wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 287 Star Meteor Island

Chapter 287 Star Meteor Island

Sea of ​​Storms, the legendary battleground of the old gods.

Now it has become a terrifying ocean forever bathed in thunder and storms.

Amidst the endless waves, a large wooden ship was sailing hard.

On this wooden ship, the mast has been broken, and only a broken pile is left.The hull of the ship is covered with traces left by the thunder, and the burnt black patches are very conspicuous.

In such a violent wind and huge waves, a tall and straight figure stood firmly on the bow of the ship.

"It is indeed the Sea of ​​Storms, which is known as the natural danger of the Jedi. There is such a density of thunder and lightning here. Ordinary extraordinary ships will never last long!"

Yado stood at the bow of the ship, distractedly maneuvering the Sun while observing the endless stormy sea.

According to the information he knew, this storm ocean covers a total of nearly three thousand nautical miles from west to east. Although it is nothing in the world's oceans, in such a dangerous environment, no matter who it is, , can be described as a huge test.

"I just don't know why, but the Nightmare didn't catch up?"

After entering this sea area, surprisingly, that terrifying giant ship did not follow.

Perhaps it is related to something that exists in this sea area.

"Since you've come up, why haven't you shown yourself?" Suddenly Yado turned his head and looked towards a certain direction on the deck, as if there was someone there.

"Hehe, I really can't hide it from you."

A deep and solemn voice immediately sounded on the empty deck, and then the space in between rippled, and then a burly man with a bald head and a bare upper body appeared in that place. Imerton, an ancient Egyptian evil high priest.

It's just that Imerton's appearance looks a little illusory and extremely unreal. Obviously, this is not his real body.

"I didn't expect that the ship was damaged so much that you were able to escape from the seal!"

Yaduo stared with both eyes, his eyes full of vigilance, should this evil priest make any changes.As the master of the Sun, he would definitely suppress this guy.

"Don't be nervous, I think we are not enemies now." Imerton said, and then the high priest glanced at Yaduo, and then continued: "Now there is a huge treasure waiting in this sea area Let's find out that as long as we can get that treasure, we can also have the power of those gods!"

After finishing speaking, Imerton kept silent. He looked at this young and overly strong man. He knew that this person was the same kind of person as him. Hearing such a treasure, he would definitely not be unmoved.

But Imerton was doomed to be disappointed, and Yado's expression remained unmoved, as calm as a deep lake.

This is the consequence of information asymmetry. If you are a native of the world of Ados, you will definitely be moved when you suddenly hear the news.But Yado was born in the wizarding world, which is considered an extremely powerful world even among all the worlds and endless worlds.

So in this world that has just left the lowest level, in the eyes of the natives of this world, the power of the so-called old gods is as high as the sky, that is, the level of a great wizard.

"Go on."

Finally Yado's voice sounded again.

Immorton said: "You must already know my origins and my experiences in the past. There is no need to explain these things in too much. But when I got here today, I knew why the Pharaoh had conspired to seize power. We need to build this solar boat."

"In this sea area, and not far from us, there is a legendary island, the island of falling stars. The stars fell, the gods retreated, this last sacred place, this buried The island of the gods is here."

"And I happen to have a map of that island in my mind."


The sea surface was broken, and the Sun was moving forward rapidly.

With the correct direction guidance, even if the sail was not lost, the speed of the Sun, which was greatly restricted, was driven by the huge waves of the submarine currents, and the speed it ran out was astonishing.

And it was able to almost safely avoid all thunder, lightning and huge waves.

"In this stormy sea, there are endless thunder and lightning above the sky, endless wind and waves above the sea, and deadly undercurrents everywhere at the bottom of the water, which makes this place a desperate place for ships...Unexpectedly, using the right The route can be traversed unscathed."

At this moment, seeing this scene, Yado couldn't help but sigh.In the end, he was still convinced by Imerton. Of course, he had no hope that the Sun could cross the Sea of ​​Storms intact.

After all, it may be difficult for the sun, which has been greatly damaged, to cross this ocean at all.

The truly safe routes have been explored by generations of navigators with their lives, especially the current route sailed by the Sun, if it is spread, it will immediately cause an uproar.

Because this is not only a safe route to enter the Eastern Golden Sea, but also a route to the mysterious island.


A few days later, even under the impetus of various forces, it took several days for the Sun to reach its destination.

Because the sky is clear here, and the sea is as calm as a mirror.


Ya Duo opened the binoculars, looked at the big island in the sea ahead, and said slowly.

Hearing his words, the surrounding pirates cheered immediately.Finally entered a safe sea area, so these guys who have been suffocating in the cabin for a long time can finally come out to get some fresh air.

"It is indeed the island that Imerton described!"

As they get closer, the appearance of the island becomes clearer.Because the island looks really weird.

This is an extremely huge island, and it even feels like seeing a piece of land.From a long distance, you can see a towering mountain peak in the middle of the island, which looks like a sharp sword and gives people an extremely dangerous and sharp feeling.

"Finally here, Starfall Island!"

Because there was no suitable port, the Sun could not get close to the island, so it could only anchor far away on the nearby sea, and then lowered many lifeboats.

The pirates sang unknown songs, shook the wooden pulp in unison, and slowly moved towards the goal.

(End of this chapter)

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