A new era of comics

Chapter 1 Guest (new book released, Primordial Darkness)

Chapter 1 Guest (new book released, Primordial Darkness)
Chapter 1

Siberia, a wilderness stretching for thousands of kilometers.Except for the occasional oil pipeline maintenance workers, this land is almost a forbidden area for humans.The endless wasteland is preparing for the coming of a blizzard every moment.In the depths of the wasteland, the dense cold coniferous forest hides direwolves, brown bears and other dangerous predators.

On the outskirts of the wasteland, there are occasional explorers.But most explorers don't go deep into it.They know that there is a forbidden area for life.

And now, it is in the deepest part of this wilderness, within the range of the Arctic Circle.A burst of blinding purple light suddenly began to flicker.In the void, a purple light spot suddenly appeared.Then crookedly began to expand continuously.The whole process went back and forth and seemed extremely difficult.

But in the end, the spot of light successfully expanded into a purple circle of light about two meters in diameter.Of course this is from a visual point of view.In fact, if there is a person who has been baptized in Chinese Internet literature, or a high-energy physicist here.It might blurt out, the portal of time and space, or a term like the Einstein Rosen Bridge.

A figure pierced through the gate of time and space, followed by a second, and a third, more than a dozen figures flew out of the gate of time and space one after another.

All these people look disheveled.But if you look closely, you can see that most of them are all wearing a standard combat uniform.The blue-black special combat uniform was covered with various scars.It's just that many of the scars didn't penetrate through them, showing the amazing defensive capabilities of these combat uniforms.

Most of these people hold a heavy weapon with a strong near-future sci-fi color in their hands.Apparently they were fighters, and had just been through a bad fight.However, despite the extremely embarrassing appearance, all the soldiers still got up quickly and established a simple line of defense around them.In order to meet the people behind.It shows that this is an extremely elite special forces team.

The few people behind were dragging a few silver metal boxes before they came out.Like carrying some important items.They are wearing another style of uniform, which doesn't look like combatants, but closer to logistics or scientific research personnel.

And what followed was that the style of painting was a bit strange.Because they are fighters of a different style.Some warriors like ninjas.It can be seen from the uniform material on their bodies that they belong to the same faction.But in terms of style, there is a world of difference.

The former is a typical special combat uniform.Heavy-duty bulletproof and stab-proof effects, various pendants, and a large number of ammunition bags.Looks like a future soldier.The fighters who came later were wearing tighter, lighter... modern ninja-style clothing.

It looks like a ninja suit made of modern high technology.And they are only equipped with some light thermal weapons.And it's all on the body.What he holds in his hand is a Japanese-style Taidao.The pendants on his body are also some darts, shurikens and the like.It is a group of modern ninja troops.And in this team, it was actually divided into two rows, one of which was dominated by black tones, while the other was dominated by white tones.

The one who passed through after that was a young Asian woman.After passing through, she ignored the surrounding environment, but turned eagerly, looking at the purple gate of time and space, as if waiting for someone.

And through the gate of time and space, it can be seen.Opposite is a World War scene.An unknown city has been reduced to ruins at this time.And in the sky, there are two figures confronting each other.

Not far away, there are many special forces members dressed in the same clothes as before, sprinting towards the gate of time and space, as if they want to pass through.But in the next second, they suddenly turned into puddles of blood.The whole process takes less than a second.Together with the clothes on his body, as well as his body, it just turned into blood and water, without the slightest sign.

Seeing this, one of the figures in mid-air let out a suppressed roar.Then the body retreated rapidly, trying to get closer to the gate of time and space.

But he, who was flying in mid-air, stopped suddenly.In other words, it was bound by another force.

He struggled hard, but the restraining force seemed to completely overwhelm him.It has no effect at all.And right here, a group of more dazzling purple rays of light appeared.From the chest of the bound man, a piece of purple crystal slowly floated out.The crystal slowly left the man's body, and a dazzling purple light shone on it.

And at this time, the vague figure opposite finally reacted.His body also pushed back.At the same time, some kind of ripples even appeared in the space behind.It seems to use some kind of space jump to get out of here.But it's too late.

The purple crystal suddenly exploded.A mass of pure purple liquid energy exploded.Its shock wave directly hit the vague figure.Some kind of scream could be faintly heard, and then a frenzied turbulence of time and space involved the other party in it.

Countless objects around, some weird monsters, and even some civilians were involved.And if you look carefully, you will find that when those human beings are close to the turbulent current, they have already appeared aging or reverted to childhood.Because not only space, but time is also disordered.

The turbulent flow of time and space pushed the vague figure into the turbulent flow of time and space.At the same time, it also exerted a driving force on the other figure.It directly slammed him into the gate of time and space behind him.And under this violent space-time fluctuation.The gate of time and space, which was already extremely reluctant, became even more unstable.

The purple circle of light flickered and twisted continuously, as if it would close in the next second.Fortunately, one second before the ring closed, the figure was finally ejected from the gate of time and space.He also vaguely saw some purple fragments flying out and entering the man's body.

The man's entire body became dilapidated.His whole body was bloody and bloody, and bones were visible in many places.It looks like it went through a circle in a meat grinder.His body flew out of mid-air, but stopped in mid-air.It was as if an invisible force held him back, preventing him from falling to the ground.

But this phenomenon only lasted for a moment.All the strength disappeared in the next second, and the broken body fell heavily to the ground.

All unsuspecting members around rushed over immediately.Several of the logistics staff opened the boxes in their hands.Got some red serum or something out of it.Injected into the man's body.

"I can't feel his heartbeat. What's wrong with him." The woman asked anxiously.

"Don't be nervous Ada, his brain waves are still there, he is not dead yet. But the shock wave just now tore through space and time, his body was severely damaged in essence. Self-healing ability was temporarily weakened. Our powerful self The healing serum will make up for that. He'll be fine."


Not only the woman, but everyone around him breathed a sigh of relief.Apparently the men of the earth were their absolute leaders.has an irreplaceable role.

A few seconds later, the serum obviously had an effect, and the wounds on the man's body began to regenerate in a way that was visible to the naked eye.However, it was accompanied by violent convulsions all over his body, and at the same time, there were bursts of gasping sounds from his mouth.Obviously, all this is not as simple as it seems. The man is suffering an unimaginable pain during the whole process.

After a few minutes, the man opened his eyes.The pain and convulsions just now were gone.There was even a sense of calm in his eyes.Only in the depths of this peace, something else burns.

"It looks like we survived." The young man was named Shen Yi.

 The new book is released, please collect it.

(End of this chapter)

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