wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 286 The Treasure Map

Chapter 286 The Treasure Map

Suddenly, the world turned white.

Another huge thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky and struck straight into the sea that was constantly churning with huge waves.

The sea water here has a strange dark blue color, and in many places, the color of the sea water is more intense, as if ink has been added.

This ocean is the natural barrier outside the Pirate King City, the sea of ​​storms where countless adventure ships have been buried.

At this moment, on this extremely dangerous ocean, a dark blue fish-shaped ship was passing continuously above the sea surface, and looking at the direction it was heading, it was impressively heading west, obviously coming from the east.

Combined with the appearance of this ship and the ability to sail in this extremely dangerous ocean, this ship is naturally the ship of Edward, one of the pirate kings, the legendary ship-Dark Blue Avenger.

At this moment, this Pirate King left the Pirate King's City and traveled through this extremely dangerous storm ocean. He must have a huge conspiracy.

"It's time for you to show your true colors!"

In the cabin of the Deep Blue Avenger, Edward, who had already revealed a three-point haggard look, stared at the three shadow-like figures in front of him and said.

"Hehe, of course, as a collaborator, you are of course entitled to see our true colors. But, maybe you will be very disappointed."

Immediately, the three of them dissipated the shadow covering their bodies, revealing three very young and handsome faces.

The bridge of the nose is high, the eye sockets are deep, and the hair is light silver.Edward's thoughts continued to flow in his heart, but it was still difficult to see the origins of these people from their appearance.

It was as if these three people had suddenly appeared in the sea area under his control, and displayed strength beyond ordinary people, and quickly pulled together a powerful ocean force, becoming the pirate second only to him.

And after that, Edward also investigated these people, but no matter what method he used, he couldn't copy any valuable information at all. Like something popped out of it.

Even after seeing the true faces of these three people at this moment, the well-informed and well-informed Pirate King Edward, who thought he had most of the information on the sea, still had no clue about the origin of these people.

"Now that we have seen us, it's time to share information about each other," said the leader of the three.

"Captain Philip, I don't know where you knew it and where you got the other treasure map. But here, I still have to explain some things in advance."

When Edward said this, he paused and cleared his throat, looked at the three people in front of him and continued: "The Sea of ​​Storms, according to legend, this is the battlefield of the old gods. The old gods fought here for the last and most important time. A tragic battle. That battle finally caused the entire old gods to fall, and also made this place become what it is today, surging, surging, and filled with endless lightning and violent winds."

Edward did not directly start talking about the destination they were looking for, but instead started telling the history of this ocean.

In Edward's narration, the origin of this storm sea gradually emerged, vividly on the page.

"Okay, don't tell these old-fashioned stories, let's get to the point quickly, you know, there is not much time left." The black-robed man named Philip said in a blunt tone, obviously very uncomfortable with Edward's long-winded narration. Is impatient.

"Okay, okay, young people just can't be considerate of old people. Alas, it's easy to become talkative when you get older, especially after suffering such a blow in the eyes."

Edward muttered a few words, and then began to talk again.

The formation of the Ocean of Storms is said to have originated from the last battle of the old gods.Of course, this is too long ago, and the real historical truth has long been difficult to study.

But throughout the ages, people who are keen to explore this legend have emerged in an endless stream, but it was not until more than two hundred years ago that they achieved certain results.

It was in this storm-ravaged ocean that the first pirate king, Lafitte, gained great strength and was able to lead the pirates at that time to defeat the powerful Royal Navy of England, and then allowed the pirates to dominate the entire new sea route.

After that, the pirate emperor suddenly disappeared after leading the pirate kingdom to prosperity.And the treasure map he left behind, the map of the place where the powerful power is recorded in the legend, has become the pursuit of all ambitious people on the ocean.

"Now we take out the map at the same time."

Although Edward and these three newly-rising pirates have cooperated many times, this time after all, this legendary treasure map is involved.Even if these three people were on his boat at the moment, he still couldn't help being careless.

Phillip naturally had no objection, and immediately took out an ancient leather map from his arms.Then the two people spliced ​​the maps together, and suddenly the two separated maps began to undergo some magical changes. They saw that the two maps began to intertwine and began to melt.

After it completely melted into one body, the puddle of light yellow liquid that it turned into began to stretch continuously, and amidst bursts of howls, it turned into a new map again.

At this moment, all I can see is that on this magical map, a red dot flickers on the churning ocean, while a blue dot keeps moving.

"It really is miraculous!"

Edward sighed. This map alone not only covers the sea surface with a radius of thousands of nautical miles, but can also display the sea conditions on the sea surface in this area and the ships sailing on the sea surface in real time.

"It seems that we are not far from the island!" Philip said looking at the newly appeared map.

"Of course, we will be able to set foot on that island soon, but I hope that the three of you must be more cautious when the time comes."

According to the rumors of the pirate kingdom, the mysterious island located in the sea of ​​storms, except for the secret of its powerful power.

There is also a huge horror. Once anyone sets foot on that island, they will receive the most vicious curse, and they will definitely not end up in a good end.

The first and only Pirate Emperor's final fate was inseparable from the curse on this island.

(End of this chapter)

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