wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 288 The Ruins

Chapter 288 The Ruins
On the Xingyun Island, many coconut trees are scattered in a disorderly manner, and behind it is a tropical jungle.

I don't know if it's because of the environment, but the trees here are unusually tall, almost five times the size of the same kind outside.

"On such an island, there are at most poisonous insects and beasts in it! If these guys are like these trees, it will be interesting."

Looking at the pirates under his command who were rushing forward excitedly, Yado thought irresponsibly.

But for him, these guys are cannon fodder that can be sacrificed at any time. Of course, he won't pay too much attention to them. The mummies under him are more reliable.

At this moment, a tall mummy was driving at the front of the line.

It holds a long knife in its hand, and can release one or two spells from time to time.All the complex and tangled vines and the grass with jagged barbs in front of this special mummy seemed to not exist.

This tall mummy is like a tank that opened the way, rampaging and crushing a passage.

"Hmph, you are insulting me by asking the dignified Egyptian high priest to do the job of opening the way."

Suddenly, the mummy spoke, which surprised the pirates who had been following behind.

Judging from the meaning of his words, it is obvious that this guy is actually Imerton.

"Hmph, don't forget the agreement between us, don't you want to break the agreement?" Yado said.

Afterwards, Imerton turned his withered face around, and without saying a word, he vigorously swung the long knife, and the speed of driving increased by three points, and soon they went deep into the depths of this jungle.

"Light the torches, be careful!"

As he entered the depths of the forest, the light became darker and darker, and Yado's complexion also became serious, because he felt that the magic energy elements around him suddenly became active.

"The area of ​​this island is still large enough, almost equivalent to the five counties of Yingjinli..."

Seeing this scene, Kerry began to do his job: "At the current speed, it should take about a day for us to reach our destination, which means we will have to travel non-stop for nearly twelve hours. So food , the issue of drinking water has to be considered..."

While Kerry spoke, Yado narrowed his eyes slightly.

Many thin thorns came and went without a trace, killing the team in just one breath.

In just an instant, most of the pirates in the team were pierced by these dense thorns.

Yado's spirit was shaken, and then a large-scale magic shock spell was cast, and then another round of incoming thorns was blown away.

Immediately, there was only a buzzing sound, and as expected, densely packed bee-like creatures the size of a fist suddenly appeared from a huge tree in front of them.

Sure enough, in this place, even the size of the creature has also grown in size.

For ordinary pirates, encountering these bees would inevitably cause heavy losses, but with Yado, an intermediate wizard, it was very easy to deal with such creatures that only relied on numbers.

After shaking the bee stings away, Yado cast the spell again. This time, a large handful of flames suddenly formed to envelop the incoming bees, and then started to burn violently under the impetus of mental power. These bees were easily burned to ashes.

"Go on."

After this little episode, all the pirates became a lot more cautious.

During the following journey, they encountered several times of attacks from gigantic ferocious beasts. Under the shots of the mummy guards and Imerton, they easily killed the attacking guys.

Soon they walked out of the rain forest and came to the foot of the high mountain in the center of the island.

The field of vision here is extremely wide, and what is displayed in front of Yado and the others is a huge circular pit. In the deep pit are densely packed pits of different sizes, and the mountain peak is in this pit. middle of the hole.

The moment he saw this scene, Yaduo knew why this place was called Star Meteor Island, because this huge crater was dotted with small meteor craters.

With Yaduo's eyesight, he could already see that on that mountain peak, there was a huge and stretching building complex, with distinctive style, exquisite and delicate palaces, scattered at the foot of that mountain peak.

Soon everyone passed through the crater, reached the foot of the mountain, and came to the front of the building.


Yado looked at the building in front of him, his eyes flashed.

"The use of stone bricks to build houses is very different from the style of other countries in the world. Moreover, these stone houses are also a bit too small."

Imerton laughed strangely: "That's because their original owners were a group of dwarves. On this island where all creatures have grown to gigantic size, a group of dwarves are standing at the top of the food chain. What a great irony that is." Ah, and these dwarves can be regarded as the ancestors of the entire human race."

Hearing Imerton's sneer, Yado's heart moved. Sure enough, this evil priest still hides some important information.

"This is the remains of a prehistoric civilization. It is the remains of humans who once believed in the old gods..."

Yaduo touched his chin: "They are short in stature, but very creative, and they have powerful power and advanced technology..."

Along the way, they searched for several houses.Those thick stone gates are definitely difficult to push without the strength of three or five grown men, and no driving device was found.

This shows that the residents here must have the power beyond ordinary people.

Moreover, Yado also deduced from the leftover items in these rooms that their technological level must have surpassed the present.

If you think about it again, Yado would think that the ancestors of these humans might have come from aliens somewhere.

"The creativity and hands-on ability of ancient humans are completely beyond your imagination. It is said that their research on energy has reached the most basic level of matter, and they can discover god-like power from the tiniest particles..."

Imerton slowly said that this was the record he read from the historical books handed down from ancient Egypt after he became the high priest. Of course, before that, he had always regarded those things as the fabrications of his predecessors.

But now that he came to this place, he discovered that the things described above may not be all false, but the time is too long, and many things have been submerged in the torrent of time.

(End of this chapter)

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