wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 116 Spell Template

Chapter 116 Spell Template
These are the magical elements that are everywhere in the world, and they are also the basis for wizards to cast various powerful spells.

After becoming a formal apprentice, the next step is advanced learning.In addition to continuing to perfect the spiritual runes, try to sense the surrounding arcane particles and draw them into the body.

Later, he used the control runes to convert these magic energy particles into his own energy.

In Yado's induction, the magic energy particles of various attributes showed different characteristics, some were easy to be drawn by Yado's spirit, and some were difficult to be drawn by spirit.

This is the wizard's own affinity for the magic energy particles, which is also the wizard's own attribute fit.

Yado is most suitable for arcane particles, and naturally has the strongest traction for arcane particles at the moment, followed by flame particles. After all, what he is best at now is flame spells, and he also has a passive that specializes in flames.

Yaduo began to concentrate and used his mental power to draw the arcane particles that emitted purple light.

Soon the surrounding arcan energy particles began to gather toward him under the pull of Yado's spirit.At this time, the rune in his spiritual sea also began to emit a hazy light, absorbing those arcane particles to it.

As more and more arcane energy particles are absorbed, the dominance rune becomes brighter and brighter, until it reaches a certain limit, the domination rune seems to be full, and suddenly swallows a stream of purple energy flow.

These purple energy flows are pure arcane energy particles, which are formed after being transformed into runes.

At this moment, these energy flows follow the energy flow of Yado's whole body, flow all over Yado's body, and then return to the spirit, and re-merge into the ruling rune.

After these energies cycled around, they were obviously consumed a lot, and Yado felt that his body was soaked by these magical energies, which seemed to strengthen a little bit.

Absorb, transform, flow, enhance.

Gradually a complete cycle was formed, and Yado's spirit was slowly consumed as the meditation continued, and soon the exhaustion could no longer be contained.

Immediately, Yado ended his meditation and fell into a deep sleep.

<<<<< >>>>>
The next day, just before dawn, the punctual biological clock woke Yado up.

This is also a habit that Yado has developed after embarking on the path of a wizard.

Yesterday's meditation method was unexpectedly easy, and it was only the first time to get started.

At this moment, Yado looked at the attribute column and saw that there was a new spell "Elementary Arcane Meditation Method" 1/3 in the Spell Specialization column. The upgrade required 1000 experience, and he couldn't help but think with emotion.

Compared with the difficulty of engraving runes, this is really a world of difference.

The engraving of runes was successful by relying on the forced learning ability in the attribute column. This meditation method was successful just by trying it casually.

Seeing that it only needs 1000 experience points to upgrade to a higher level, Yado couldn't help but want to upgrade.

But he still suppressed the eager thoughts in his heart.

Yado took out another book and read it carefully. There are twelve zero-ring spell templates recorded in it, Arcane Impact, Arcane Missile, Flash, Mana Shield, Detect, Create water, and other simple spells.

Spell templates can be said to be the knowledgeable use of wizards for rules, and they are also extremely valuable wealth.

The core runes are like a system, and the various spell templates are like plug-ins, and the two together reflect the powerful power of the wizard.

These spell templates are all official zero-ring spells. Unlike the abridged version of the spells learned in the junior college, these spells are already real zero-ring spells.

As long as there is enough knowledge reserves, based on them, higher level spells can be deduced.

In theory, it can even be deduced to the ninth ring. Of course, almost no one will do this. After all, where are the ready-made spells, who would spend so much effort to deduce these spells.

Arcane impact is similar to Yadohui's flame impact, except that the magic energy particles used are different, but the properties displayed are very similar except for the different attribute damage.

It seems that these two spells should be created based on the same spell principle.

Yado then looked at the arcane missiles, and fired three missiles made of arcane energy in succession, bombarding the same target.

The power of a single arcane missile of this spell is not as powerful as that of Fireball, but the number of wins fired in an instant is enough, and the sum of the damage caused by the three missiles is higher than that of Fireball.

This is also the only attack spell among the twelve spells, which naturally needs to be learned.

As for mana shield, detection, and water creation, which are more practical defenses and auxiliary spells, they naturally need to be learned.

There is also this flash technique, it looks good, it can be used as a flash bomb, I have to learn it
Adolin always looked at it, and he wanted to learn all the twelve spells.

Let's learn the first five spells recommended by Ali Atra's mentor first, two attack spells, one protection spell, and two auxiliary spells.

Immediately Yado began to study spell templates, which were somewhat similar to engraving runes, but the difficulty of this template was much lower.

Relying on 30 degrees of mental power, Yado quickly engraved the first spell template, and then carefully 'inserted' this spell template into the ruling rune according to a specific method.

Immediately, Yado felt his head sink suddenly, as if there was something heavy inside.

Immediately, Yado felt his own state, and wanted to continue meditating to describe the second spell template, but he failed to enter the meditative state after several attempts.

It was only then that he had no choice but to give up. It seemed that, as the book said, new apprentices could only engrave one spell template a day.

Five days later, Yado had learned the five spell templates and 'inserted' them into the runes.

Sure enough, Yado felt a sense of saturation in the runes. The five spell templates were already the limit at this time. They could only be replaced, and there was no way to add new spell templates to them.

Bauhinia Higher Wizarding Academy, East District.

The college has a total of six areas and the central tower area.The place where Yado lives is located in the west area, and the place where the class is held is next to the dormitory area.

In the other areas, except for the eastern area, only wizards above the official level can go. Yado's level is not enough, so which areas cannot be visited at this time.

The East District is a leisure and entertainment area. Of course, some private transactions can also be carried out here. On the east side of the East District, there is a small square, which is where the trading area is located.

When the sun was shining on the earth, Yado came here with Gendry, Atlanta and others.

(End of this chapter)

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