A new era of comics

Chapter 2 Abandoned Base (new book released, Primordial Darkness)

Chapter 2 Abandoned Base (new book released, Primordial Darkness)

"Wex's special forces team consisted of seven people, and they went through the gate of time and space with us. The assassin group led by Kitano Takeshi and Bai Yougui, as well as your guard group, each came with three people and five people. In addition Eight logisticians followed. But time was running out, they only brought the basic logistical support around them. All the fighters were left with only the weapons they carried. We lost [-]% of our personnel and almost all of our equipment .”

In the snow, the only woman named Ada was reporting to the last Asian youth who appeared, Shen Yi.Between words, they experienced a fierce battle and were almost wiped out.

"Build a temporary camp, count all the logistics equipment, and stabilize the morale of the army." The young man calmly issued an order.

"It's already being done. There are other pressing questions. First, which world is this? Is the basic national structure the same as the world we have experienced before? Do we have the same prescient advantages as other worlds? ? These are very important and related to our next step."

"I can tell you clearly that this is a world I am very familiar with. The basic national structure is similar, at least on Earth. But again, it is completely different from the world we have experienced before. Because this world , In my plan, it belongs to the world of the late stage. So the think tank has not started research. At that time, the situation was critical, and the reason why I chose this world was because of the hidden power level of this world, which should be able to suppress the group of self-proclaimed gods guy."

"So, this is a very high-end and dangerous world?"

"It's more advanced and dangerous than you think. But it's also a world of infinite possibilities."

"I understand. There is another question. I vaguely saw the last scene of your fight with your opponent. So, I need to know, can we go back? Because the situation at the time seemed to be...you lost something?"

"It is true, that purple crystal is the source of my ability to travel. But in that battle, it was broken. But I did not completely lose it. Its core, at the last moment, returned to my The body. Except it seems to use up all its energy. So..."

The man opened his hands, and the purple light in his palm flickered.It is exactly the same as the light that formed the space gate before.But the purple light went out in the next second.

"I can't open the gate of time and space for the time being."

"Since you said that this world has infinite possibilities, then we must be able to find the energy you need, right?"

"Of course, I can think of more than one. But right now we're not strong enough to compete for those things. We need to start accumulating again."

At this time, a logistics staff came to report.

"Boss, we have already counted all the equipment. In addition to the weapons and equipment, we have brought a total of four tactical support storage boxes. One of them is a regular ammunition supplement, a medical auxiliary box, a basic enhanced serum reserve, and One is a Nano Tactical Crate."

"Much better than I thought. It looks like we're not at the end of the rope."

"Boss, there is another problem that we need to solve. Our food reserves are not enough. And the logistics team predicts that within 24 hours, we will have a snowstorm. By then, hunting will become difficult. And the terrain here It is too open. If we are in a modern society, even in a wasteland area, we may still be discovered by satellites in the sky. Therefore, I propose to transfer the temporary base. We observed a mountain in the north, and a large part of it was covered by needles. Leafy forest cover. We were able to shelter from the snowstorm while avoiding possible satellite scans.”

"Then let's do it. The notification will continue, and the base will be transferred in 5 minutes."

The blizzard came much earlier than expected, about six hours later, it had already started to appear.And the intensity increased rapidly, but everyone in the team seemed not to be disturbed by this level of blizzard.They braved the blizzard and approached the mountainous area.

"Boss, we detected a huge space inside the mountain ahead. But we didn't find any traces of living people, it seems to be some kind of abandoned" base.Possibly a military base.

"Then go and have a look. Anyway, the situation can't be worse. Pay attention to the degree of radiation, it's better not to be a radioactive abandoned place."

When they finally reached the gate of the base.Looking at it, most of it was covered by wind and snow.But the red five stars can still be vaguely seen.A smile appeared on the corner of Shen Yi's mouth.He finally remembered what this place was.

"It seems that we still have a lot of luck. Open the bases and be careful not to trigger the alarm. This is a secret base of the former Soviet Union. Although it is abandoned, there should be some kind of emergency alarm device."

"No problem, this seems to be the technology before the 80s. We can completely cover this simple procedure." A technician checked and said.

It took less than 5 minutes for the logistics team to disarm the gate's alarm device and activate the gate.Accompanied by the sound of the heavy mechanical door opening.A dusty rust and a dusty smell rushed over.

"It looks like it has been abandoned for more than 20 years. But the power system is still running. It is definitely a military-grade base. The air test is a bit cloudy. It may be that the vents are blocked, but it is not a big problem. It will not cause any substantial harm to us. "The logistics team conducted a simple test and made a judgment.

"Get in, then. I've had enough of the blizzard out there."

"Weeks, you lead the special operations team and the logistics team to advance. The energy system inside should still be running. I guess there may be a wind power generation group on the back of the mountain. Look for it, and you should be able to activate the lighting equipment."

A few minutes later, there was a flicker of overhead lights.The light finally dispelled the oppressive darkness inside.

Oncoming is a huge and somewhat empty hall.There is also a huge elevator in the middle, which seems to lead directly to the underground building space.

Decades of dust has made the inside look dilapidated.A large number of instruments of various unknown uses were covered in thick dust.It's just a large number of test tubes, beakers, microscopes and other instruments placed around.It doesn't feel like a military base here.The second is like some kind of chemical or biological research institute.

Accompanied by the sound of a machine running.There was a weak draft in the air.It looks like the logistics team has restarted the ventilation system.A special forces member came to report to Shen Yi.

"We found the arsenal. Would you like to come over and take a look?"

Lin Xuan and others came to the arsenal.Obviously this is a batch of weapons and equipment from the previous era.Around seventies to 80s or so.The retreat of the base was obviously hasty, and many heavy weapons were even abandoned here.

Military trucks, armored vehicles, and even a few main battle tanks.Moreover, the engines are all in a protected state, the performance damage is not serious, and they can be used completely.As for fuel, there is an entire warehouse of various fuels next door.

And the arsenal is even more varied.Most of them are weapons and equipment from the former Soviet Union.But it is better equipped than conventional soldiers.It looks like the level of the base was pretty high for the time.

"Although these weapons and equipment are a little behind compared to the current world, they can make up for our lack of vitality to a certain extent. And there are some heavy weapons and a lot of explosives. We don't need to worry about weapons in a short time There is a problem. But there is still a key problem, our manpower is too small. This base is bigger than imagined. And the whole system is a bit backward. We can only maintain its operation, but we cannot implement it in a short time Upgrade, the resources in our hands do not support us to do so."

"First sort out the existing resources of the base, and then plan for the next step here. Also, are there any other documents in the base?"

"All the documents seem to have been taken and destroyed. However, we found a private note of an officer. It records some things about this base."

The soldier handed Shen Yi a black old-fashioned notebook.

 The new book is released, please collect it.

(End of this chapter)

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