A new era of comics

Chapter 43 Skye (Part 3)

Chapter 43 Skye ([-]rd update)

Bakshi was obviously a civil servant, and he didn't realize what happened at all.He didn't wake up until another of his bodyguards also fell down.Subconsciously, I wanted to hide to the side.But at this moment, the wooden door burst open.A group of heavily armed soldiers rushed in.

Bakshi didn't react at all, and was knocked unconscious on the ground by the butt of a gun.One of the soldiers stepped forward to examine his body.And conveniently smashed Bakshi's watch.

"He sent some kind of distress signal. We had about 10 minutes or less."

"Then hurry up, Ms. Reina. Come with us."

Without the slightest hesitation, Lena obediently followed her into the car.Not even a question who are you guys?What are you going to do?Wait for these mentally handicapped problems.She didn't want to be knocked unconscious by the opponent and taken away.This made Igor, who led the team, look at her with admiration.

The two Humvees had just driven out of the farm when one of the soldiers operating the computer reported.

"There were four off-road vehicles, outflanking us from two directions. Looks like his rescue team."

"There are only four, let the drones take care of them. Also, check this guy's body deeply. It is impossible for the other party to lock us so accurately. There may be a hidden tracker on him."

"It does, but in the subcutaneous tissue of the neck. Needs a minor surgery. Can't be done in the car."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw that Igor directly pulled out a dagger and slit Bakshi's neck.In the violently bumpy vehicle, his hands didn't even shake in the slightest.Accurately cut the location of the positioning chip.Then with a pick of the dagger, the chip was dug out directly.

The severe pain woke Bakshi awake.But before he could utter a scream, the captain struck again with a knife.Bakshi fainted again.Reina's eyelids twitched watching this scene.These people are all ruthless and decisive people, and if they are a little careless, they will probably end up like that.

Thinking of this, Leina shrank involuntarily, hoping that the other party would not notice her.

The driving time of the vehicle is not very long.Reina estimated that it might be less than an hour.Judging by the direction, they seemed to have entered New York City.

But the next scene made Lena feel a little unbelievable.Because the other party didn't make any cover-up actions against her at all.Without covering his eyes, he led her directly into an old factory building.Thinking of this, Reina suddenly noticed that all the assault soldiers were not masked in front of her.

This kind of behavior made Lena secretly feel cold. Under normal circumstances, when the robbers made such an arrangement, there was no doubt that they did not intend to let the hostages leave.This is obviously not a good sign.

There are some living facilities in the old factory building.Looks like a small base.In the middle is a wide fighting arena.Lena faintly saw a man and a woman practicing against each other inside.

The two of them were taken to a lounge-like place next to them.Inside there was a young Asian man and woman waiting for them.

The man crouched down and carefully observed the fainted Bakshi.Then he showed a look of sudden realization.It was as if he finally remembered who the other party was.

"It turned out to be him, Bakshi. I thought you caught Daniel Whitehall? It's just a small character. Take him down. Find someone to ask and gather as much information as possible."

Seeing Bakshi being dragged out like a dead dog.Reina felt a little panicked, she felt she had to do something.Otherwise Bakshi is her role model.

"Listen, I'm just a small character who is funded by him. I don't even know who he is? No matter what grievances you have, it has nothing to do with me. This USB flash drive is what he wants. I give You guys, so can I go?"

"Hahaha, Miss Reina. You misunderstood. To be precise, what happened today has nothing to do with that little character just now. The person I really want to meet is actually you."

"Me?" Leina's face was bewildered, a mysterious organization with a powerful force had spent so much energy and killed dozens of people, it was actually to see her.She always thought that she was being implicated by Bakshi.Now it seems that the other party was implicated by him.

"I don't understand, we don't know each other. Please forgive me if I offend you."

"No, no, that's not the case. I invited you here this time to ask you to do a little favor."


A missionary university in New York City.This kind of school tuition is almost free.It is the first choice of many poor families.Of course, the hard power of the school also has certain shortcomings.The order of the school is much more chaotic than those of the Ivy League schools.

Skye is a member of this school.As a child who grew up in an orphanage, if there were no special opportunities.This kind of missionary school is almost an inevitable choice.

It's just that Skye can still eat well in school.Because she is a skilled hacker.I used to play a little trick and got the handle of several bullies in the school.So in this school, she didn't get any real bullying.It's just that there will still be people pointing at the back.

This phenomenon stems from her half-Oriental ancestry.Skye doesn't know who his parents are.I have no idea whether my mother is oriental or my father is oriental.Her hacking program, on the go, scours the web for East-West couples.She even came to verify a few pairs herself.But it turned out in the end that those were not her parents.

After class, Skye hid in his rented house and started his 'job'.The hacker group she's always wanted to join, Rising Tide, puts her to the test.As long as she can get New York City, the details of the new energy supply plan.Just allow her to join.

Skye yearns for the kind of power in the network that rises.She accepted the challenge and set out to attempt to invade Umbrella.As a technology holder, there is no doubt that the technical information of bioenergy should be here.

Skye is a gifted hacker.Self-taught, he was able to hack into some secret departments of the government to look up information.Of course, this girl has never carried out any cyber attacks.She just wanted to find out her own life experience and information about her parents.

She once found a confidential file in an unknown department server.It's about her.But all the key information in the file has been blacked out.In the end, she only knew that her identity might be very special, but apart from a code name of 084, she actually got nothing.She always believed that with the help of Rising Tide, he would be able to obtain more confidential information and unravel the mystery of his own life experience.

This test was not considered difficult for her, but she did not expect that during the actual operation, the boat capsized in the gutter.

 In fact, of these two chapters, one should be called Thorns, and the other should be called Roses.Anyone who really understands Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will know what this means.The other three watch for votes.

(End of this chapter)

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