A new era of comics

Chapter 3 New Century (The new book has been released, the original darkness)

Chapter 3 New Century (The new book has been released, the original darkness)
"On March [-], [-], S.H.I.E.L.D. had detected some of our peripheral information. Damn Peggy Carter, why hasn't this old guy retired?"

On April [-], [-], the situation became increasingly tense.This month's scientific research supply is even a week late.Fortunately, the living reserves are sufficient, otherwise the problem will be serious.


On April 28, [-], a colleague of mine revealed the news privately.Due to the pressing force of Peggy Carter's line, our Hydra team may be broken up and reorganized.God, does this mean that all my hard work is about to be negated.


On May [-], [-], the experimental subject once again appeared in a state of rampage.Damn, why doesn't that happen to Captain America.Now I have no reason to convince my superiors to keep this project.


June [-], [-], finally came.An hour earlier, Alexander Pierce himself had given the order.Stop this project completely.Back up all experimental data.Then all staff, and their armed personnel, were dispersed to other departments, or went into hiding.

They finally gave up.The experimental subject has never been able to solve the problem of being out of control.The above patience has been exhausted.Plus the pressure from Peggy Carter.We became poor outcasts.They didn't even intend to take away the experimental subjects, but left them here to fend for themselves.

But that's good too, the life support system can work for decades.Maybe I will come back one day.Long live Hydra.

The diary intermittently recounted everything that happened in the base during the last period.Obviously, the S.H.I.E.L.D. led by Peggy Carter at the time put tremendous pressure on this branch of Hydra.Under pressure, they abandoned the base, and even directly abandoned most of the supplies, only taking away the experimental data.

"Boss, we found something. Our scanners showed that there were five faint signs of life in the depths of the base. It's strange, there should be no one here. We used a small portable scanner, and there were indeed Potential for error. But we found a freezer. They're trying to open it, do you need to take a look?"

"Of course, take me there."

When Shen Yi and others walked to the freezer, the hatch had already been opened.The five small freezers inside were already covered in dust.But I could still vaguely see that there were five figures inside, four men and one woman.

"It's unbelievable. At that time, they were able to use this simple technology to hibernate people and keep them alive?" The logistics team sighed.

"Obviously, technology is only one aspect. Scanners show that the physical fitness of these soldiers is astonishingly strong. It is about [-]% stronger than the strengthened members of the Special Forces after we use the serum extracted from perfect blood. Obviously. This is a group of strengthened soldiers, but it should not be perfect, so they were abandoned here."

"Unblock one and study it. He is only a strengthened soldier when he is strong. We have a group here."

"Understood, boss. Everyone, stand back and don't be too nervous. Even if it is a strengthened soldier, it needs a recovery period after decades of hibernation. In a short period of time, he is no different from ordinary people."

As the door of the freezing hatch was opened, a 1.9-meter-tall man with strong muscles wrapped all over his body slid out of it.Although in a weak state.But it can still be seen that the opponent's body is tall, but well-proportioned and not bloated, and looks very fit.On the whole, it has a strong aggressiveness.

This is obviously the experimental subject mentioned in the diary.Five super soldiers who can rival Captain America, and it is said that each of them is the top agent of Hydra.Proficient in more than [-] languages ​​at most, and familiar with various soft and hard espionage methods.A peak agent who can single-handedly subvert the regime of a small African country.

"This should be the experimental subjects in the base. They are indeed a kind of super soldiers, but they have some mental problems. They have an uncontrollable violent aggressiveness. The base has not repaired this problem until the end. Do you have any ideas? ?” said Shen Yi, who hadn’t spoken all the time.

"I can imagine that the reason should not be complicated. Their strengthening method should perfectly strengthen all body functions. It has to be said that this is a very mature strengthening method. However, their theoretical accumulation in the brain Not enough. Our personality, emotions, and other mental reactions are actually affected by various micro-secretions of the brain.

For a person, the anti-microsecretion in the brain will have a focus.If you lean in different directions, you will form different personality expressions.For example, irritability, violent tendency, or love to laugh, sunshine, kindness and so on.This is what happens if this tiny secretory organ is also strengthened.The original violent tendency will become more irresistible.A person who is kind and righteous may become a saint. "

"Listen to you, you already have a way to deal with it?"

"It's impossible to cure. It may require an ultra-precise surgery at the brain level. We can't do it yet. We can only speculate that there is such an organ. But in fact, we haven't even found it yet." It does. But we have a technology that's just right for that, nanoworms."

"Brain-controlled nanites? How many do we have?"

"There are twenty brain-controlled nanoworms in a nano-tactical storage box. In the current situation, it is enough. It's just that we can't get replenished until the nano-production line is re-established."

"Then go ahead and wake them up. Let them recover. Then come and see me. Well, just suppress their extreme emotions and channel a certain level of loyalty. I don't like that kind of emotionless thinking mechanical soldiers."

"As you wish. Tomorrow or so they will be able to recover."

Igor only felt that he had a long dream.In a drowsy state, he trained himself to become a soldier.Then get selected to go into some secret department.After several turns, he became a Hydra agent.In constant tasks and self-improvement.Igor became one of the best agents in a certain distribution.He was later indicated to have participated in a top-secret experiment.

"You are all the best fighters. But not good enough in my opinion. Here you will become better. Become a super soldier." Igor remembered that this was the laboratory host at the time, and he said to himself Commitment to lab questions.

The experiment was extremely cruel, and that serum caused great pain to every experimental subject.However, in order to make the serum [-]% effective.Those researchers refused to use any anesthesia for them.They can only survive by force.

In the repeated pain and torment, Igor only felt an unspeakable anger towards those lab workers in white coats.And this kind of anger is getting stronger and stronger, and even developed to the anger of everyone in the entire base.

He resisted several times, but every time he was suppressed for no apparent reason.After that, the memory started to become blurred.He only felt a burst of coldness on his body.Then I don't remember anything.

It took Igor a while until a warm feeling spread throughout his body, before he finally understood.He seems to have regained his ability to move.It's just that he feels that he no longer has the violent emotion of wanting to tear everything apart.Perhaps it was the long sleep that weakened his violent tendencies.He explained it to himself.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a researcher in a white coat looking at a microscope with his back turned to him.He just wanted to make a move.Just listen to what that person said.If you wake up, get up and eat something.Your body is weak, don't think too much about it.Although I am a researcher, in your current state, it is not enough to see.

Igor tried to move his body, and sure enough, an unprecedented weakness spread throughout his body.The hands and feet are so heavy that they can hardly be controlled.He looked around, and it was obvious that this was once an observation room.It's just that he felt something was wrong.There seems to be something incongruous.He shook his head, sobering up.Finally understand.

"What time is it now?"

"The first question is the key. It seems that the thinking is normal. So, welcome to the new century."

 New book for collection
(End of this chapter)

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