Chapter 117

Of course, Yado didn't want to come here at first, but he couldn't bear Gandry's soft-heartedness, so he had to follow them here.

The square is not big, and there are already small stalls inside, and these stalls together form a small market.

All the stalls here are apprentices, and those above the official level of wizards have other ways of trading, so naturally they will not come here again.

There are all kinds of things on these stalls, but most of them are some materials and some native medicinal materials.

Of course, there are still some strange objects, such as broken magic weapons, trophies brought back from other worlds, etc.There are definitely some good ones out there, but there is a greater chance of encountering fakes.

"Oh, by the way, Yado, you don't know yet. Maybe in about a month, we will start our first descent after becoming apprentices."

Gundry was looking through a stall and mentioned it casually.

"Is it so fast? Doesn't it mean that more than half of the people must become formal apprentices before we can start the descent?"

"During this period of time, you rarely come out, so I don't know. Three more people have successfully promoted to apprentices. Adding the three of us will make six official apprentices. As long as one more official apprentice comes out," Gandeli said.

This is the normal state of higher wizarding colleges. The instructors will make timely arrangements based on the training and learning progress of the overall students, because there are not many students who can enter the higher wizarding colleges, and the maximum number of students in a year is only about 60.

Coupled with the richer resources of colleges and universities, after students become formal apprentices, their spiritual bodies can truly resist most of the risks brought about by master time travel.

Therefore, at this time, they will perform the real body descent. After all, everything obtained in the world of descent at this time will be strengthened into their own background.

"This speed is really unexpected!"

Ado spoke, but secretly sighed in his heart.He was also very familiar with those three people, but he keenly discovered that two of them had been corroded by the seeds of darkness.

Together with Atlanna and Gandry, fully two-thirds of the six people who took the lead in becoming formal apprentices this time were corrupted by the Dark Seed.

Yaduo couldn't help but tremble inwardly. Could it be a coincidence?

Suddenly, Yado thought of a characteristic about the Seed of Darkness.The Seed of Darkness will strengthen and improve their aptitude while eroding the target!
This is a subtle improvement. During this process, the subject's body will be slowly transformed to make it more compatible with dark energy.And prepare for the eventual transformation.

"Then, isn't it time to learn more spells and enhance your own strength?"

Yado asked suspiciously, isn't it the right way to strengthen one's own strength when the coming is approaching? Wouldn't it be a waste of time to come here?

"You're right, but the time is too short. During this time, you can only practice two or three spells. It's better to come here to buy something that can directly enhance your own strength. After all, this is the real body coming. We But it can carry things."

When the real body descends, the college will give a space bag to the students who descend for the first time.Of course it's only one cubic meter, and it's just the lowest level of space witchcraft.

But even so, it is already very precious to Yado. After all, ordinary space witches are all high-level witches among all kinds of witches. Even the lowest-level space bag is also valuable.

"I think the transactions here are all settled with college points. Do you have so many points?" Yado asked suspiciously.

"Of course not, but don't you know that you can exchange gold coins for points? Although the limit is only [-] points per month, this is enough." Gundry said proudly, a few gold coins are really useful to him A piece of cake.

After hearing what the other party said, Yado was silent. There are two types of points in the academy, one is the assessment points, and this type of points is the most precious. It can be said that there is nothing in the academy without it.

The other type of points is the points exchanged using gold coins. This kind of points does not participate in various assessments and cannot be used in many cases. However, its biggest role is to replace currency and facilitate the circulation of items among students.

Of course, this exchange ratio is also extremely exaggerated, reaching the point where 1 point can be exchanged for 100 gold coins.To redeem 100 points, you need 1 gold coins.

This Gundry himself comes from the traditional wizard family of Freeport. The family is powerful and naturally has considerable wealth.

Although Atlanna is not a native of Freeport, she also comes from a long-standing wizard family, so a little money is really nothing to the two of them.

Just got rid of poverty, moved to a wealthy area, and just felt that life has improved a little bit. Yaduo, who was carrying hundreds of gold coins, felt the deep malice from reality in an instant.

"I've looked at a few items yesterday, but I can't make up my mind, so I'm looking for you guys to help me palm my eyes."

Since Gan Deli was in the academy, he was also familiar with Yado and Atlanna, so it was natural to find them for this kind of thing.

Soon a few people came to a booth where many standard witchcraft were placed. These witchcraft were very old and should be old models retired from the public security police force.

"Hello, do you need anything?"

Seeing Yaduo and others stop in front of his booth, the gray-robed apprentice looked at Yaduo and others and said.

"Do you have any cheaper witches here that are suitable for beginners?"

Gan Deli looked casually, he didn't understand these witchcraft, so he asked.

"Then you have come to the right place. The things I have here are not only cheap but also the most affordable. They are most suitable for new apprentices."

As the gray-robed apprentice said, he took out a gun-shaped witch weapon from the booth, and introduced it: "This is a standard security SS78 light-weight freezing energy gun. It is driven by low-level magic stones and can fire 30 freezing bombs continuously. The power is equivalent to 1/3 of a zero-level spell."

"This SS78 is sold for only 35 points."

After talking about the gray-robed wizard, he put down the firearm in his hand and picked up another larger firearm.

"This is 87K, it's still a light security firearm, but it can fire zero-ring flame bombs with full power, but the speed of casting is a bit slower. There must be a 15-second cooldown between two shots."

"This one is more expensive, and the price is fifty points."

Afterwards, the gray-robed wizard introduced several other witch weapons, all of which looked very good. For the newly promoted apprentice, it can be said that it can increase the combat power by several percent out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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