience now has been devoted to the research on venom.

After a comprehensive inspection.Shen Yi's team finally had a clear understanding of the characteristics of this alien life.

First off, Venom's body isn't what it appears to be to the naked eye.It is completely composed of that gelatinous tissue.On a more subtle level, it actually has different organizations.Just like the human torso, internal organs, and brain.The venom is likewise made of the brain.

It's just that the body structure of this creature is special.Its intellectual organs are not fixed.Instead, it can flow freely in the body.Either spread all over the body, or gather at one point.But no matter what, you can effectively manipulate your body.And this kind of distribution also makes the venom basically have no fatal weakness.

Venom's body is even more of a magical composition.This special muscle pattern has unimaginable elasticity and extensibility.But at the same time, it can provide super high strength when shrinking.Generally speaking, it can be soft or hard.Either adaptive or defensive.In the biological system of the earth, there is nothing comparable to it.

Venom's body is regenerative.But it can't cut it into two pieces to become two venoms as imagined.The severed body of Venom is still alive.But not necessarily consciously.It depends on which half its intelligent organs are in.

Venom can reproduce by fission.It is mainly reflected in the division of its intellectual organs.When an independent consciousness appears, it means that a brand new venom appears.But this seems to be a huge consumption for the ontology.Therefore, in most cases, they will not split.Just constantly absorb energy and repair your body.

In the laboratory, Norman played in person.Discussing research issues related to venom with Shen Yi.

"It is not easy to clear the consciousness of this thing. Its self-protection mechanism is extremely perfect. We tried to use electric shocks, but within a few seconds, he was able to modify his own tissue structure and isolate the current. The self of this thing The protection mechanism is based on protecting the core will. They will sacrifice body tissues first, and shrink the intellectual organs to the deepest part of the body."

"That's okay. The problem of cleaning the will can be done slowly. First, take advantage of its characteristics, cut off part of its body tissue, and then try to cultivate it artificially."

"This can already be done. We used high-protein nutrient solution, and successfully threw some of the excised tissue to grow. But even these unconscious bodies still cannot be used as conventional biological armor.

It's the same problem, even if it's not conscious.But that quality is still there.When strengthening the attributes of the host, it will also magnify the desire in the heart.No matter how determined a warrior is, he can't bear that kind of inflated desire for a long time.It won't be long before it gets out of control.This is also the reason why the Life Foundation has never been able to produce effective results.They also failed to solve the problem. "

"Do you know where the problem is?"

"It's very complicated, with both physical and psychological problems. The tissue of the venom will penetrate into the muscles of the host. This forms a symbiotic system. This is used to strengthen the physical fitness of the host. After the symbiotic relationship is formed, the various nerves of the human body The systemic reflex will be in a state of extreme excitement. It’s like being drunk and can’t help telling the truth. It is essentially a natural reaction of the body. We cannot forcibly distort this emotional physiological reaction of people .”

"No, we can do it. The headquarters has a technical reserve that can solve this kind of problem. You summarize all the research and data. Then send it to the other side. They will naturally know what to do."

Headquarters, this is the first time Norman heard news about the other organization from Shen Yi's mouth.A strong curiosity welled up in my heart.But he still didn't ask in the end.

Shen Yi saw what Norman was thinking.But he doesn't need to explain this kind of problem.

"Norman Technology is now starting to cultivate the body tissue of venom. Find the optimal ratio of nutrient solution, and reserve this biological tissue as much as possible. Once the problem is solved at the headquarters, immediately gather the technical reserves on both sides and develop what I want. biological reproductive equipment."

 The first update was pulled away by No.1.Ask for votes.Today is the third watch, please vote.

(End of this chapter)

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