Chapter 119 Three Deadly Sins

After Hou Yongwu arrived at Dali Temple, he saw that there was no one at the entrance of Dali Temple. When he came to the gatehouse, he found that the official on duty was dozing off with his head propped on one hand, drooling all over the table, without knowing it.

Hou Yongwu couldn't help feeling angry, he stepped forward and slapped the official on duty on the head.

The drowsy guard on duty suddenly had an intimate contact with the saliva on the table, and raised his head angrily, with saliva still dripping down his face.

"Fuck, who is so..."

Before he could say the vicious words, he saw the glaring face of Lord Si Qing. He immediately lost his temper and said flatteringly: "Sir, why are you here? I haven't congratulated you on the new concubine! The gift money has been entrusted to my nephew Situ, and he has received it..."

"Shut up!" Hou Yongwu listened to him whining, and he suddenly became angry and shouted: "It's about eating people's food and not doing human affairs. Did the imperial court pay you to come here to sleep? Is there anything strange happening today? ?”

"Strange thing?" The on-duty guard thought for a while, and said, "No, everything is normal, no one drums, no one sends messages, it's the same as usual!"

"Then there are outsiders here?"

"Outsiders... Oh, yes, Master Situ caught two criminals who committed crimes in the street today. I heard that they seemed to be the youngest son of the third cousin of Mr. Zhao Shengtai's concubine, that is Mr. Zhao's son. A slave has been beaten!"

"What does that person look like?" Hou Yongwu asked anxiously.

The guard on duty thought for a while and said: "You are young, you are dressed gorgeously, and your appearance is very heroic. It doesn't look like a rich man, but a soldier who has experienced many battles. The other one is a big black guy with triangular eyes. With a bulbous nose, it looks like he came out of the barracks too!"

Hou Yongwu rolled his eyes when he heard the words. The current sage, Li Chengdao, naturally knew him. After connecting everything, he seemed to have figured out something, and ordered the guard on duty: "Go from the backyard, take a shortcut, and go to the Zhao Mansion immediately. Find Master Zhao Shengtai and tell him, just say that his son got into trouble and offended the current master, let him hurry to find his old master to find a solution!"

The guard on duty was stunned when he heard the words, and asked: "Master Hou, what's the matter? What is it, the old master, why don't you understand the lowly position?"

"Do you understand that there is a useless thing! It's enough for Mr. Zhao Shengtai to understand. You bastards have taken the benefits of Mr. Zhao. This time, Mr. Zhao's family is in danger, but it's in your hands. Don't worry." I asked, hurry up, remember, you must tell Uncle Zhao the exact words yourself!"

Seeing that Lord Hou was so anxious, the guard on duty didn't ask any more questions, he saluted, turned around and trotted away, Hou Yongwu watched his leaving back, sucked his teeth secretly, and after a long time, he tidied up his clothes a little and forced himself to leave. Scalping and walking towards the backyard...

Along the way, Hou Yongwu found another Marquis Wu of Dali Temple, asked where Situ and others were, and ordered him to go down. All the officials of Dali Temple, big and small, assembled immediately, and then trotted towards the wing where Li Chengdao was.

When I came to the wing room, I saw that Mr. Zhao had been tied tightly and was kneeling on the ground. Situ and two Wuhou from Dali Temple were standing behind Mr. Zhao, winking at Hou Yongwu, following the instructions of Situ and others , Hou Yongwu saw Li Chengdao sitting on the Grand Master's chair with a smile in his eyes.

The Minister of Dali Temple is also a courtier, so he naturally met the Holy Majesty when he was in court, and when Hou Yongwu saw the young man, he recognized that this was the current emperor who forced King Qin to abdicate.

Hou Yongwu couldn't help trembling, and quickly knelt down, but this kneeling touched the injury on his knee. Hearing a cry, Hou Yongwu bounced up like a spring, and then his legs softened, and he lay on his knees. on the ground.

This scene was already very funny, but no one at the scene could laugh.

Hou Yongwu was even more terrified. In front of the current emperor, if he did such a disrespectful thing, disrespectful in front of the palace, even if he didn't need to beheaded according to the law, he might not be able to keep his official position.

Just when Hou Yongwu was feeling uneasy, he saw a hand stretched out, and the owner of the hand was the owner of the whole world today.

Where did Hou Yongwu dare to touch it, so he quickly turned over and knelt down, and said: "Hou Yongwu, the Minister of Dali Temple, has seen Your Majesty, and your ministers are rude in front of the palace. Please convict Your Majesty!"

When Mr. Zhao heard Hou Yongwu's words, his whole body felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He stared blankly at the young emperor in front of him, with only two words in his mind - finished!

Situ and two of his subordinates were also shocked when they heard the words, and then knelt down together with Hou Yongwu, but Situ was secretly happy. Thanks to his eyes, if he had really listened to Mr. Hit a shock.

Li Chengdao retracted his arm naturally, twirled his fingers lightly, put it under his nose and sniffed, and said:

"My lord, excuse me. I heard that my lord has just experienced a wedding. It's my fault that I invite you here at this time, which delays the beautiful scenery of my lord!"

When Li Chengdao said this, his tone was very flat, but to Hou Yongwu's ears, it was very unpleasant, but at this moment, Hou Yongwu didn't know what to answer, so he could only bow his head and kept shouting:

"I will die!"

Li Chengdao ignored the people kneeling on the ground, walked to the grand master's chair and sat down. He wanted to drink a sip of tea, but his hands were already on the table, only to realize that no one served tea at all.

Although Situ was kneeling, his eyes did not leave Li Chengdao for a moment. Seeing this, he wanted to get up and pour tea, but suddenly he thought that the emperor had not spoken yet, and whoever dared to stand up by himself was at a loss for a moment.

"Million death? Hehe!" Li Chengdao said, he came to the coffee table beside him, poured himself a cup of tea, drank it down, and said sharply: "One death is enough!"

As soon as Li Chengdao finished speaking, there was a crisp sound, and the teacup was actually crushed.

Seeing this, Hou Yongwu, Situ and others trembled like chaff.Mr. Zhao was so frightened that he passed out!
Li Chengdao looked at Hou Yongwu, snorted, and said, "Hou Yongwu, you have not been an official for a day or two, Dali Temple Minister, what an important position, what a mess you have been managed!"

"Your Majesty, appease your anger. The ministers have no way to control them. They don't recognize the Holy One. If they disobey, the ministers deserve death for their crimes!"

Hearing this, Li Chengdao sneered and said, "There is no way to control me? Do you think that I am angry only because your subordinates arrested me?"

When Hou Yongwu heard the words, he didn't understand why. When Li Chengdao saw this, he continued: "You are wrong. You have committed three crimes in today's incident. The subordinates arrested people, regardless of whether they were indiscriminate. Not going to the temple to deal with official business is the second crime, the big and small affairs in the temple are in disarray, there is no one on duty in the dignified Dali Temple, others come and go whenever they want, and the internal affairs are lax and slack, this is the third crime!"

Every time Li Chengdao announced a crime against Hou Yongwu, Hou Yongwu's whole body shook, and finally the whole body shook into a ball, tears flowed down, and he burst into tears.

"Crying? You still have the face to cry!" Li Chengdao hummed.

(End of this chapter)

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