wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 115 Meditation

Chapter 115 Meditation
"It doesn't matter. It was like this at the beginning. I only understood the first half, and I didn't understand the rest at all."

After all, Ya Duo is a well-known scumbag. Although his mental strength has been greatly improved later, and it can even be described as riding a spaceship, can he still be able to learn other subjects equally well.

Therefore, Gan Deli just thought that this was Yado's embarrassing statement.

"Well, it's just a little bit." Yado said again.

He subconsciously glanced at Passive in the attribute column, Basic Potion Development History lv1.But for this passive skill with ten progresses, I really only learned a little bit.

After the public class, Yado remembered that he has officially become an apprentice now, and he can go to the tower to find the tutor Ali Alat to learn the follow-up spells.

Yado bid farewell to Gan Deli and others, and walked towards the tower of Ali Alat.

This five-story tower is located in the northeast corner of the entire teaching area, which is very different from other areas where people can be seen from time to time.

The area around the Aliarat tower seemed very quiet, and even Yado felt that it was extremely quiet here.

After verifying his identity, Yado easily entered the tower of Ali Alat.

Immediately there were slight ripples in the air, and a black figure slowly appeared, it was none other than Mentor Ali Alat in a black robe.

"Well, yes, it's much faster than I expected. It seems that your talent is very good, and it's about the same as I expected. Congratulations, starting from today, you have officially entered the world of wizards. "

There was a mystery in Ali Alat's eyes, and his tone was full of magic.

"I am majoring in the Department of Prophecy. There have been no Arcane Wizards of the Control Department in the academy for a long time. Therefore, I can only guide you in a general direction for your future teaching. How to practice is up to you. grasp."

"Well, I got to know Teacher Ali Alat." Yado said.

He really didn't expect it to be like this. Well, he had a premonition from the beginning, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

Sure enough, to a certain extent, this can be regarded as the protagonist's treatment. A rare genius who has practiced a witchcraft that few people can practice. It just so happens that no one in the academy can be his mentor.

"Okay, then you will come with me to receive the meditation method of the arcane system, and five basic zero-ring spell templates."

Soon, Yado followed mentor Ali Alat to the second floor of the wizard tower, which is a huge library full of ancient traditions.

Books made by traditional ancient methods exude the fragrance of ink.

There are a lot of books here, there are 25 bookshelves up to three meters high, and each shelf is full of books.

"This is the various books collected by each generation of arcane wizards since the tower of the wizard tower, as well as some personal practice notes."

"Of course, there are many books here that exceed your current mental reading ability, but those books are all sealed with corresponding spells, so there is no problem under normal circumstances."

"The books you can open are naturally the books you can read at this stage. Don't flip through the others, and be careful of causing unnecessary consequences."

Instructor Ali Alat snapped his fingers lightly, and two thick books flew into his hands.

"Understood, Teacher Ali Alat." Yado said.

"This one is "Elementary Arcane Meditation Method", and the other one is "Basic Arcane Spell Templates". Of course, there are a total of twelve basic arcane spell templates recorded in it, but my suggestion is to learn the first one first. Five."

The meaning of the teacher Ali Alat is very obvious. Manpower is sometimes poor. Even wizards are not omniscient and omnipotent. Energy is naturally limited. Then we must distinguish between priorities and choose the direction of specialization, so that we can get rid of the chaff and save the chaff. Better practice spells.

"Remember your mentor's teachings," Yaduo said respectfully.

"Well," Instructor Ali Alat nodded, and continued: "Then today, I will give you the first lesson for wizards, and talk about the basic properties of magic energy particles."

"Magic energy particles are the basic particles that construct everything. Everything is composed of the four basic magic energy particles of earth, water, wind and fire. Then, on the basis of these four basic magic energy particles, other kinds of magic energy particles are derived. Energy particles, light and shadow, wind and rain, lightning, arcane energy, etc., are all born on the basis of these four fundamental particles."

Mentor Ali Alat talked eloquently, and there seemed to be a certain unique charm in his voice, which actually caught Yado's attention.

The day passed quickly, and by the time get out of class was over, it was getting late.

"Okay, that's all for today. After you go back, practice meditation first. As for the basic spells, just look at them first."

After Teacher Ali Alat finished speaking, just like when he came, his whole body turned into ripples and disappeared again.

<<<<< >>>>>
It was getting late, and Yado didn't go to other places, but went back to his dormitory directly.

After entering the dormitory, Ya Duo directly closed the door and sat on the bed: "Since I have been promoted to a formal apprentice, it is time to proceed to the next step."

Thinking of this, Yado opened the "Elementary Arcane Meditation Technique" and began to read it carefully.

Sure enough, the meditation method of this high school is very different from the basic meditation method learned before.

The basic method of meditation focuses on exercising one's spiritual power. At this time, this method of meditation focuses on attracting magic energy. It is a meditation method that utilizes the magic energy between heaven and earth.

Through the rune in the spiritual sea, the magic energy attracted into the body is purified and stored.

Well, it turns out that runes have this effect, which is equivalent to a magic energy battery in the body.

Of course, the most important function of the runes is to import spell templates, so that as long as the mana is sufficient, some low-level spells can be cast instantly.

After reading, Yado began a formal meditation.

As the symbols in his mind were constructed one by one, the runes in Yado's mind began to shine a little bit of light.

He felt that his perception of the surroundings became more and more acute, and he could already clearly feel the various energies in the surrounding space.

This is a feeling that I have never had before.

Under Yado's spiritual induction, the world around him began to change.

A little bit of magic energy particles with all kinds of brilliance began to appear, and he could feel that these magic energy particles were moving regularly in the air, some burst, some were swift, some were mysterious, with various characteristics. .

These are all kinds of magic energy particles with different attributes.

(End of this chapter)

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