Chapter 120 Zhao Shengtai

Hou Yongwu raised his head and said: "Your Majesty, I have been an official for three generations. Although I dare not say that I have been loyal for generations, I have always been loyal to the Tang Dynasty. I have worked hard even if I have no merit..."

Li Chengdao looked at the gray-haired Hou Yongwu with snot and tears, and wanted to punish him severely, but he was short of manpower. If Hou Yongwu could be dealt with, there would be no one available for a while.

Thinking of this, Li Chengdao had no choice but to sigh, and said: "Because you are loyal to the country, I will give you a chance. In a few days, I will come to Dali Temple again. If the time comes, Dali Temple will still be so smoky. You don't have to do it!"

Hou Yongwu came back from a desperate situation, he was overjoyed immediately, and kowtowed to thank him again and again...

Zhao Shengtai was looking from afar at this moment, completely unaware of how much trouble his son had caused him.

In Chang'an City, everyone knows the residence of Zhao Shengtai, and it is extremely easy to find. If you enter Chang'an City, and you ask people about the residence of the emperor's disciples, the locals will generally look at you with disdain and point to the tallest building in the distance. Said: "That tall building is called Shengtai Building, and it is where Zhao Shengtai's residence is located!"

It is said that this Shengtai Tower is more than fifteen feet high, and the watchtower used by the government in Chang'an City for communication is only ten feet. According to contemporary laws, the attics built by folks cannot exceed five feet. For a character like Zhao Shengtai, it is obviously not applicable.


Zhao Shengtai was looking at the distant scenery outside the window in a daze, when a servant quietly came behind him and said softly, "There is someone outside the door asking to see you."

Zhao Shengtai frowned and said, "Old Ding, haven't I told you? I won't see anyone today, sir!"

Old Ding frowned when he heard this, and said, "I think it's better for you to meet him. The master said that he has something important to tell you!"

Zhao Shengtai frowned when he heard this, this old man is also an old man of the Zhao family, why does he seem so ignorant today?He looked at Lao Ding suspiciously.

Seeing this, Lao Ding explained: "It's someone sent by Lord Qinghou of Dali Temple!"

"This Hou Yongwu, what the hell are you doing? I only gave him a large sum of money when he married a concubine a few days ago. It's only been a few days, and it's autumn again!"

Zhao Shengtai's face was full of anger, but then he thought about it and said, "Forget it, go to the accounting office and give him a red envelope and send him away!"

Lao Ding said something, then turned and left, but not long after, Lao Ding came back, and he said with a look of embarrassment on his face, "Master, you'd better see him, the man said he didn't want money, but he wanted to tell you something It has something to do with the young master!"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Shengtai reluctantly followed Lao Ding downstairs.

When he came to the concierge, he saw the person Hou Yongwu sent to send a message. The person was also a few clever people. When he saw Zhao Shengtai, he didn't dare to delay. He went up to whisper and told Zhao Shengtai exactly what Hou Yongwu asked him to pass on. .

Zhao Shengtai's face changed when he heard the words, and Lao Ding, seeing this, helped dismiss the messenger without Zhao Shengtai's orders.

"Old Ding! Get your horse ready!"

"Master, what's wrong? What happened to the young master?"

"Stop talking nonsense, this bastard has gotten into big trouble, if you don't handle it well, I'm afraid the whole family of the Zhao family will be executed..."

"What?" Lao Ding was also taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "Is it so serious? It's not the present that offends..."

Before Lao Ding finished speaking, Zhao Shengtai stretched out his hand to stop him. The disdain in Lao Ding's eyes suddenly turned into shock, and Zhao Shengtai nodded.

Lao Ding didn't dare to ask more questions, and immediately went to prepare the horses.

After a while, Zhao Shengtai and Lao Ding appeared at the gate of the Zhao Mansion. Zhao Shengtai got on his horse and was about to leave when he suddenly pulled the reins.Looking back at Lao Ding.

"Sir, do you have any orders?"

"Old Ding, you immediately find the old man in the house and go to Prince Qin's house for help."

"Don't worry, sir, I'll go myself!"

"No!" Zhao Shengtai said categorically: "You have more important things to do, and originally planned to do it later, but now it seems that if it doesn't work, we can only do it in advance. You go to Qulin Temple in Xishan, tell the presiding abbot, and talk about things There is a change, let's do it in advance!"


"Old Ding, I am nearly forty years old, and I have a son in my old age. Nothing can happen to the child. I will sacrifice anything for the sake of the child!"


Lao Ding agreed, and Zhao Shengtai shouted, and rode towards Dali Temple on horseback.

At this time in Dali Temple, all the officials, big and small, had assembled. Accompanied by Hou Yongwu, Li Chengdao looked at these officials, big and small, like a military parade.

Li Chengdao couldn't help but have to say a few words. In Li Chengdao's eyes, the Dali Temple had become a mess, and it was absolutely impossible not to rectify it. But this matter can only be done slowly, not in a hurry.

Therefore, Li Chengdao could only hold back his anger, pretended to encourage him, and said a bunch of useless nonsense.

Just when Dali Temple was buzzing with excitement and excitement, a porter suddenly came to report:
"Your Majesty, the Emperor's disciple, Mr. Zhao Shengtai, is asking for an audience!"

"Oh? It came very quickly! This big stick does things quickly. Xuan, come in!"

Li Chengdao said lightly, but Hou Yongwu felt uneasy for a while, wondering if the person he sent had notified Zhao Shengtai.

After a while, Zhao Shengtai came up alone, Hou Yongwu took a peek at Zhao Shengtai, but couldn't get any answer from Zhao Shengtai's Gujing Bubo.

"Grassman Zhao Shengtai, I have seen my emperor, long live, long live, long live, long live!"

"Mr. Zhao, let's live without courtesy!"

Li Chengdao looked at Zhao Shengtai, who was standing next to him, and was secretly surprised. He had long heard that Zhao Shengtai was from the richest family in the world, and was one of the biggest financial backers behind King Qin back then.Now that they meet, they are a little surprised.

Zhao Shengtai himself is not like those ordinary rich men, he is fat and pampered.On the contrary, he has a very strong body and seems to be a martial artist.

Zhao Shengtai is also secretly observing Li Chengdao at this moment, trying to judge from the expression on Li Chengdao's face how much trouble his son has caused. At the same time, he is also waiting for news, whether it is King Qin or Lao Ding.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is back!" At this time, a big black man with a loud voice broke in, and it was the big stick and hammer who had gone to summon the messenger.

"Your Majesty, when I arrived at Zhao Shengtai's mansion, the people of the Zhao family said that their master had seen someone and left in a hurry, but the word didn't reach him!"

Hearing this, Li Chengdao's expression changed slightly, he looked at Zhao Shengtai, and then at Hou Yongwu who was silent at the side, the smile returned to his face, signaling that there is no need to say more about the big stick and hammer.The big stick and hammer also obediently stood back behind Li Chengdao.

"Your Majesty, the grassroots were negligent. They didn't discipline the rebellious son well and offended the Holy Majesty. But my Zhao family has only one child, and the grassroots have only one child. I hope your majesty will have a lot of you!"

"Hehehe, it's very interesting!" Li Chengdao smiled, Zhao Shengtai looked puzzled when he saw this, Li Chengdao said: "Mr. Zhao's news is well-informed, my guards have not met Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao knows everything!"

As he said that, Li Chengdao glanced at Hou Yongwu next to him. Hou Yongwu trembled when he heard the words, and knelt down on the ground with a bang, kowtowing like garlic.

(End of this chapter)

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